Back in 2005, Ottawa City Council introduced free “crack pipe kits” to be distributed to crack smokers in an effort to reduce the spread of Hep C.
At that time, many people such as myself and Police Chief Vince Bevan said that it was a bad idea. I had numerous email conversations with my councillor Peggy Feltmate and the Associate Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Dave A. Salisbury. The emails were flying furiously and in EVERY email I asked Councillor Feltmate and the other city councillors to show me the study that says this crack pipe kit would benefit society.
Not once did I get an email pointing me to any facts. I did get email after email with lines like “it is our feeling that” and “it would be obvious to most that” and “we think that this is” but never once did someone say “Here is the study Steve.” or “Here is the link to the study Steve.”
I surfed for about 2 hours a day three weekends in a row looking globally for information to make me feel better about these crack pipe kits and there was nothing.
And now we have the first study out.
The University of Ottawa study, funded by federal, provincial and city governments, says the crack-user program is radically reducing the sharing of drug paraphernalia, which is the main cause of disease, but is also increasing the amount of crack smoking.
“We definitely saw an increase in crack smoking,” said University of Ottawa epidemiologist Lynne Leonard, “and it looked like a negative outcome of the program.
After all was said and done the program’s negative was more crack smoking. So now the percentage with Hep C and HIV will go down but the absolute number of drug abusers will go up.
I don’t know about you, but to me this is a pretty shitty trade off.