Reprint: "Liberal" … "Advertising" … Is Your Spidey Sense Tingling Now Too?

Below is a reprint of a post I put up on July 7th, 2006. I think this is important so that Ontarians realize what kind of government they are dealing with. The term “sponsorship scandal” does not only apply to federal Liberals.

Liberal … Advertising … Is Your Spidey sense Tingling Now Too?

Well it should be.

Steve Janke has done it again. In an incredible excercise of digging up the dirt, he may have just caught that Yellow Bellied McShifty with his pants down.

It is no secret that businesses in Caledonia are suffering because of the land dispute. The provincial government, run by the Liberals under Premier Dalton McGuinty, has offered to help.

In true Liberal fashion, they are offering to help with advertising.

An advertising agency that works in the Hamilton area called Play Advertising was awarded the contract.

The head of the firm is Brian Torsney. His sister is Paddy Torsney, a former Member of Parliament for Burlington for the federal Liberals. Burlington is near Hamilton. From 1985 to 1989, she was a special assistant to David Peterson, at the time the Liberal premier of Ontario.

The same David Peterson who was assigned the task of negotiating on behalf of the province in the Caledonia dispute.


Interesting indeed. I highly urge you all to go read this.

I think we are, once again, getting Officially Screwed by a Liberal and their ad agency friends.