T-Bone Brings Home A Bronze

Today was T-Bone’s summer soccer league year end tournament.

6 teams in the league and they played three mini games of 45 minutes and the top four records went on to the semi finals.

After a hard fought 2-0 loss in the 9 am game, T-Bone’s Orange Crush team had two games off to rest up. We headed back to his 12pm game and they evened up their plus/minus by winning 2-0. Their third game at 1pm was a yawner (0-0 tie).

Their 1-1-1 record garnered them a tie with two other teams for second place but they took the official spot on goal differential.

In the semi finals they got their butts handed to them by a team they had trouble with all year by a score of 4-1 which put them into the match for the bronze medal against the team that beat them in the morning match.

With a little motivation and some great defence, they managed to reverse their morning score and took the game 2-0.

Way to go T-Bone. It was a great season.

Prediction: Israel Kills Several UN Soldiers While Targetting Syrian Weapons Shipments Into Lebanon

Shortly after Israel announces that it will break the ceasefire to destroy weapons shipments coming into Lebanon from Syria, the UN acts quickly to put itself between Israeli weapons and Syrian weapons (but does nothing to stop the imports themselves)

Annan said that the UN force would be able to deploy along the Lebanese-Syrian border to help prevent weapons shipments to Hezbollah, but only if the Lebanese government asked for such help.

Lebanon, to date, has neither asked for this nor ruled it out – but Syrian President Bashar Assad has strongly objected.

Why in the heck is the UN force being deployed along the Lebanese-Syrian border? Are they not supposed to be deployed between the Lebanese-Israeli border?

Oh wait a minute. If the UN is between Syria and Lebanon, then the terrorists will have plenty of blue UN vehicles to use to cruise the terrorists and their weapons around and now the headline makes sense.

H/T ProudToBeCanadian

Guess Who?

Here’s a fun game.

Guess which Liberal leadership candidate that does not want to be called Iggy this is?

Liberal Candidate

I know what you’re thinking…..but the answer is wrong.

If you said Michael Ignatieff then you are WRONG!!


The dude in the top photo isn’t a Liberal leadership candidate at all. It’s the one and only…



Is it me or could Iggy and IggyPop be the same person?

Ottawa Librarian Chooses Gay Pride Parade Over Clean Toilets

Ottawa Chief Librarian Barbara Clubb has okayed the use of the Bookmobile as a float in this weeks Gay Pride Parade.

This is the same Chief Librarian Barbara Clubb who did nothing when a pile of steaming crap was left in the mens room of the downtown branch despite several complaints. At that time the Library’s story was “There isn’t enough money in the city budget for instant cleanup”.

Yet we have money to fill the gas tank of the bookmobile and drive it around the city in the Gay Pride parade.

So it is obvious to me that Barbara Clubb feels the Gay Pride Parade is a better way to spend our tax dollars than to have a steaming pile of shhhhhhhhhhaving cream cleaned up off the floor of our library.

I think it’s time the city of Ottawa find a new chief Librarian.

Once again, the tax payers get Officially Screwed.

American Kicks Hungarian Bridge Naming Ass … Canada Left In The Dust

A week ago Stephen Colbert asked his viewers to head over to a Hungarian website to name a bridge after him via an online vote that was being held. At the same time, I asked my readers to spread the word and head on over to name it the Canada Bridge.

Well a week sure had some consequences.

Hungary Bridge Vote Count

I must point out that Canada hid (Canada Bridge) has 4 whole votes. I also must point out at least we are ahead of the Gene Simmons hid which has 3 votes. (probably from Paul Stanley, Peter Criss and Ace Frehley … errrr ….. maybe thats Eric Singer and Mark Thayer!!)

Since the Colbert Nation started voting en masse, the website has forced registration and even with that, Colbert is handily ahead.

Ironically, with over 17 Million votes, Colbert has received 7 million votes more than the population of Hungary (as of 2005 Census)

Liberal Sacrificial Teen … er … Lamb

The more I think about the teenager Thomas Hubert, the communications director for the BC youth wing of the Liberal Party who was resigned after spewing some anti-Zionist remarks, the more I think this kid is the sacrificial lamb for Liberals to jump off the anti-Israeli bandwagon.

For weeks the MSM preached about how Harper’s anti-Hezbollah stance (notice I did not call it a pro Israel stance) would lose him votes and the left parroted how he would pay next election.

Well the trickle down effect of Liberal power couple Heather Reisman and Gerry Schwartz jumping ship to the Conservative Party is starting to show. The Jewish community has always been very tight knit and when one is attacked, all are attacked. The vote support and the financial support that will come from this segment of our multicultural map will far outgun the losses of a handful of radical Hezbollah supporters.

I think the Liberals are starting to see this and tossed a poor little lamb in front of the train.

(And I think since he might not be enough, they may toss a bigger sheep in front of the train too!!)

Dr. Bennett Aims To Surgically Remove Wrzesnewskyj From Liberal Party

I love hearing about this stuff. On one side you like the fact they are fighting amongst themselves, and on the other fact you like that they might just be willing to clean up the rabble in their party.

The evil masochist in me likes to see the infighting the most.

Call me a sick bastard but when I read this stuff I start singing….

I like it….I love it….
I want some more of it….