CBC's Air Farce – A Truly Biased Farce Of A Network

On New Year’s Eve I recorded the CBC Air Farce special entitled 2006 The Year of the Farce and took a leisurely look at it the following day. Holy Biased Humour Batman!!

I watch Air Farce and have for years but I don’t think I have ever seen them this lopsided in their humour. I can understand a few extra ribs at the party in power but this New Year’s Eve 60 minute special was ridiculously slanted.

By my rough count the ratio of jokes poking fun at the four parties was as follows:

Conservatives were made fun of about 25 times
Liberals were made fun of about 4 times
Dippers were made fun of once or twice
BQ were not made fun of at all

Is this what politically incorrect humour has become? Of those 25 or so jibes, 20 of them were aimed at Stephen Harper with 3 (and possibly 4) attempting to tie him to George Bush, 2 aimed at his weight, 3 or 4 aimed at painting him as anti-gay, and even one pro-life comment which floored me because never have I heard Stephen Harper make any pro-life remark.

Again, I want to emphasize, I usually laugh along with Air Farce. But this blatant slanting against the current Tory government is simply not a fair indication of politics in Canada. In a year when the Dippers had a policy convention and the Liberals had a leadership convention, there had to be some prime targets for humour that simply did not appear in the show.

What gets my goat the most is that even in two attempts to start ribbing Dion and Layton, the humour gets twisted and both times Harper ends up taking the punchline on the chin.

I really think the CBC ought to readdress the inequality in their political humour.

To view a 10 minute assessment, click the video below once:

If you cannot see the above video, try clicking the link below.

ADDENDUMGerry makes a great comment below. I, myself, have commented to the Air Farce crew how disappointed I was at their biased New Year’s Eve special and encourage you to do the same by clicking this link.

Ralph Goodale Is A Bald Faced Liar

Yeah I said it. And I said it OUTSIDE the House of Commons.

Following is a video which shows you what I mean. Below the video is supporting documentation links. Click the video ONCE to view.

If the video does not play you can see it by clicking here.

The 2005 Fiscal Update can be seen by clicking here. See page 67.

The 2005 Budget can be seen by clicking here. See pages 33 and 289.

The 2004 Budget can be seen by clicking here. See page 52.

So there you have it. Ralph Goodale DID in fact use the terms “net debt” in the 2004 budget, the 2005 budget and the 2005 fiscal update.

Care to explain Ralph? How about an apology to the current Minister for calling him a liar?

What bothers me most about this was just the other day I was saying that Ralph Goodale was one of the Liberal MPs I respected the most because of his character. Today, I lost alot of that respect.

All Good Videos Must Come To An End

I just arrived home to find a note in my email box from YouTube telling me that the Dan Matheson vs. Dan McTeague video that I had on my YouTube channel (via CTV Newsnet) was removed due to a third party complaint regarding it infringing on copyright. The third party was Holland and Hart LLC, a law firm out of the western US states.

I have no clue why an American law firm would complain about a Canadian blogger/YouTube video post unless it is either a) a firm helping protect YouTube or b) a firm tied to some Canadian entity that must dislike my blog.

In light of this, I am encouraging you all to go to my YouTube channel and view any of my video posts now because I will be removing many of them over the long weekend. i.e. consider now to Sunday your Last Chance Viewing!!

When all is said and done, I will only have my Red Friday videos.

If any lawyers out there would care to defend me leaving these videos up there (for free) please email me. Otherwise, enjoy them while they last.

Dear Member:

This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by Holland & Hart LLP claiming that this material is infringing:

Dan The Man Matheson Rocks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACi25M4o0mk

Caribou Boo By The NDP

I think Ann Coulter is rubbing off on me. While reading one of her books I distinctly remember that the caribou populations in Alaska were growing dramatically and that they frolic next to the oil pipelines and that the warmth from the pipelines may actually make them frisky.

So while watching my recording of Question Period today, hearing Dennis Bevington, NDP MP from the Northwest Territories state that the caribou is a way of life to the north and that their way of life is disappearing.

I think what Mr. Bevington really dislikes is the fact that big oil brings big money and jobs and a cash based economy to his riding. This is a major threat to him since there is no way for the government to tax caribou. Once northerners start making money and getting taxed, they may not be so apt to vote NDP.

Keep lying to your constituents and the rest of Canada Mr. Bevington. Some of out here know the truth about the caribou.

If you can’t see the video by clicking once on the image above, try clicking on the link below.


Smackdown – Bill Graham Caught Off Guard

After 13 years of listening to Liberals twist and turn while answering questions in Question Period, I am really enjoying watching the Conservatives square off and answer questions with real answers. I think some Liberals are also surprised that the Conservatives aren’t squriming like Chretien or Martin did.

A couple of days ago I caught this clip of Liberal leader Bill Graham humming and hawing in confusion after he gets a straight answer from the Prime Minister that he obviously was not expecting. Graham’s expression is simply priceless.

If the above video does not appear for you, try clicking the link below.


Red Friday – Part 7

In the final part of this video collection the armed forces chaplin says some words, and then the red sea photo is taken. I am sure it will be a doozy and when the troops overseas see that so many people gathered just to show them a bit of support they will get a big morale boost.

I am one who was ecstatic that I could take part in such a gathering and I hope that everyone who made it gives themselves a big pat on the back. For those that could not make it, have no worries. You can show your support by wearing something red on Fridays. A shirt, a jacket, a hat, a ribbon, an armband, a tie… whatever. Just do it. It’s the least we can do to tell our boys overseas that we care and it’s the least we can do to show the loved ones of these soldiers that we care and that their jobs matter to us.

God bless all of them and may they all return home safe and sound when their mission is over.

If you can’t see the video above, try clicking the link below.


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View Part 6
View Part 7

Red Friday – Part 6

This segment is a very touching one. It is the speech given by the two military wives from CFB Petawawa who started Red Fridays. When you hear these two talk from their hearts it makes you feel so proud of the men and women who put their lives on the line every day not just for us, but for humans around the world in the 19 countries where we have forces.

Don’t forget to rate the video.

If you can’t view the above video, click on the link below.


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View Part 5
View Part 6
View Part 7