Where The Hell Are Our Priorities When It Comes To Cable?

Last week it was announced that the Rogers Cable subscribers in Ottawa would no longer get their PBS from rinky dink Watertown, NY anymore and would instead get it from Detroit, where most of our other major network feeds come from. I have two words for people.


Tell me the last time you actually watched PBS? It is Bill Moyer’s liberal playpen. Moyer should crawl back into the communist red hole that spawned him and hide his face in shame for what he has done to that network.

I am even more upset that I am hearing right wing or center right talk radio pick up the banner and wave it high that we need to support local TV stations. How about we support choice instead?

I am a Roger’s subscriber and I wanted Fox News Channel (181 on your Roger’s dial) and I had to subscribe to their “News” package which includes 5 other stations that I had no intention of ever watching and haven’t watched since I got them. Yet I have to pay the $4.99 for this one station. Today I inspected Roger’s pick and pay station options and all 5 of these stations are offered individually for $2.79 per channel if I just want the one. Guess which station in the “News” package was not available individually? You guessed right. The Fox News Channel.

So I surfed over to the Bell ExpressVu website and after a few minutes I noticed that the Fox News Channel was not available as a standalone either. It comes as part of their “News and Learning 2” theme package which includes 7 other stations and costs $8.00 per month. I found the Bell Pick and Pay options for single channel subscriptions and I could order every network in the “News and Learning 2” package individually for $2.50 each. All but ONE that is. Guess which one? Wow, you’re good. 2 for 2. It is the Fox News Channel.

This network is the number one rated cable news channel kicking CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and HLN to the ground. In fact, Fox regularly has the top ten individual ratings for shows in the Cable News World. Look at some of these numbers.

From April 2009, the top 11 shows were all Fox News Channel.

1. “The O’Reilly Factor” (Fox News): 3,498,000 total viewers
2. “Hannity” (Fox News): 2,566,000 total viewers
3. “Glenn Beck” (Fox News): 2,230,000 total viewers
4. “On the Record with Greta van Susteren” (Fox News): 2,173,000 total viewers
5. “Special Report with Bret Baier” (Fox News): 2,047,000 total viewers
6. “The Fox Report with Shepard Smith” (Fox News): 1,915,000 total viewers
7. “The O’Reilly Factor” (Fox News, repeat): 1,723,000 total viewers
8. “Your World with Neil Cavuto” (Fox News): 1,520,000 total viewers
9. “America’s Newsroom” (Fox News): 1,505,000 total viewers
10. “Studio B with Shepard Smith” (Fox News): 1,314,000 total viewers
11. “Happening Now” (Fox News): 1,247,000 total viewers
12. “Countdown with Keith Olbermann” (MSNBC): 1,237,000 total viewers
13. “The Live Desk” (Fox News): 1,210,000 total viewers
14. “Larry King Live” (CNN): 1,093,000 total viewers
15. “Anderson Cooper 360″ (CNN): 1,058,000 total viewers
16. “The Rachel Maddow Show” (MSNBC): 1,042,000 total viewers
17. “Situation Room” (CNN): 898,000 total viewers
18. “Lou Dobbs Tonight” (CNN): 826,000 total viewers
19. “Campbell Brown: No Bias, No Bull” (CNN): 786,000 total viewers
20. “CNN Newsroom” (CNN): 725,000 total viewers

Click To Enlarge
Click To Enlarge

When it comes to analyzing timeslots, to the right  is a graphic taken from the Hot Air Pundit indicating ratings by timeslot. Note Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly (twice) kick some serious ass in their timeslots.  Additionally, Fox News wins every slot from 5pm to Midnight by a significantly large margin, in most cases over all other news networks combined.  How can Rogers and Bell include CNN in their premium cable packages, yet they continue to ignore Fox?  This is a travesty in my opinion and it is another example of the viewing public getting Officially Screwed.

Forget PBS. I want my Fox News Channel!!

Blackberry Alert – Nobex Picks Up CFRA

For those conservative “Crackberry” addicts out there like me, I thought I should point out that Nobex Radio Companion has added Ottawa’s 580 CFRA to its’ list of stations a mere three months after I suggested they add the station.

For those who do not know, Nobex is a streaming radio player for your Blackberry and is available in the new “App World” or you can download it from the Nobex website.  It is a fantastic way to get radio wherever you can take your cell phone.

CFRA is the radio station that many feel is the reason Eastern Ontario has elected so many Conservative MPs.  With voices like Lowell Green, Steve Madely, Rob Snow, Nick Vandergragt, and John Counsell, I highly suggest people give it a listen either online at cfra.com or via Nobex on their Blackberry.

