Free Market Needed In Television Debate

I’m getting tired of the wars going on between local TV stations and carriers.

The answer is simple.  Every carrier should charge a base fee for their service.  (along with the obvious equipment rental charges, etc).

Then every station should be able to set it’s own cost per subscriber.

Then every subscriber should be able to select each individual channel they want with the only exception being they need to have a set percentage of Canadian stations to meet the Canadian Content requirements.  For example, 4 out of every 10 stations chosen must be Canadian. (or something similar)

Then finally, for nationwide conglomerates such as CTV, they take a set percentage of their subscriber fee for paying the carriers and for covering things such as national branding, national level news, for the purchase of programming, etc.  And then they can divvy up the rest to local affiliates based on the local affiliates viewership as a percentage of the national viewership.

I call this the King/Freedman model.  i.e. Can’t we all just get along by letting the Free Market reign?

Jack Layton is Canada's Barney Frank

Today in Power Play, Jack Layton said that a reasonable credit card rate is needed for low income Canadians.  Jack Layton is dead wrong.

Good credit card rates are given to people who have a history of paying their cards off.  Bad credit card rates are how banks and lending institutes pay for cards that people default on.

So why is Jack Layton our version of Barney Frank?
In 1999, Democrat Barney Frank called for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to provide low income mortgages to Americans known as NINJA loans.  NINJA stood for No Income, No Job or Assets.  So in essence, what the Democrats, under Bill Clinton, did was to create the conditions for the sub prime implosion that has caused the current recession by allowing people who had no business owning a home to get one at great rates usually reserved for people with Jobs, Income or Assets that are used as collateral.
If you doubt the validity of this, you can read the article at the NY Times by clicking here.

So today, Jack Layton feels that Canadians who are not eligible for low interest rates should get them in a similar fashion to what Barney Frank called for back in 1999.

The whole reason there are different credit card rates is many fold.  One is for points options or freebies.  But the main reason is because people who have no business getting credit often default on their payments and put their credit rating in further disarray.  This in turn makes it almost impossible for them to get a half decent rate.

So the question that Jack Layton needs to answer is…..Does he expect the tax payer to bailout people who have bad credit when they default on the credit cards they have no business getting in the first place?

CBC Bias Rears It's Ugly Head … Again

I just finished watching Marketplace on CBC this Sunday afternoon. That’s what happens when CTV cancels this weeks edition of Question Period.

The last 10 minutes of Marketplace was dedicated to seeing if consumers were really seeing the GST cut that the Tories have brought in.

They start off with a Tim Horton’s coffee and confirm that Tim’s is, indeed, passing on the GST cut by cutting the cost of coffee. I can confirm this because the price of an XL coffee used to be $1.59 and after the 2 point cut it is now $1.56. Yay Timmy’s!!!

But every other price they looked at was for a set price item. i.e. prices that have traditionally been rounded to a dollar (or half dollar).

They start off with a Saturday Toronto Star. $2.00 before and $2.00 after. Since a large portion of newspaper sales are via the box on the street corner, this one is a given as an item that would not change in price. Who the heck is going to want to put $1.98 into a newspaper box slot?

They then proceeded with Parking machines, parking meters, Live Theatre tickets, taxi cab fares and movie tickets. All of which have stayed the same with the base rate of the product going up meaning no cost savings to the consumer.

I don’t know about you, but I have noticed the tax saving on restaurant food, where the tax is added in AFTER the cost of the meal. I have noticed the tax savings in my grocery bill which far outweighs any money I put into movies, cabs, or parking. I have also noticed it anywhere the price of the item is set with the tax being added after the fact. Store owners did NOT go around the store bumping that $3.99 box of cereal to $4.03.

This was simply a poor reporting job by the CBC. The sad part about something like this is that most of the items they looked at were items that lower income Canadians do not typically use.

