Global Warming Burnt My Steak

SteakToday I ordered a steak medium rare and it showed up well done.

The chef swears he cooked it the same way he always does.

Global warming overcooked my steak.

I’m not making this up…I’m not allowed to do that.


Today a Canadian went into a suntan parlour for their regular tanning session.

Global warming sunburned them.

I’m not making this up … I’m not allowed to do that

(what has global warming done to you?)

Red Tuesday At A Senator's Game

Tonight it was Red Tuesday. The Ottawa Senators and Washington Capitals squared off in a game in front of thousands of our military and the stands were full of people wearing red to show support for the troops and their families.

Sitting in some pretty fine seats, I managed to get the ceremonial puck drop on video. General Rick Hillier had the honours and to his right (left of video) is Karen Boire and Lisa Miller, the two Petawawa women who started Red Fridays. I had no idea this was planned when I bought the tickets, but considering I took the original Red Friday video, I felt honoured to be at this game.

I apologize to the two women on Rick Hillier’s left (right on video) as I did not catch who they were. If anyone knows, please drop me a note.

The two on Rick’s left are Karen MacEwan and Debbie Potter, whose husbands are serving in Afghanistan the military. (I hope I spelled those names correctly. I could not for the life of me hear the sound on the video until it was uploaded, thus the “moment of silence” remark. But it’s working now so enjoy)

Click the video ONCE to view it on this page.

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Double Smackdown – John Baird Serves Up Double Trouble To Liberals

I knew when the PM mixed up the Rubik’s Cubinet on us a few weeks ago that he did it for a solid reason. After two days of watching Question Period, I now know why.

1) I am glad Monte Solberg is in the forefront with HRDC. He is a sharp witted man who can really handle himself in Oral Questions. Diane Finley did fine, but Monte has a magic touch in the verbal sparring department.

Monte Solberg

But more importantly,

2) The PM put John Baird, the equivalent of debating juggernaut into the environment portfolio. Watch him dismantle the Deputy Leader of the Opposition and the member from Ajax-Pickering (while giving a subtle shot at the member from Wascana) in today’s oral question period.

(Click the video below once to start the show)

If you cannot see the video play above, try clicking the following link instead.

Off With Her Head … Ok, Just Fire Her

The Auditor General, (and my personal Goddess) Sheila Fraser is expected to fire Johanne Gélinas, the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development.

This is a pleasant surprise if I may say. Gélinas apparently stepped out of her role and into that of policy. I guess this means she was starting to be partisan with her decisions.

The Commissioner is an integral part of the Office of the Auditor General of Canada. She and her team function as a special unit within the Office, investigating issues of concern to Canadians by auditing how well the federal government is meeting its environmental and sustainable development commitments. Like the Auditor General, the Commissioner reports on her findings to Parliament.

Good for Sheila!!

Go Figure – Suzuki Bus Tour Will Burn A Ton Of Gas

The night was February 8th, 1989. David Suzuki’s hair had more black than grey in it. The location was Alumni Hall at the University of Western Ontario. The debate was about race and a University of Western Ontario professor, Philip Rushton was preaching that intelligence was related to your race and penis size.

The controversy was immense. The outrage was real. Me and my fellow students were all up in arms over this outrageous claim made by an unknown professor.

So a debate was scheduled and the famous scientist David Suzuki was to be our saviour. We knew that a lowly professor could not possibly stand up to the onslaught that a worldly man like Suzuki would bring.

But it never happened. If there was someone scoring the debate, Rushton would have kicked Suzuki’s ass. All Suzuki could go on about was how a University of 50 or 60 thousand students couldn’t find anyone to debate this monster. How our world class school had to go outside its’ walls to find someone to denounce this professor. I was never so disappointed in David Suzuki as I was that day. But heck, when a major controversy was happening, Suzuki was there … at least in name.

And now he is at it again. The economy is flush with money and David Suzuki is aiming to make his mark on the subject of climate change and global warming. He is launching what CTV calls an “election-style environment tour“. Note it was not called an “Election-style Attack Tour”.

The first question that crossed my mind was “how much emissions is this tour putting into our atmospphere” as Suzuki is using a bus for the tour. The response is given:

The David Suzuki Foundation says in a news release that the carbon emissions associated with the tour are offset through its investments in sustainable energy projects, such as wind farms, solar installations, or energy efficiency projects.

Buying carbon credits with investments in green programs is good for his foundation but it is not acceptable for our government to invest money in Made in Canada green programs. For Suzuki to be happy, we need to give our tax dollars to Russia and Saudi Arabia via Kyoto.
David Suzuki has now disappointed me twice.

74 Year Old Toronto Liberal Changing Colours

My friend (and co-worker) Eric was telling me about some time he spent with his 74 year old father over the holidays. Eric’s father was a big supporter of Trudeau and Chretien and he was especially fond of Paul Martin. He has been a staunch Liberal for decades.

He mentioned to Eric over the break how he thought our new prime minister is doing a fine job, that he is one of the best true leaders this nation has seen in ages and that he is by far the best dressed PM.

I can’t think of a more glowing endorsement considering the source.

Oh The Inner Turmoil And Sense Of Vigilante Justice…

You can thank my sister in Toronto for this one. This was especially gratifying since Spidey has been my favourite superhero since watching the old classic cartoon series every morning as a child. Thank you CHCH for making sure I got my daily dose of Spidey and Rocket Robin Hood.


You can Click here to take the “Which Superhero are you?” quiz…

…Crossed with my Baldness, Business Sense, and Thirst for Power!!

This one was almost a given … although there is something sinister about being closely matched with Dr. Doom that is appealing too!!

Lex Luthor

You can Click here to take the “Which Super Villain are you?” quiz…

Are Loose Lips A Sign Of Partisanship Or Treason?

Throw the lot of them in jail. I could care less if they are partisans or not. To release government documents without an appropriate ATI (access to information) request could quite possibly be considered treason and to a stickler for rules like me, it is most definitely a breach of security.

I hope this investigation comes up with some names. And I hope they make examples out of those that leaked the documents so that any other partisan employees don’t “liberate” documents without a proper ATI.

English For Environmentalistas

From the “Things that cross my mind just before I fall asleep” department …

If the opposite of “inconvenient” is “convenient” and the opposite of “truth” is “lie”, then by the rule that two negatives are a positive, can we conclude that Al Gore’s movie/book is actually titled “A Convenient Lie”?
