Lebanese Man Looks Gift Horse In The Mouth …

… and says it has rotten teeth.

I hate to flog a dead horse, but …

Minutes after receiving his Canadian citizenship, a Lebanese man spoke out against Ottawa’s response to the crisis in the Middle East.

Wadih Farah took his oath of citizenship Wednesday during a ceremony at Halifax’s Pier 21. After repeating his pledges to the country, he said a few words about the country’s handling of the crisis in Lebanon.

“I think they could do a little bit more,” said Farah. “They were a little bit slow to pull people out at the beginning.”

I’m starting to get sick of this kind of complaint. I have no problem with Mr. Farah becoming a Canadian citizen. I have no problem with Mr. Farah saying Canada could be doing a little bit more. But for Mr. Farah to say Canada was a bit slow to pull people out at the beginning? Well frankly I think he is full of shit.

The bottom line is that the only Canadian civilian casualties happened before any foreign nationals were evacuated by any nation. So Mr. Farah, why not tell me and the rest of the citizens in your new found home what a faster reaction from our government would have accomplished? Tell us how many lives it would have saved?

H/T to DustMyBroom