Lower income earners ride the bus over taking a taxi or paying for parking. The Conservatives put in a tax credit for the bus riders. Lower income earners might go to the movies occasionally, but more often than not they do not go see a $120 show at the Royal Alex in Toronto as the Marketplace segment showed. In fact, video rentals add tax AFTER the fact so that $3.99 rental that cost $4.59 after tax is now only $4.51. Thank you for my 8 cents!!!

Chalk this one up to that left wing bias our publicly funded network is known for.

Salt Water To Replace Gas

A must see video.

If this technology is real and viable for running cars then we have something that means we can run our big SUVs and help keep Al Gore at bay on the whole “oceans are rising” crock.

Please share this with anyone you know.

Click the video above once to view. If it does not work, try clicking the link below once.

This Week Was Special

This week was a blur to me. I had one of the busiest work weeks I can remember in a long time. But this week two things happened that made me feel both proud and very pleased with my life.

1) My son joined me for a busy day visiting customers and talking the tech talk as it was “Bring your grade 9 child to work day” on Wednesday. He was very mature and, although I knew he would rather have been home playing World of Warcraft with his friends, he didn’t seem to show it. Tonight (Thursday) at dinner, I heard him say to my wife “Hey mom, do you know what an ETX-802 does?” It was one of those moments that just made me smile knowing he’ll be fine when he gets older.

Thanks T-Bone.


2) My daughter told me this evening that she was chosen to lay the wreath down for her class at the W.O. Mitchell Public School Remembrance Day ceremony they will hold on Friday (due to Remembrance Day falling on a Sunday). As a proud supporter of our military, and a father who has a) spent time walking the War Memorial explaining to my children what it means and what the years represent and b) taken a day to bring this 11 year old down to the new Canadian War Museum, I am very touched that she has been given this honour.

Thanks Cookie.

I have two great kids!!!


Carbon Offsetters Fooling Themselves And Us

When the Tories released their Clean Air act, the biggest shot across the bow that the other parties made had to do with the reduction of green house gases with targets going out to 2050.

Well Lorrie Goldstein has done a bit of very smart math that may make people like Elizabeth May head for a washcloth to wipe the egg off their faces.

“Green” celebrities often claim to reduce their carbon imprint to zero when flying around the world by buying “carbon offsets”. One popular way of doing this is by planting trees.

Let’s do the math. It takes 15 trees 40 to 50 years to absorb five tons of carbon.

A return flight from Toronto to Vancouver injects 5.4 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere per passenger. Carbon dioxide takes 50 to 200 years to dissipate naturally.

Therefore, to absorb most of the carbon dioxide caused by one passenger taking one domestic round-trip flight across Canada in 2007, requires planting 15 trees today that won’t complete the job until, assuming none is destroyed by fire, disease or insects. If they are, they’ll release their carbon back into the atmosphere.

(bolded emphasis mine)

This is one of those tidy little facts you keep in your pocket for when an environmentalist complains about the Tory play taking 45 years to reach fruition.

And if you happen to be one of those who believes that offsetting is a good plan then I highly urge you save your soul by taking part in my very own OfficiallyScrewed Offsetting Program.

Yet Another Liberal Flip Flop – Tenth Time Is The Charm On Anti-Scab Legislation

Say No To Bill 267Bill C-257, which gave me waking nightmares, appears to be more than just a private member’s bill designed to cripple the Canadian economy. It is another example of Liberal’s flip flopping and another example of just how far left Stephane Dion really is.

He has moved so far left that centrists don’t even recognize him. But why?

First of all we have the Conservatives showing they are truly a modern party and not the extremist, right wing, scary Party the Liberals have painted them to be for a decade. This has given the Tories growth towards the Liberal center.

Then we have the NDP, who showed a bit of strength when they held up Martin’s minority government the way an emphysema sufferer is held up by a green oxygen tank outside the hospital doors. Lend Jack your vote and he would chomp a bit of the left leaning Liberals over to the NDP.

