2 thoughts on “Red Friday – Part 5

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    September 24, 2006 at 1:13 pm

    Has anyone noticed Taliban Jacks change of tone related to the immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan. Yesterday , Taliba Jack Layton suggested that nobody in Canada wants us the pull out of Afghanistan.

    Lets go back to Sept 8-10 during the NDP policy convention. Taliban Jack and company agreed to an immediate withdrawl from Afghanistan. My , what a difference 2 weeks can make. Jack now has the ability to unilaterally change policy without a public debate with his delegates.

    Taliban Jack talks about democracy and leadership. Yet on a whim , Taliban Jack can change his parties position with no apparent debate or protest.

    Make no mistake. This party would continue this practice and not give a second thought or concern with the undermining of an official democratic process in their representation.

    This is as close to communism , and if if you don’t believe that , here are some policy notes from that convention. Jack and company want to pull Canada out of about everything excluding his iron fisted control of power in our country , schools , corporations , and the list goes on .

    Read it for yourself :

    September 06, 2006
    NDP proposes to nationalize…

    Found in the NDP draft policy document (section 5):

    WHEREAS Canada’s primary resource industries such as forestry, mining, and fishing are vital to economic development and job creation, especially in smaller communities; and
    WHEREAS many of these industries continue to be controlled by small groupings of powerful shareholders who seek profits and power over and above the interests of citizens, workers and the environment; and
    WHEREAS these industries, under private ownership, threaten smaller communities with de-investment and capital flight,
    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a NDP government socialize all major primary resource industries in Canada over a period of several years through the payment of low-interest, long-term bonds; and
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a NDP government place all new public enterprises under democratic control by their workers, instituting direct election of plant managers and enterprise directors, with the right of recall by their electors, and have significant and meaningful participation in decision-making by consumers, environmental groups and local communities;


    Not only does the NDP association of the tony bedroom community of Oakville propose nationalizing our primary resource industry, the Trinity-Spadina and Durham NDP propose nationalizing… almost everything else:

    WHEREAS large corporations and financial institutions are undemocratic and hierarchical, seeking profits and power over and above the interests of citizens and the environment; and
    WHEREAS social ownership is a necessary precondition for democratic control of the economy, full employment and an equitable distribution of income and power; and
    WHEREAS workers’ control would contribute greatly to economic justice, greater efficiencies, and most importantly, improve the quality of life of working people and our allies,
    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the NDP is committed to actively campaign for and implement social ownership, including but not limited to the following industries: banking, communications, energy, health care, insurance, manufacturing, mass media, medical drugs, natural resources, transportation; and
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these industries be democratically controlled and managed by their workers, by instituting direct election of plant managers and enterprise directors, with the right of recall by their electors, and integrate significant and meaningful consumer participation in the decision-making process.


    The Durham NDP also proposes nationalizing the phone and cable companies!

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a NDP government place the telecommunications industry (including phone and cable companies) under social ownership through the payment to the former owners of low-interest, long-term bonds over a period of several years; and
    BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the new publicly owned industries be democratically controlled by their workers, instituting direct election of managers and enterprise directors, with the right of recall by their electors, and have significant and meaningful consumer and community participation in the decision-making process.

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    September 24, 2006 at 1:25 pm

    Timothy, the NDP are only anti war when it comes to other countries. They would socialize the nation EXACTLY like communism. And at that point the warfare against the people would begin.

    Jack’s independent changes on policy is a direct correlation with the elitists attitude in communist nations.

    Socializing everything means the workers in every industry would be getting paid by the state. The state would have to tax everyone on everything they make to pay those salaries, hence communism.

    It’s truly sad.

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