Garth Turner The Pot Calls Kettle Black

Chucker Canuck has found the post Garth Turner removed from his blog and has reposted it as it was originally put online. In this post, Garth calls Stephen Harper a political whore.

The transformation is now complete. Harper is a political whore. And he joins a long list who have gone before him, using his office and the treasury of tax dollars it brings to reward his own people, and then try to buy off the rest of the country.

(remember those bolded words)

But that’s not the only part that gets my goat. Garth also says the following:

But Kellie Leitch, chair of pediatric surgery at the University Hospital in London, where she deservedly earns four times more than the average family, does not need more money.

Now correct me if I am wrong, but does Garth Turner not have millions tucked away from all his business dealings? Did he not make more than 4x what the average family did when he was in the private sector?

So let’s break this down. It’s not ok for Kellie Leitch, but it’s fine for Garth.

So let’s look at this from another perspective. Why did Garth join the Liberal Party? He tries to say that he found people with similar political views to his, but we all know Garth has been a conservative, right leaning politico all his life and that has not changed.

The only real reason Garth joined the Liberals was so he could fund raise and give out nice cushy 75% tax receipts in the next election, whenever that is. Due to his previous independent status, this was not a luxury he had. This way he, himself, can start “using his office and the treasury of tax dollars it brings to reward his own people.” i.e. his financial supporters.

So instead of using his own funds as he thinks Kellie Leitch should, Garth sold out his political views and joined the Liberals so he could give out tax receipts which, in turn, meant that he could get more money for campaigning.

So who’s the political whore?

Giving Students An Equal Perspective On Global Warming

Calling all sane people!!

For all of you who are up for an equal perspective education, I have made it easy for you to email all the current education ministers in the nation and ask them to show the British Channel 4 movie, The Great Global Warming Swindle to all students that were shown Al Gore’s Convenient Lie.

This would give the students two perspectives of the global warming debate and let them see what both sides have to say. Considering the global warming debate is so controversial, this would the right thing to do.

You can easily send this email with your own email program by clicking the link below.

I also encourage any other bloggers out there to include similar code on their website.

Email Education Ministers.

If you are interested, the following list outlines who is emailed via the link above.

British Columbia: Shirley Bond (Prince George-Mount Robson)
Alberta: Ron Liepert (Calgary West)
Saskatchewan: Pat Atkinson (Saskatoon Nutana)
Manitoba: Peter Bjornson (Gimli)
Ontario: Kathleen O. Wynne (Don Valley West)
Quebec: Jean-Marc Fournier (Chateauguay) (he was the last education minister before the election call
New Brunswick: Kelly Lamrock (Fredrickton-Fort Nashwaak)
Newfoundland and Labrador: Joan Burke (St. George’s-Stephenville East)
Prince Edward Island: Mildred A. Dover (Tracadie-Fort Augustus)
Nova Scotia: Karen Casey (Colchester North)
Yukon: Patrick Rouble (Southern Lakes)
Nunavut: Ed Picco (Iqualuit East)
Northwest Territories: Charles Dent (Frame Lake)

The Great Global Warming Swindle

I think many of you know my feelings about climate change. If not, my view is that climate changing is called “weather”. It occurs daily, it occurs weekly, it occurs seasonally, it occurs annually, and if you take it out far enough it occurs on the scale of thousands or tens of thousands of years.

There will never be the Tsunami because ice melts. There will never be a Tsunami because of the expansion of ocean water. There will never be a desert forming in a day or a week.

If you took the time to watch Al Gore’s Mockumentary, An Inconvenient Truth, then you really owe it to yourself to watch The Great Global Warming Swindle.

You will be shocked at some of the things Al Gore and his movie fail to discuss.

One item that sticks out clearly is the fact that numerous scientists have chosen to leave the IPCC and asked to have their names removed from the report. But barring the threat of legal action, the IPCC feels people who provided input, whether supportive or contradictive, are part of the committee, and as such should be listed.