So Dion steps in stuck between a Rock and a somewhat hard place. Where is he going to get his votes? Does he fight the right in a battle of wits with a seasoned warrior like Harper who is pummeling him in Question Period day after day after day? Or does he look for the low hanging fruit, and try to steal back the NDP voters who do not want Harper in government no matter what?

My guess is the latter.

This is why the Liberals have flip-flopped again and chosen to support anti-scab legislation.

At first, few took the bill seriously.

The handiwork of Bloc Quebecois MP Richard Nadeau, the proposed legislation was introduced as a so-called private-member’s bill, one of dozens of draft laws floated by backbench MPs that go nowhere, quietly dying on the Commons order paper.

Nadeau’s bill was also the tenth attempt by an opposition MP to introduce anti-scab legislation in recent years, all of which failed to materialize under previous Liberal governments.

But a funny thing happened on the Grits’ way to the opposition benches.

When the bill came to preliminary votes in the Commons, it was suddenly backed by the Liberals, along with the Bloc, New Democrats and even a few Conservative MPs from Quebec (who have since recanted) — more than enough to pass through the minority parliament.

I guess the TENTH time is the charm.

So after nine failed attempts at having anti-scab legislation go through the house under the Liberals watch (with support from the Tories to stop it each time), Dion has chosen to forsake the Canadian economy, the way he would by shutting down industry to meet Kyoto, and support the tenth attempt at getting anti-scab legislation through.

Stop Bill C-267. Write your MP. If he/she is a Liberal, write him/her and get a few friends to do the same. This legislation is just plain wrong and a Liberal flip flop on this needs to be addressed.

I Had A Waking Nightmare…

Say No To Bill 267…that I went to the hospital but the nurses were on strike … and the NDP anti-scab legislation wouldn’t let the hospital hire people to fill in.

…that I walked my kids to school through a foot high pile of trash, fighting off the seagulls, and hoisting my daughter on my shoulders so the rats wouldn’t bite her ankles … because the NDP anti-scab legislation means when the city garbage men went on strike we couldn’t hire replacements.

… that a blogburst to stop the NDP anti-scab legislation didn’t work.

When a man or woman belong to a union, they have a right to strike. They have a right to step up and say to the man “I don’t want what you’re giving.”

But on that token, I would never, ever, ever want to tell someone who runs a company or organization that they can not ensure they operate by hiring whomever they want.

And I would never, ever, ever want to tell someone who has been out of work that if an opportunity came along for them to find a half decent job to help pay the bills or put food on the table for their family that they can’t take that job because of Jack Layton’s anti-scab proposed legislation.

Just Say No To Bill C-257. Call your MP to let them know what you think about this bill that takes the freedom to work away from people who want a job.

Visit Clear Conservative Thought or the National Citizen’s Coalition for more information.

Smackdown – Scotty Gets Spanked

Today during Oral Questions Maxime Bernier lays a spanking on Scott Brison. Watch the video below.

The facts:

-Chrysler to cut about 2000 jobs due to restructuring

-Ford to close engine plant cutting 860 jobs

-Toyota opening new “plant is expected to create 1,300 direct jobs and several thousand additional jobs at parts manufacturers and related industries.”

Not to mention January 2007 was one of the hottest job creation months in Canada with 89,000 new jobs created. The analysts had only forecasted 10,000 new jobs but the Canadian economy is red hot.

Click the video below once to view. (Don’t forget to rate the video)

If you cannot see the video play above, try clicking the link below once.

Terror Free Oil?

(See The Poll To The Right)

Terror Free Oil

The first “Terror Free Oil” gas station will be opening in the USA in the next few days.

The idea is to sell gasoline made from oil orginating in countries friendly to the United States.

Yoohoo!! That’s us up in Canada *waving hands*.

You can find out more information by visiting the Terror Free Oil Initiative. And to answer your question, it does not appear that any Canadian gas stations are part of this initiative.