The Supreme Court Had Ruled … (but Citoyen Dion doesn't care)

When the highest court in the land makes a ruling, there isn’t a whole lot that can be done to change that ruling. The 9 member panel that is often divided on issues makes decisions regularly without a unanimous consensus. The whole reason for having an odd number of justices on the highest court of the land is to make sure there is not a tie on decisions.

Although a few weeks late, I came across some video which shows Stephane Dion disrespecting the Supreme Court’s decision on the constitutionality of the anti-terror measures which the Liberals voted against extending. (well, all Liberals present except Tom Wappell.)

Dion claims that the divided court means it is a contentious issue.

No Stephane. A divided court that has ruled means the decision is made and the majority wins.

Watch Citoyen Dion disrespect the Supreme Court by clicking the play button on the video below once.

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Smackdown – Charles Adler Style

A reader (thanks Trace) pointed me to this clip of Charles Adler just carving into Stephane Dion for not being able to handle himself during Oral Questions. At a time when the opposition is supposed to be holding the government accountable, this Liberal leader is, quite frankly, taking it on his glass chin.

Click the video below once to play and don’t forget to rate it at YouTube.

If you cannot see the video above, try clicking the link below.

Smackdown – Scotty Gets Spanked

Today during Oral Questions Maxime Bernier lays a spanking on Scott Brison. Watch the video below.

The facts:

-Chrysler to cut about 2000 jobs due to restructuring

-Ford to close engine plant cutting 860 jobs

-Toyota opening new “plant is expected to create 1,300 direct jobs and several thousand additional jobs at parts manufacturers and related industries.”

Not to mention January 2007 was one of the hottest job creation months in Canada with 89,000 new jobs created. The analysts had only forecasted 10,000 new jobs but the Canadian economy is red hot.

Click the video below once to view. (Don’t forget to rate the video)

If you cannot see the video play above, try clicking the link below once.

Double Smackdown – Liberal Marlene Jennings Slams Cookie Jar Lid On Own Hand

Today during Oral Questions, Marlene Jennings brings up patronage and in a double smackdown she gets rebuffed by both Rob Nicholson and Peter Van Loan and we learn something interesting about MRS. Jennings personal life.

Click the play sign below ONCE to view the video.

If you cannot see the video above, try clicking the link below.

Smackdown – Deception In The House Of Commons

We wouldn’t say the deception is intentional because that would be unparliamentary of us. But MP’s Maria Minna (Lib-Beaches-East York) and Irene Mathyssen (NDP-London-Fanshawe) tried to sling some mud at the Minister of Heritage and for the Status of Women, Bev Oda, yesterday.

But as usual, the Minister gave a straight answer that 1) Smacked back the attackers and 2) displayed that the Status of Women groups that are in an uproar over the recent cuts won’t even meet with the Minister.

I find it reprehensible for two MPs to try to portray the Minister as the one who won’t meet when she has offered these groups three dates to meet and all have been rejected.

You can watch the video of Oral Questions by clicking the link below ONCE.

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Red Tuesday At A Senator's Game

Tonight it was Red Tuesday. The Ottawa Senators and Washington Capitals squared off in a game in front of thousands of our military and the stands were full of people wearing red to show support for the troops and their families.

Sitting in some pretty fine seats, I managed to get the ceremonial puck drop on video. General Rick Hillier had the honours and to his right (left of video) is Karen Boire and Lisa Miller, the two Petawawa women who started Red Fridays. I had no idea this was planned when I bought the tickets, but considering I took the original Red Friday video, I felt honoured to be at this game.

I apologize to the two women on Rick Hillier’s left (right on video) as I did not catch who they were. If anyone knows, please drop me a note.

The two on Rick’s left are Karen MacEwan and Debbie Potter, whose husbands are serving in Afghanistan the military. (I hope I spelled those names correctly. I could not for the life of me hear the sound on the video until it was uploaded, thus the “moment of silence” remark. But it’s working now so enjoy)

Click the video ONCE to view it on this page.

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