Smackdown: PM Harper Returns Liberal Leader Michael Zsohar’s Serve On Roland Garros Claycourt

I love Question Period. Call me a goofball. I actually caught this without sound on a TV in the lobby of a customer’s yesterday afternoon. Good timing on my part. The bolded part is a nice zinger that plays on Liberal Leader Michael Zsohar’s status as a temporary visitor to our great nation.

Hon. Michael Ignatieff (Leader of the Opposition, Lib.):
Even France is saying that the costs of this summit are getting out of control, and France knows something about extravagance. Its foreign minister is making jokes about the lake.
How can the Prime Minister preach austerity and restraint to Canadians and his G20 colleagues when he has lost control of the cost of his own summit?

Right Hon. Stephen Harper (Prime Minister, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, of course, as has been observed by many people, the cost of these summits in this age is very expensive because of the security demands placed on the summits. Well over 80% of the cost for our summit are, of course, for security, and this is similar to all similar types of summits.
As for extravagance in France, I would not know about that, but perhaps the Leader of the Opposition, at his home in Provence, could tell us all about it.

Harper: 15, Ignatieff: L’oeuf

Liberal Leader Michael Zsohar Loves US Eh? (or is that U.S.A.)

Iggy Loves US eh

When I was a boy, I used to love “make-believe” and “pretend”. I would run around the house with a towel waving behind me pretending I was Superman or Batman, or I would paint a broken broomstick handle blue and have lightsaber battles with my friends. But the reality always came back to me when my mom would yell “Dinner!!”.

Liberal Leader Michael Zsohar hasn’t heard the dinner bell and continues on with his “make-believe” and “pretend”. I can see him day dreaming about meeting heads of state  or attending the G8 or G20 summits. I bet he even has furniture picked out for 24 Sussex. It’s really quite amusing for him and for Canadian voters.

From the CPC website:

On Monday evening, Michael Ignatieff told an elite group of Liberals that his 34 years away from Canada made him “more of a Canadian.” (National Post. May 18, 2010)

Are we talking about the same Michael Ignatieff who praised the United States, going so far as to call himself an American?

“You have to decide what kind of America you want…It’s your country just as much as it is mine.” (C-SPAN, June 17, 2004)
“I want to make it clear; there isn’t an anti-American bone in my body. I love the republic I live in.” (Sunday Edition with Michael Enright, CBC Radio, Sept. 16, 2001.
“I think that one of the ‐–‐ that almost the nemesis of American power is that we are deeply hated and simultaneously supposed to have magical powers.” (Charlie Rose Show, April 28, 2004)
Are we talking about the same Michael Ignatieff who repeatedly bashed Canada, its flag and its people?

Ignatieff told an interviewer that “the only thing he missed about Canada was Algonquin Park”. (Maclean’s, November 20, 2006)
Ignatieff described the Canadian flag as “a passing imitation of a beer label” (The Observer, July 8, 1990), and
Ignatieff said, “Quebeckers walk around with this fantasy of how different they are, but they are just North Americans who speak French…They take the minor difference and magnify it.” (Globe and Mail. April 2, 1998)

Liberal Leader Michael Zsohar's Circle Includes Supporters Of International Drug Traffickers

Yup.  You heard right.

On Sunday’s Question Period in an interview with Craig Oliver, Michael Zsohar claimed the Prime Minister’s judgment was in question for how he handled the situation surrounding Rahim Jaffer’s original arrest for drunk driving and cocaine posession.  He asked if the PM called Ms Guergis in to ask her what was going on?  How could this have happened? As if it was the Prime Minister’s fault.

From the Turnaround Is Fair Play department,  how does Michael Zsohar sleep at night knowing one of his MP’s has written letters in support of an international drug trafficker?

How bad is his judgment that Michael Zsohar, once acclaimed as leader of the Liberal party, did not boot Sukh Dhaliwal from Caucus when the MP for Newton-North Delta claimed an international drug trafficker was rehabilitated?

Surrey Liberal MP Sukh Dhaliwal has written to a U.S. District Court judge on official House of Commons stationery in support of convicted international drug trafficker Ranjit Singh Cheema, The Vancouver Sun has learned.

Cheema was sentenced in California this week to five years in prison after pleading guilty to conspiring to smuggle 200 kilograms of heroin from Pakistan to North America in 1998.

The drugs were supposed to be exchanged with cocaine from a Colombian cartel in a deal that was intercepted by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

Dhaliwal’s letter, dated July 9, 2008 and addressed to Judge Stephen V. Wilson, says the Newton-North Delta MP had met Cheema at “community engagements” and that the gangster seemed to be fully rehabilitated after fighting extradition for 10 years.

