Legislated to Death…or at Least into the Poorhouse


January 1st, 2013 was an amazingly sad day for Californians.  They had over 800 new laws to abide by.


That’s 2 over 2 laws per day of the year.

How does a state pass that many laws?  Where do they find the time?

The “Why do they pass this many?” question is easy.  It’s a cash grab.  Most of these laws have fines.

I am taking this opportunity to iterate my firm belief that for every new law created, legislatures should need to remove 2 old ones.  It’s the only way our freedom will be returned.  At this rate, we will not be able to breathe without the state endorsing it.

My prediction:  By 2050 there will be a law to tell you how many breaths you can take and everyone will be legally required to wear one of those work out monitors that uses bluetooth to communicate to our bioembedded cellular device that tattles to the state if we breathe too much.

Californians are OfficiallyScrewed.

Chief Spence Moves Goal Posts…Again

 Moving The Goalposts!First she said she would be on her reduced caloric intake diet until the Prime Minister would meet with her.

He agreed to meet her and all the other band chiefs on January 11th.

Then she said she will not end her reduced caloric intake diet unless something concrete comes of Friday’s meeting.

Today it is learned that she has said she will not attend unless the Governor-General meets with her.

At this point, if I were the PM, I would back out. It is obvious nothing is going to sate this women’s appetite.

Attiwapiskat Has No Documentation for 80% of Financial Expenditures from 2005 to 2011/2012

Thanks Brigitte Pellerin!!!

A few snips.

Deloitte was commissioned by the federal government to audit the Attawapiskat books for the years 2005-2011/12. …..Deloitte cannot guarantee federal funds sent to the northern Ontario reserve are used properly. In fact, the accounting firm cannot find proper documentation for 80% of transactions…..the newspaper was unable to get Chief Theresa Spence to comment on its information.

Methinks Chief Spence is rightfully going to get OfficiallyScrewed.

Obama, Biden applied political pressure on DoE to fund cronies in Enviro-Gate

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform released over 150 emails that show both President Obama and Vice President Biden were applying pressure big time.  Here are some quotes.

“I am growing increasingly worried about a fast track process imposed on us at the POTUS level based on this chaotic process that we are undergoing…by designing the fast track process and having it approved at the POTUS level (which is an absolute waste of his time!) it legitimizes every element and it becomes embedded like the 55% recovery rate which also was imposed by POTUS.”


“You better let him know that WH wants to move Abound forward. Policy will have to wait unless they have a specific policy problem with abound.”


“Pressure is on real heavy on SF [Shepherds Flat] due to interest from VP.”

The whole story is just coming out but it can’t be good for the Obama/Biden ticket.

Read more about it here and here.

Methinks the American taxpayer got OfficiallyScrewed.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Press Conference on Investigation Into Validity of President Obama’s Birth Certificate

I know there are  those who dispute the validity of the birth certificate.  I know there are conspiracy theorists.  But I guess if someone in the position of Sheriff conducts a formal investigation, it should at least be made public and then disputed or not disputed.  Prepare yourself for an hour of interesting information to say the least that questions the validity of the Birth Certificate that was presented as that of Barack Obama.

Click Here To View The Press Conference

Is President Obama OfficiallyScrewed?