Another point that really makes you think twice are some comments made right at the end of this documentary. They are based on the fact that we are now pushing the most expensive (wind and solar) energies on the underdeveloped third world. It actually brought a tear to my eye thinking of people with no electricity because we are not letting them burn coal or oil. When you think of American Democrats, you think of people who are supposed to fight for the rights of the underprivileged. Yet it is abundantly clear that Climate Change snake oil salesmen like Gore are out to keep the Third World in the dark.

I urge everyone to watch this movie and share it with friends.

H/T to A Dog Named Kyoto and a warm heart felt thank you to the BBC Channel 4. Click the play button below to watch the 75 minute show. It is well worth the time.

Yellow Bellied McShifty Breaks Another Promise – Class Sizes Won't Reach 20

Geoff Matthews points this out in today’s Sun newspaper. Not that class sizes need to reach 20, but what the heck was Dalton doing making this promise in the first place?

Now comes word that the provincial government hasn’t a chance of meeting its self-imposed target of cutting classroom sizes for primary grades to no more than 20 students by this September — a promise that was made during, you guessed it, the 2003 election campaign.

The question isn’t whether the goal can be met. It’s why did the premier make the promise in the first place?

Is there some magical reason why a class with 20 students can be managed, while a class with, say, 23, will spiral out of control?

Couldn’t a class of 30 kids work perfectly well in some instances, while in others anything more than a dozen would be a challenge?

At the risk of sounding like a grumpy old geezer, let me point out that when I was in school, we had classes of well over 30 students, and we never seemed to lack for a bit of personal attention from the teacher when it was required.

You got it right on the money Geoff. When I was in public school, there were well over 30 kids in my class just about every year. The only time there were less was if a grade only had 25 or so kids or if there were 50 or 55 in the grade and two classes were split.

The issue isn’t class size. It’s how the teachers control that class. And this day and age, they just don’t have the skill or desire to do it. They blame things like ADD or ADHD for their inadequacies in controlling children. They push them along year after year just happy to get the troubled ones out of their class, watering down the value of a high school diploma.

The Big Amazing Mole Survivor Election Race – Fiction By Me

When I read that bloggers like Liberal Jason Cherniak are talking about a mole running rampant in the Liberal party or I see that even Paul Wells thinks someone at Liberal HQ is smoking crack for divulging to the Mop and Pail all the good info on advertising plans that the Liberals have, I sit back and smile.

And everytime I think about the possibility of a mole, I think about all those defectors. Scott Brison, Belinda Stronach and now Garth Turner.

I wonder to myself… could any of them have had the following conversation with Stephen Harper at some point in time.

(MP enters Harper’s office)

MP: Yes boss? I heard you wanted to see me?

Harper: Yes,come in. Sit down. Have an M&M. I’ve been watching you over the years and I have come to the conclusion that you have always been a true conservative.

MP: I try boss.

Harper: How would you like to make the ultimate sacrifice? A sacrifice worthy of song…A sacrifice that may just give us the advantage that brings Canada back from the brink.. a sacrifice no bard will ever sing about, no Canadian will ever know, and one that will only work if you have a thick skin, a truly conservative heart and the patience of Job.

MP: I appreciate the compliments and I think that I have those qualities.

Harper: Good, because I want you to defect and be my mole inside the Liberal Caucus/Party.

MP: I’d be honoured boss. When do I start?

Harper: OK, this is the plan …

It’s at this point that I allways break into an evil cackling laughter that makes even my dog think I have gone crazy.

And I think to myself … nahhhh … those Liberals are just blabber mouths. This is why the MSM got so ticked at Harper. He can keep a secret and Liberals can’t.

Marlene Jennings Contracts Foot In Mouth Disease

First she attacked partisan government appointments

…and then we found out her own husband received such an appointment.

Then she attacked the way the C-17 contract was tendered

…when her own party used this same method of tender 3264 times in A SINGLE YEAR!!

And now Liberal Marlene Jennings is attacking the RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass for his comments following the Liberal support to let the anti-terror legislation sunset clause expiry.

Liberal justice critic Marlene Jennings is lashing out at B.C’s top Mountie for criticizing a move by Canada’s opposition parties not to extend controversial anti-terror powers for police.

RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass says an investigation into the 1985 Air India bombing has been harmed by the expiry of investigative hearings. Such hearings allow authorities to compel potential witnesses in a suspected terror case to testify in front of a judge.

Now that we are spending millions to investigate this tragedy again, the Liberals have taken away the tools the RCMP needed. Marlene Jennings and her Liberal partners should hang their heads in shame for how they have let down the families of every victim of the Air India tragedy down. Her dress down of a ranking RCMP officer is deplorable.

Places Al Gore And David Suzuki Won't Lick A Fence Post

So far, February 2007 is the coldest in more than 70 years

     – Chicago Tribune

Despite the recent string of above normal readings, this month (February 2007) is averaging only 13.5° making it the 6th coldest February on record here since 1871 and the coldest February in nearly three decades.

     – WGN Weather Center Blog

Coldest Russian Winter in Generation Kills Homeless, Drunks

Moscow’s coldest spell in 26 years brought out the quirkiest in the Russian character with one animal trainer feeding an elephant a bucket of vodka to warm it up — only to watch the drunken beast set about wrecking the central heating system.

     – Red Orbit

The milder weather will probably mean that this month will not end as one of the two or three coldest Februarys on record, but it’s not likely that the upcoming milder weather will be enough to keep the month from ending below normal in temperature.

     – Weather Journal

Liberals Practicing Reverse Psychology On Canadians

If you have ever tried to find a lost receipt in a garbage bag full of coffee grounds, banana peels and loaded diapers, then you know how hard it was to find this quote from the mouth of Mark Holland:

Liberals Denis Coderre and Mark Holland came to Dion’s defence, and blasted Harper and the Tories for spending millions of dollars on personal attack ads to force an election Canadians don’t want.

“I think that the Prime Minister wants the election soon,” said Holland, Dion’s natural resources critic. “Canadians don’t, and certainly we don’t. I think that Canadians want a minority government. They wanted it to work. What instead we have is somebody who has a crass political agenda and sort of shoves everything else aside.”

H/T to Jarrett Plonka.

But the story doesn’t end there.

This morning on CTV Newsnet, there was a news clip with Liberal Jim Karygiannis from Scarborough, taking his campaign signs out of storage for the pending election and Jimmy K. was harping about how an election was coming and blamed the reasoning on Harper’s desire to go to election.

“I think the Prime Minister is certainly misleading the Canadian public. He’s eager to go, he’s rarin’ to go, and I think within 4 to 8 weeks he’s going to pull the plug on us.”

But why would Jimmy move signs out of the garage of his mansion and put them in a
minivan? Where could he possibly be taking them? I think it’s clear who is rarin’ to go and it’s Jimmy K.

JimmyK Signs 1

JimmyK Signs 2

JimmyK Signs 3

So what we have here is three Liberals starting the campaign to make it look like they did NOT call the election. The way this works is they scatter the press with images of themselves preparing for an election and blaming it on the Tories, and then they take the government down on the budget and anyone who decides to not pay attention in two weeks will think the Tories called the election.

Nice smoke and mirrors. Watch the press over this two week March break to see how many more Liberals prepare for an election call and then deflect the blame to the Tories. All I have to say is that if Jimmy K has a sign up on his own lawn and is taking signs out of his garage and posting them

But the truth is, the Liberals are itching. They have an ineffective leader. They are losing more and more ground to the Tories daily, and they are in desperate need to find a reason to boot Stephane Dion out of power so they can find a more capable leader.

David Suzuki Foundation Hides Poll Results

Their was a poll on the David Suzuki Foundation website that I blogged about here.

As of mid day Sunday, they had removed this poll from their site and the speculation is that the results did not match what their site supports. As Steve Janke points out, for a scientist like Suzuki to not show results that don’t match his expectations is, simply put, a sin against science.

The image below is the results as of 5:50 am EST Monday March 5th.

Suzuki Poll Results 3

What I especially like is that the code can be put on other sites. So I urge you all to continue voting if you have not voted already.

H/T to Neo at Halls of Macadamia