Buzz Dans Les Oreilles? Does Martin Actually Want This Guys Endorsement?

Not even 24 hours after urging NDP supporters to vote Liberal in one riding, Buzz Hargrove has urged Les Quebecois to vote for the Bloc. Talk about three faced.

Buzz came out endorsing the Bloc, and thus, a separatist view. For the PM’s most vocal non MP supporter to come out and promote a separatist party is not looking good for Martin. How could he possibly defend Buzz Hargrove’s statements? I’m not so sure he can. The man just told people to vote for the Bloc…

The party that wants to separate…

From Canada…

We’re not making this up.

We’re not allowed to do that.

As we have stated before, strategic voting is not to any persons benefit. Two detailed reasons why are:

a) you take money out of your favourite party’s coffers. Approximately $1.75/year per vote. If you consider that you just gave it to another party, that’s a $3.50 swing annually. Multiply that by 4 to 5 years and you are up over $175,000 for every 10,000 votes that swing. That buys a lot of commercials and road signs for the next election.

b) Your party, no matter what size, has a strong voice in a minority government. This is the case no matter who wins. Your party negotiates with their seats in many cases and for best representation, the more seats the better. Why give away a small part of that power without anything in return? This is what you are doing if you vote strategically.

I guess what I am trying to say is don’t listen to Buzz Hargrove. He is a union leader, not your party leader.

Stick with the one who brung ya.

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