Canadian Health Care System Under John Stossel's Watchful Eye

Mark your calendars.  On Friday July 24th, John Stossel has a segment on ABC’s 20/20 which looks at the Canadian Universal Health Care system.   This is very timely as the Obama administration is poised to pass a Universal Health Care bill through Congress.

In an effort to educate American’s about our system, Stossel does some serious digging.  In a brief preview some of the information that will be revealed is:

a)  Canadian doctors earn less than 50% of what their American counterparts make, which leads to the doctor shortage.

b)  towns in Canada are holding lotteries when space opens up with local family doctors to determine which family will get a doctor.

c) CT Scans, MRIs and other critical tests can get done usually next day…if you are a cat or a dog.  But for a human the wait time is far longer.

If Stossel ‘s past segments are an indication of what we can expect then this segment should be eye opening for Canadians as well as Americans.  I urge you all to take note and set your PVR’s.  For a sneak peak, check out the early promo by clicking here.

We will also do our part and try to get the show recorded and posted to the web as we feel it is critical for Canadians to know how OfficiallyScrewed we really are.

OS Bookshelf – Glenn Beck's Common Sense by Glenn Beck

Click to view larger image

Inspired by Thomas Paine’s pamplet from 1776, Glenn Beck has taken libertarianism to the masses with this inexpensive paperback that is meant to kickstart a non-violent revolution against big government, just as Paine’s original kickstarted the American revolution.

The book is fairly easy to get through and for those who watch Beck’s TV program or listen to his radio show, you will find that he reads the way he sounds when he gets on one of his passionate rants. This is especially true when he addresses overspending in various places. I can see how this book, which was number one on the NY Times list, might just accomplish the task it was meant to and awaken American’s to take up the fight and declare themselves independent and utter that timeless moniker of American Revolutionaries “Don’t tread on me.”

7 out of 10 screws.
Mini ScrewMini ScrewMini ScrewMini ScrewMini ScrewMini ScrewMini Screw

Party Funding – The Only Logical Solution Is Screw The Bloc (Officially Of Course!)

In the Fall of 2008, PMSH toyed with the idea of cancelling the party funding formula that rewards each political party approximately $1.95 per year for each vote they received in the last election. Immediately, the three parties who squirrel away their funds in this manner cried foul and out of self interest they threatened to take the government down.

Well I have the short term solution that would a) bind the three national parties and b) spread the wealth in a manner that would minimize the threat of regionalism.

The formula for funding is below:

Funding = votes x $1.95 x (candidates that the party runs)
………………………………………………..(total number of ridings)

Thus the Green Party, the Liberal Party, the NDP and the Conservative Party would garner approximately $1.95 per vote which is about the same as the current formula. ($1.95 x (300/308) = approximately $1.90 per vote)

But a regional party, like the Bloc Quebecois, would only garner $1.95 x (75/308) or approximately $0.48 per vote. Considering the fact that Bloc is using tax dollars to promote separation, this nationalistic approach to party funding would probably go over well with the average Canadian.

OfficiallyScrewed.com Facelift

For those of you who are regular to our tiny spec of cosmic dust in the internet universe, you will notice our look has changed. We have been upgrading the look and feel of our OfficiallyScrewed home and we would appreciate your feedback on this new look.

Note: Our request for feedback does NOT extend to the content. We will continue to be as obnoxious and hard headed when it comes to our unabashedly conservative/libertarian views and any negative comments on this view will be met heartily with a great big raspberry. PHHHhhtttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Free Speech Zones at Vancouver Olympics

Call me crazy but I am a wee bit miffed this morning. I am as much a conservative as any other and I have a “get tough on crime attitude”.

But this morning on Canada AM, I heard the head of security for the Vancouver 2010 games say that they were setting up “free speech zones”.

Excuse me??? To paraphrase an American college student I heard quote a few months ago… But do you have a map? You see that big landmass between the USA and the Arctic Ocean? The one that goes from the Atlantic to the Pacific? THAT’S my “free speech zone”.

Sheila Copps Is A Partisan Second And A Hypocrite First

Sheila Copps wrote a piece for the Hill Times where she spews on about how women in politics (whether politicians or journalists) are being ignored and shoved to the sidelines but she eschews the top female news maker in politics, Governor Sarah Palin.

It is not only an injustice to her article to avoid mentioning Palin, but it demonstrates that Liberals are as much in line with the likes of the ACLU, who did not lift a finger to defend Palin against late night host David Letterman when he made jokes about her 14 yr old daughter having sex with a Major League baseball player.

In addition, Copps goes on about how the Liberal Party should up it’s female candidate quota from 33% to 40% in the next election and she mentions the number of female cabinet members Obama has named but she doesn’t mention the fact that the only major political party in Canada without a female leader in it’s history is her own Liberal Party.

What a hypocrite. Sheila Copps is a major reason why this country is OfficiallyScrewed.

h/t ChuckerCanuck