Having Your Cake And Eating It Too

Ghosts of Mr. Dithers…

When the Lebanese Canadian evacuation wasn’t to the liking of left leaning Canadians, they criticized and said a slowdown was because the Prime Minister’s office was calling every shot.

When rumour got out that MPs were told to run all press releases/statements through the Prime Minister’s Office, the press and leftists fried PM Harper for being too controlling.


When Harper doesn’t show up at the Outgames, instead letting his Montreal based Cabinet Minister have the honours he gets sacked for not taking part.

And once again, after letting his Health Minister, Tony Clement, ably handle the responsibility of attending the International AIDS Conference, the Prime Minister takes a beating from the press and the lefties for not attending.

For all you moonbats, what’s it going to be? Do you want his hands in the cake or do you want him to let his team of chef’s do the baking?

Make up your freaking minds already.

One thought on “Having Your Cake And Eating It Too

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    August 17, 2006 at 8:14 pm

    Whoa, there, cowboy!! You’re lifting the bar too high!!

    Part of being a moonbat is having the desire to be all things to all people while committing to nothing and ignoring all evidence contrary to these seemingly contradictory goals. If they were to try to embrace that whole “make up your mind” thing, it would move them back to the Dark Ages.

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