Liberals "In and Out" Of Hypocrisy … But Mostly In

After weeks of pummeling the Conservatives in Question Period alleging election fraud, the Liberal hypocrisy on the issue is exposed. When a motion in the house affairs committee is brought forward to expose the practices of all parties for the last two elections, they turn tail and run, preventing quorum and, thus, acceptance of the motion.


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9 thoughts on “Liberals "In and Out" Of Hypocrisy … But Mostly In

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 14, 2007 at 8:56 am

    Ah, the impressive and statesmanlike Mr. Poilievre.

    Let me see… unemployed, unemployable, never held a real job, just mnoved to Ottawa – EUREKA – I’ll run for the Conservatives! I’ll become an MP and make 5 times as much money as I ever made in the career I never had in the real world! Since I have no job and no prospects, I have nothing to lose and can spend all of my time getting my picture taken! After all, that is what is required to be an effective shaper of public policy; the ability to get ones picture in the paper – A LOT – and the ability to make continued baseless partisan attacks and taunts againts ones evil opponents.

    He could be a Conservative Prime Minister!

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    November 14, 2007 at 9:03 am

    Typical Liberal hypocrites. Well, this issue is officially dead, isn’t it?

    What a Smackdown, LOL!.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 14, 2007 at 9:09 am

    Torywatcher – “After all, that is what is required to be an effective shaper of public policy; the ability to get ones picture in the paper – A LOT – and the ability to make continued baseless partisan attacks and taunts againts ones evil opponents.”

    WOW – your partisan blinders are really getting in the way this time – NO ONE lies, manipulates, launches baseless partisan attacks or taunts better than the corrupt, thieving Liberals. They are masters at twisting the facts to such an extent it is impossible to find the truth. We know from a full blown inquiry that your party stole millions. You have spend so many years living off the taxpayers dollars that you are nearly bankrupt now that you actually have to get money leagaly — If we are devolving to a point where only incompetant crooks can get elected it is because Liberals led the way and activly destroy the lives and reputations of anyone that gets in their way. You must be so proud.

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    November 14, 2007 at 9:41 am


    No, I guess I should be really proud that we have people with the depth and breadth of experience in the world such as Mr. Poilievre to further the underpinnings of our democracy. The Liberal rat pack were just as bad, just that now this kind of garbage is viewed with awe and admiration from fools like yourself.

    I hate garbage in any party – including the Liberals. That’s where you and I differ – your partisan blinders remain permanently attached to your face, and in your little mind, your little heroes can do no wrong. Its kind of sad and a little sick.

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    November 14, 2007 at 10:35 am

    hey ernie bernerski, pierrre’s a loudmouth spewing wild allegations with housse priviledge. what have you heard about this outside the house? nothing, nada.

    know why? cuz it’s bullshit.

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    November 14, 2007 at 10:39 am

    One small detail, torywatcher, that you’ve casually overlooked. This ” unemployed, unemployable, never held a real job, just mnoved [sic] to Ottawa” “kind of garbage” was fairly and decidedly elected by the people in his riding – leaving the apparently FAR more deserving Liberal candidate sitting on the sidelines and crying to mommy. So if Mr. Poilievre has no experience and has no business being in Parliament and yet won the election, what does that say about his opponents? Seems like “anything but a Liberal” to me… and that suits me juuuuust fine.

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    November 14, 2007 at 11:08 am

    “Bob” (and weave)

    No, I did not overlook it. I never said those doing the electing were particularly intelligent – infact, many are apparently downright stupid.

    Fortunately, you have just given us more evidence of this.

    An “anyone but” political posture is about as juvenile as it gets. No, wouldn’t want to actually analyze policy and people’s capacity to paricipate in its implementation. That would be hard!

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    November 14, 2007 at 11:15 am

    Nice with the personal attacks instead of refuting what he is saying. No comment on the Liberal or NDP ‘in-and-out’ scandal? Ya, thats what I thought.

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    November 14, 2007 at 1:46 pm

    That was a thing of beauty.

    This won’t be the last time the liberal turn tail by the way.
    When the “Airbus redeux” inquiry gets going you should see a great deal more sheepish liberals and their minions turning tail.

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