Smackdown – Chuck Strahl Raps Anita Neville On The Knuckles

When you demand someone sweep the world’s doorstep, you damn well better make sure you have swept your own doorstep.

As Chuck Strahl points out in the video below, Liberal Anita Neville doesn’t own a broom, but she sure has the guts of Dick Tracy to ask what she does.

Click the video below once to start watching.

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Liberals "In and Out" Of Hypocrisy … But Mostly In

After weeks of pummeling the Conservatives in Question Period alleging election fraud, the Liberal hypocrisy on the issue is exposed. When a motion in the house affairs committee is brought forward to expose the practices of all parties for the last two elections, they turn tail and run, preventing quorum and, thus, acceptance of the motion.


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Smackdown – Senator Terry Stratton Lays Into Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams

In my honest opinion, Danny Williams needs to shake Newfoundland up and not shake the Federal government down.

Terry Stratton seems to agree that Williams is focussing his energy in the wrong place.

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Dalton McGuinty Misleads Us Yet Again In Latest Commercial

Last night I saw a new Liberal commercial featuring your favourite liar and mine, Yellow Bellied McShifty, the leader of the Ontario provincial Liberal party.

Well in this commercial (and in one other) Dalton says, and I quote:

I believe that taking half a billion much needed dollars from [public] schools to give to private religious schools is a mistake.

Dalton assumes that to fund faith based schools, one must take money out of the current public school system. This is clearly inaccurate and McShifty knows it.

Even the Ontario Public School Board Association noted on page 4 of a 2005 report on the status of school funding that one of their four priorities was:

all allocations are on a per pupil basis while some allocations per “school” would be more appropriate.

This is in line with what my last post alluded to. The schools are currently funded on a “per butt in the seat” basis and funding faith based schools, (of which the majority are Christian but non-Catholic) would only inject money into the current system and not take a penny out of the current system.