Liberals Practicing Reverse Psychology On Canadians

If you have ever tried to find a lost receipt in a garbage bag full of coffee grounds, banana peels and loaded diapers, then you know how hard it was to find this quote from the mouth of Mark Holland:

Liberals Denis Coderre and Mark Holland came to Dion’s defence, and blasted Harper and the Tories for spending millions of dollars on personal attack ads to force an election Canadians don’t want.

“I think that the Prime Minister wants the election soon,” said Holland, Dion’s natural resources critic. “Canadians don’t, and certainly we don’t. I think that Canadians want a minority government. They wanted it to work. What instead we have is somebody who has a crass political agenda and sort of shoves everything else aside.”

H/T to Jarrett Plonka.

But the story doesn’t end there.

This morning on CTV Newsnet, there was a news clip with Liberal Jim Karygiannis from Scarborough, taking his campaign signs out of storage for the pending election and Jimmy K. was harping about how an election was coming and blamed the reasoning on Harper’s desire to go to election.

“I think the Prime Minister is certainly misleading the Canadian public. He’s eager to go, he’s rarin’ to go, and I think within 4 to 8 weeks he’s going to pull the plug on us.”

But why would Jimmy move signs out of the garage of his mansion and put them in a
minivan? Where could he possibly be taking them? I think it’s clear who is rarin’ to go and it’s Jimmy K.

JimmyK Signs 1

JimmyK Signs 2

JimmyK Signs 3

So what we have here is three Liberals starting the campaign to make it look like they did NOT call the election. The way this works is they scatter the press with images of themselves preparing for an election and blaming it on the Tories, and then they take the government down on the budget and anyone who decides to not pay attention in two weeks will think the Tories called the election.

Nice smoke and mirrors. Watch the press over this two week March break to see how many more Liberals prepare for an election call and then deflect the blame to the Tories. All I have to say is that if Jimmy K has a sign up on his own lawn and is taking signs out of his garage and posting them

But the truth is, the Liberals are itching. They have an ineffective leader. They are losing more and more ground to the Tories daily, and they are in desperate need to find a reason to boot Stephane Dion out of power so they can find a more capable leader.

4 thoughts on “Liberals Practicing Reverse Psychology On Canadians

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    March 5, 2007 at 7:45 am

    The Liberals are going to be in a tough spot come budget time. Besides being broke they have not been stellar performers in question period. The slapdown videos are priceless.I think Flaherty is going to push every Liberal button he can such that if the budget passes it will have compromised every policy position the Liberals have established. If the Liberals vote in favour of the budget they might as well pack their bags and go home.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    March 5, 2007 at 9:08 am

    Very good analogy to the coffee grinds, etc.. For me, having a Liberal government feels like having a dead squid wrapped around your body.
    Slimy with the Liberal taint of dead meat left out in the sun.
    Must be the aroma that continues to attract Ontario and East Coast voters.

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    March 5, 2007 at 11:32 am

    Harper won’t want to have an election til he’s fairly sure of a majority. If we just get another minority, Dion will be turfed, and then there could be problems.

    It will be the Liberals gunning for the election and framing Harper as the villain. So I agree with you Mulder. They can’t wait.

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    March 6, 2007 at 5:00 pm

    They all want an election (except the Bloc).

    It’s their Grey Cup, their Super Bowl, their Stanley Cup, they all can’t wait to get started campaigning.

    But after a week of door-knocking the Liberals are going to wish they would have supported the budget.

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