Liberal Leader Michael Zsohar A Sexist

From Wednesday’s Hansard. (emphasis on the bolded portion)

Mr. Michael Ignatieff (Leader of the Opposition, Lib.):

Mr. Speaker, for more than seven months the Prime Minister has stood by and watched while Mr. and Mrs. Jaffer attached their tentacles to the neck of the government and slowly dragged it down. The question now is not about Mr. and Mrs. Jaffer, it is about the Prime Minister.
Will he finally explain why he called in the police? Will he finally admit that in the confidence he placed in this couple, he displayed a poor lack of judgment?

Where are the feminists on this one? Where is Michael Zsohar’s critic for the Status of Women on this one?

Michael Zsohar crossed a line here. Now there is NO turning back.

Michael Zsohar is OfficiallyScrewed.