Montreal Borough Gets It Right Nixing Moment Of Silence

A Montreal borough denied having a moment of silence for a Lebanese Canadian family killed when the recent war in Southern Lebanon broke out a month ago.

Politicians got it right this time.

The mayor and council in Cote-des-Neiges/Notre-Dame-de-Grace rejected two requests from the public to recognize the tragedy during their meeting earlier this week.

“It was refused for political reasons,” said Wissam Moussa, a member of the Lebanese Muslim Youth Association who made one of two requests for a moment of silence.

Senator Marcel Prud’homme, a former Liberal MP with a long-standing interest in the Middle East, called it hypocrisy.

“I think it’s unbelievably sad that (the council) did not see fit to keep a minute of silence,” Prud’homme said.

But Mayor Michael Applebaum said Wednesday the tragic deaths have been hijacked by Hezbollah supporters who are bringing the war home to Canadian soil.

The council has held only one moment of silence in the past, a motion brought by a council member after the death of late Pope John Paul II.

Ironically, the same group did not ask for a moment of silence for:

-The Canadian who was killed in the original kidnapping of 2 IDF soldiers. (one of the 8 killed in the original action that sparked the current war)

-The Canadian who was killed when the U.N. post was inadvertently bombed.

-The Canadian IDF pilot killed when his helicoptor crashed

Nor have they expressed any concern over the Canadian IDF soldier who is being held hostage at this time by Hezbollah.

H/T to Jack’s Newswatch

One thought on “Montreal Borough Gets It Right Nixing Moment Of Silence

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    August 10, 2006 at 1:10 am

    Terrorists want to use the deaths of these kids to maximum advantage. That’s why they killed them. Canadian municipalities are right when they don’t play into the terrorists hands.

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