Michael Zsohar should put his money where his mouth is and reprimand his drug trafficker supporting MP.  I mean come on. He wrote a letter supporting a guy who planned to bring 200 kilograms of Heroin into North America.  200 Kilograms!!  For real??  Yes For real.

Michael Zsohar needs to work on his judgment. And now you know how stretching the truth and making allegations can be turned around on you don’t you Mr. Zsohar.

Liberal Leader Michael Zsohar A Sexist

From Wednesday’s Hansard. (emphasis on the bolded portion)

Mr. Michael Ignatieff (Leader of the Opposition, Lib.):

Mr. Speaker, for more than seven months the Prime Minister has stood by and watched while Mr. and Mrs. Jaffer attached their tentacles to the neck of the government and slowly dragged it down. The question now is not about Mr. and Mrs. Jaffer, it is about the Prime Minister.
Will he finally explain why he called in the police? Will he finally admit that in the confidence he placed in this couple, he displayed a poor lack of judgment?

Where are the feminists on this one? Where is Michael Zsohar’s critic for the Status of Women on this one?

Michael Zsohar crossed a line here. Now there is NO turning back.

Michael Zsohar is OfficiallyScrewed.

Smackdown – Pierre Poilievre Gives Iggy A Diggy

Ann Coulter has entered Hansard. The Smackdown is italicized below.

Mr. David McGuinty (Ottawa South, Lib.):
Mr. Speaker, the darling of the reform-conservative-republican movement really outdid herself last night in Calgary. By addressing Canadian diversity, Ann Coulter said that diversity is not an advantage to a country like Canada. “It’s not a strength”, she continued. Then she went on to compare diversity to cancer. From organizing speeches to putting on cocktails, the Conservative Party’s dirty little fingerprints are all over her Canadian tour.
Will the Prime Minister immediately and publicly condemn Ann Coulter’s outrageous and intolerant views?

Hon. Jay Hill (Leader of the Government in the House of Commons, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, you and the hon. member would know that his question has absolutely nothing to do with the business of government and should be disallowed.

Mr. David McGuinty (Ottawa South, Lib.):
Mr. Speaker, the office of the member for South Shore—St. Margaret’s organized a Coulter cocktail. The member of Parliament for Calgary West led the applause last night from his front row seat.
The Prime Minister’s mentor, Rainer Knopff, who co-authored the reckless and divisive firewall letter, co-sponsored the speech and sat there while his guest savaged mainstream Canadian values.
Silence is acquiescence. Either the Prime Minister supports it or he does not. Which is it?

The Deputy Speaker:
Order, please. I do not see that that is a business of government administration. I do see the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister rising, so I will give him a chance to answer, but I caution members to keep their questions–

Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
Mr. David McGuinty: Which is it?
The Deputy Speaker: Order, order. The member for Ottawa South will come to order.
Some hon. members: Oh, oh!
Mr. David McGuinty: Go ahead.
The Deputy Speaker: The member for Ottawa South will come to order.
I see the Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister rising to answer the question. I will allow him to do so.

Mr. Pierre Poilievre (Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister and to the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, the member has raised a very important question about an American commentator who has come to this country with some outrageous comments: comments supporting the Iraq war, comments supporting the use of torture, and comments referring to Israel as a war criminal. But enough about the leader of the Liberal Party.

Yowza!! Nice one Mr. Poilievre.

Monty Python's Life Of Michael and The Search For The Holy Grail

Michael Ignatieff reminds me of Sir Galahad in Monty Python’s Holy Grail when he gets to the Bridge of Death.

Bridgekeeper: Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see.
Sir Michael of Ignatieff: Ask me the questions, bridgekeeper. I am not afraid.
Bridgekeeper: What… is your name?
Sir Michael of Ignatieff: My name is Sir Michael of Ignatieff.
Bridgekeeper: What… is your quest?
Sir Michael of Ignatieff: To become Prime Minister of Canada.
Bridgekeeper: Would you create a coalition with socialists and separatists?
Sir Michael of Ignatieff: Yes…err No!!!

To view the actual Monty Python scene, visit this link:

Michael Ignatieff Ads Add Up To A Subtle Insult

Michael Ignatieff has new ads out. Let’s do some math.


Hi, I’m Michael Ignatieff. Wherever I have worked, I have met Canadians that are the best the world has to offer.


FACT: Michael Ignatieff worked outside of Canada for 34 straight years.


Michael Ignatieff thinks the best Canadians that the world has to offer live outside of Canada.

What does that make those of us who live in Canada? Chopped Liver?

h/t “A Step To The Right” (on hiatus)