Terrorists Busted In Canada!!!

It was around 10pm last night when I heard the news that a dozen or so people were arrested (with more to come overnight) under Canada’s anti-terrorism laws. My heart leapt with pride for my hometown security forces.

The investigation, which has been ongoing since 2004, culminated in last night’s arrests. The individuals have been tied to explosives and CTV says that there may have been a series of terrorist attacks on our own soil prevented with the arrests.

It’s about time!! After hearing earlier this week that less than 10% of immigrants from Afghanistan and Pakistan have gone through appropriate security clearance, there has been a small sense of dread in me. That tiny voice that just yells inside, “Are you kidding me??? 10%?? From the hotbed of extremism??” That volume of that little voice has gone down a few deciBels after the announcement about the arrests.

Last night’s arrests bring faith and hope back to me. The report says that the cell is not al-Quaeda related but possibly a self starter and their are rumblings that some of those arrested attended a “training camp” north of Toronto. If they know of a camp north of our most populous city, then I am positive they are starting to track what has gone on there and this will likely lead to more arrests.

Sleep a little bit safer tonight Canada.

One thought on “Terrorists Busted In Canada!!!

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    June 4, 2006 at 3:10 am

    I’ve heard conflicting reports about any affiliation with Al Qaeda (some suggest a link; others have no such information). And as the defendants are certain to deny any links, we may never know for certain. I thank the security forces for their efforts to keep me safe. And incidentally I am also very thankful for Canada Forces Day, today, Sunday June 6, 2006.

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