Smackdown – Diane Finley Exposes Liberal Jim Karygiannis Hypocrisy

Being of Greek heritage myself, I especially loved this one. For all the good Greek values Jim seems to have turned his back on, I applaud Diane Finley for letting Jim know how much of a hypocrite he is.

Well done Minister!!

Click the video above ONCE to start viewing. If it does not start playing shortly after, you can try clicking the link below.

Ontario Liberal Hypocrisy

During the last provincial election in Ontario, Dalton McShifty and his Liberal posse railed for a month about how the public school system is “for everyone” and “together” and rah rah rah we are one big happy family. And that the reason a community as multicultured as Toronto has little violence is because the kids grow up in schoo….”together”. Those were Dalton’s words, not mine.

Well a couple of days ago, the Toronto District School Board passed by a vote of 12 to 11 a motion to create an Afro-Centric School and I have yet to hear either the Premier or his Minister of Education speak out against this decision.

So it seems the provincial Liberals have a problem with “faith based schools” and did not want to create further segregation there, but when it comes to race, they stay silent.

Another group that deserves to be slapped is the Ontario Teachers Union. During the last election they bragged relentlessly in TV commercials about how the education system was working and doing great things. Why even bother mentioning the fact that it was pretty crass of them to pay for these commercials in the heart of an election run where the hottest topic was the faith based school funding issue? Well if the school system is working so well, why are we now creating a segregated system within the publicly funded umbrella.

The answer is simply hypocrisy at it’s finest.

Salt Water To Replace Gas

A must see video.

If this technology is real and viable for running cars then we have something that means we can run our big SUVs and help keep Al Gore at bay on the whole “oceans are rising” crock.

Please share this with anyone you know.

Click the video above once to view. If it does not work, try clicking the link below once.

Smackdown – Chuck Strahl Raps Anita Neville On The Knuckles

When you demand someone sweep the world’s doorstep, you damn well better make sure you have swept your own doorstep.

As Chuck Strahl points out in the video below, Liberal Anita Neville doesn’t own a broom, but she sure has the guts of Dick Tracy to ask what she does.

Click the video below once to start watching.

If the video above does not play, you can click the link below to watch in a new browser window.

My Two Cents On Tasering

I’m not an expert on the conditions under which a Taser should be used. Nor am I a doctor to be able to tell you under what medical conditions Tasering could be dangerous.

But I am electronic engineering technologist. At least my BSc. EET degree telles me so.

And the past week I have heard numerous phone callers to Radio or TV talk shows talk about the voltage that kills people. I have probably heard a couple of TV/Radio Hosts repeat the phrase that it is not the amperage that kills you, but the voltage.

This is grossly inaccurate. It is the current that kills you. And actually the numbers that were given to me in school was that 500 milliAmps to 1 Amp is enough to fry you. Yet after investigating I discovered that the current Tasers put out is in the neighbourhood of 2.1 milliAmps. You get more current from sticking your tongue between the two terminals of a 9V battery.

For clarification, Voltage does not kill directly at all. What it does is cause your muscles to contract. There are reports that Voltage can throw a man across a room. This is actually Voltage causing muscles to contract enough to have this man throw himself across the room.

The other lesson we learned is that you never let electricity cross your heart. i.e. you never touch something electronic with one hand while the other one is grounded. This is why electricians almost always have one hand in their pocket which means any jolt would travel down the side of their body to the ground through their legs and not cross the chest.

In light of all the recent Taser talk, I will wait for investigations/inquiries to take their course but my guess is that Tasers need to be fired away from the chest of a person to minimize the chances of the voltage contracting a heart muscle to the point it gives out.

On a similar vein, In this regard, I must point out that there was an episode of Mythbusters which they created a shocking statue and grabbed the two terminals with their hands. I was simply astounded that the show would let it’s hosts get shocked this way. Luckily no one was hurt or killed.

Blogging Tory Weirdness

I had the pleasure of, once again, passing by the Conservative Party of Canada HQ in downtown Ottawa this past week. It happened to be on Stephen Taylor`s birthday (Thursday) and I saw this and just had to snap a cell phone shot.


Does anyone else find it weird that the tailor located on the main floor of the CPC building is called Stephano Tailor or is it just me?

Just one of those weird things you notice I guess.

Liberals "In and Out" Of Hypocrisy … But Mostly In

After weeks of pummeling the Conservatives in Question Period alleging election fraud, the Liberal hypocrisy on the issue is exposed. When a motion in the house affairs committee is brought forward to expose the practices of all parties for the last two elections, they turn tail and run, preventing quorum and, thus, acceptance of the motion.


Click the above video once to view. If it does not begin playing shortly, you can try clicking the link below.

This Week Was Special

This week was a blur to me. I had one of the busiest work weeks I can remember in a long time. But this week two things happened that made me feel both proud and very pleased with my life.

1) My son joined me for a busy day visiting customers and talking the tech talk as it was “Bring your grade 9 child to work day” on Wednesday. He was very mature and, although I knew he would rather have been home playing World of Warcraft with his friends, he didn’t seem to show it. Tonight (Thursday) at dinner, I heard him say to my wife “Hey mom, do you know what an ETX-802 does?” It was one of those moments that just made me smile knowing he’ll be fine when he gets older.

Thanks T-Bone.


2) My daughter told me this evening that she was chosen to lay the wreath down for her class at the W.O. Mitchell Public School Remembrance Day ceremony they will hold on Friday (due to Remembrance Day falling on a Sunday). As a proud supporter of our military, and a father who has a) spent time walking the War Memorial explaining to my children what it means and what the years represent and b) taken a day to bring this 11 year old down to the new Canadian War Museum, I am very touched that she has been given this honour.

Thanks Cookie.

I have two great kids!!!
