To The Big Smoke, GST means Graft and Sloth Tax – Say No To Option 2!!!

To follow up my idea on suing the City of Toronto for stealing the GST savings the Harper Government has laid in place for us starting July 1st, I have more documentation which you can read here. Scroll down to the Appendix A to view the cost analysis options.

The City itself has gone through some pretty thorough analysis on it’s two options. Option 1 to cut the tax down and change the prices, and Option 2, to leave the end cost the same and pocket the 1% GST cut in a classic example of political graft.

If the City has all these figures already laid out, how much more work could possibly be needed? I have a feeling we will never find out due to the sloth. The city is too lazy to bill people prices that are not round numbers. That’s what it comes down to.