
For those of you who are regular to our tiny spec of cosmic dust in the internet universe, you will notice our look has changed. We have been upgrading the look and feel of our OfficiallyScrewed home and we would appreciate your feedback on this new look.

Note: Our request for feedback does NOT extend to the content. We will continue to be as obnoxious and hard headed when it comes to our unabashedly conservative/libertarian views and any negative comments on this view will be met heartily with a great big raspberry. PHHHhhtttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

I Guess I Am Not The Only One Thinking We Are Getting Screwed

I would love to think I inspired this artwork, but with the cost of the stamp at 49 cents I think it was created before my blog as the price of sending a letter in Canada is higher these days.

The below stamp can be found at

(H/T to Joanne)

screwed taxpayer

Now I have been toying with the idea of a new logo. So far my terrible paint shop pro skills have garnered this.

borderless logo 1

Can you comment on what you think the shaded circles represent?

Ottawa Bloggers – And Then There Were Four

In an effort to keep things honest on the Ottawa Valley Blogroll, I have gone through the sites that were on the list and, with a heavy heart, removed those who have not chosen reciprocate by adding the roll to their sites.

Harsh? No. Just tough love. I still have many of those removed on my personal reading list. But in fairness to those who have put the link up, I have gone ahead and done the dirty deed.

If anyone out there in the Ottawa Valley wishes to be included (or readded), simply follow the link below for details on how to do so. I check my email regularly so it shouldn’t take more than 24 hours before you are added.

Instructions for joining Ottawa Valley Bloggers

OfficiallyScrewed Events Calendar Goes Live

Do you have an event coming up that other conservative minded people might want to know about? is proud to announce your political event online. Elections, By-Elections, Fundraising dinners, Burmashaves, etc. Just Email Me with the following:

  1. Your name
  2. Your organization name (please ensure accuracy as it will be public)
  3. Your event name
  4. Your event date
  5. Your event time
  6. Your event URL or affiliated website
  7. Your organization contact information (for confirmation)

Please feel free to share this link with friends so they can promote their events too.

Preview Comment, Email Post and Trackback All Fully Operational

Just an FYI for those posting here.  I have corrected problems with the trackback feature of the site.  I have also added a feature to allow you to email the post you are on to a friend and included a preview comment feature as well.  I have refrained from adding Chaptcha which is the funny letters many sites ask you to fill in on the comment page.  This security feature is there to prevent unwanted automated posting by spam commenters.  I will retain the right to turn it on should spam get excessive on this site.

Ottawa Valley Blogroll

After the last meeting of the Ottawa Valley Bloggers, the hype is starting up for the next one (about a month out from now). In light of this, and the difficulty I had trying to find Ottawa Valley Bloggers, I have started an Ottawa Valley Blogroll. It is currently sitting on the right hand column of this page.

Officially Screwed Site Statistics – January 2006

Well after one full calendar month of site stats, I have pulled the following data together for January 2006

Total Sessions 13,346.00
Total Pageviews 29,829.00
Total Hits 189,876.00
Total Bytes Transferred 1.77 GB
Average Sessions Per Day 430.52
Average Pageviews Per Day 962.23
Average Hits Per Day 6,125.03
Average Bytes Transferred Per Day 58.52 MB
Average Pageviews Per Session 2.24
Average Hits Per Session 14.23
Average Bytes Per Session 139.19 KB
Average Length of Session 00:05:14

For posterity, here is the daily graph indicating sessions, pageviews and MBytes transferred.

I separated hits out because adding this graph minimizes what information you can get from the above one.

In case you are wondering what caused the spike, it was primarily driven by our posts here and here and here and here about the Vellacott-Axworthy sexual assault accusation.

Thanks for your continued visits and support of our site. Clicking ads, or purchasing OfficiallyScrewed merchandise, helps keep the site operational.