Liberal Leader Michael Zsohar Loves US Eh? (or is that U.S.A.)

Iggy Loves US eh

When I was a boy, I used to love “make-believe” and “pretend”. I would run around the house with a towel waving behind me pretending I was Superman or Batman, or I would paint a broken broomstick handle blue and have lightsaber battles with my friends. But the reality always came back to me when my mom would yell “Dinner!!”.

Liberal Leader Michael Zsohar hasn’t heard the dinner bell and continues on with his “make-believe” and “pretend”. I can see him day dreaming about meeting heads of state  or attending the G8 or G20 summits. I bet he even has furniture picked out for 24 Sussex. It’s really quite amusing for him and for Canadian voters.

From the CPC website:

On Monday evening, Michael Ignatieff told an elite group of Liberals that his 34 years away from Canada made him “more of a Canadian.” (National Post. May 18, 2010)

Are we talking about the same Michael Ignatieff who praised the United States, going so far as to call himself an American?

“You have to decide what kind of America you want…It’s your country just as much as it is mine.” (C-SPAN, June 17, 2004)
“I want to make it clear; there isn’t an anti-American bone in my body. I love the republic I live in.” (Sunday Edition with Michael Enright, CBC Radio, Sept. 16, 2001.
“I think that one of the ‐–‐ that almost the nemesis of American power is that we are deeply hated and simultaneously supposed to have magical powers.” (Charlie Rose Show, April 28, 2004)
Are we talking about the same Michael Ignatieff who repeatedly bashed Canada, its flag and its people?

Ignatieff told an interviewer that “the only thing he missed about Canada was Algonquin Park”. (Maclean’s, November 20, 2006)
Ignatieff described the Canadian flag as “a passing imitation of a beer label” (The Observer, July 8, 1990), and
Ignatieff said, “Quebeckers walk around with this fantasy of how different they are, but they are just North Americans who speak French…They take the minor difference and magnify it.” (Globe and Mail. April 2, 1998)