
Canadian Casualties Through History

The Great War (World War I) – 1914-1918
Military Deaths – 66,655 (approximately 13,000/year)
Wounded – 172,950 (approximately 34,500/year)

World War II (1939-1945)
Military Deaths – 42,042 (approximately 7,000/year)
Wounded – 53,145 (approximately 9,000/year)

Korean War (1950-1953)
Military Deaths – 516 (approximately 125/year)
Wounded – 1042 (approximately 250/year)

Afghanistan (2001-2006)
Military Deaths – 33 (approximately 5/year)
Wounded – 129 (approximately 20/year)

Note: for annual approximation averages, whole calendar years were used even if the war only took place for part of that year (for ease of calculations)

ADDENDUM In case the above post was misconstrued, it was not meant to put down our military one bit. It is meant to tell those who want to cut in run in Afghanistan to go take a flying leap. If we had cut and run against Hitler, where would we be? If we had not helped South Korea from being overrun, we would not have such great companies like Hyundai or Samsung.

The mission in Afghanistan must continue because the Afghanis need us. These oppressed people need strong humans to help them live free. When schools are blown up because girls are allowed to attend, they need us. When teachers are tortured because they teach girls along with the boys, they need us.

I, and my whole family, are very proud of every single soldier who has set foot in Afghanistan on behalf of the NATO mission which has been sanctioned by the UN. Just because the NDPussies want to get out, doesn’t make this mission wrong.

Don’t be fooled by their pansy asses.

Why Unions Should Respect Conservative Values

For those of you who don’t know why you have Labour day off work, below is an excerpt.

For the unions out there, and especially for Buzz Hargrove, I must point out the bolded text below.

The Canadian labour movement can justly claim the title of originator of Labour Day. Peter J. McGuire, one of the founders of the American Federation of Labour has traditionally been known as the ‘Father of Labour Day’. Historical evidence indicates that McGuire obtained his idea for the establishment of an annual demonstration and public holiday from the Canadian trade unionist.

Earliest records show that the Toronto Trades Assembly, perhaps the original central labour body in Canada, organized the first North American ‘workingman’s demonstration’ of any significance for April 15,1872. The beribboned parade marched smartly in martial tread accompanied by four bands. About 10,000 Torontonians turned out to see the parade and listen to the speeches calling for abolition of the law, which decreed that trade unions were criminal conspiracies in restraint of trade.

The freedom of 24 imprisoned leaders of the Toronto Typographical Union, on strike to secure the nine-hour working day, was the immediate purpose of the parade, on what was then Thanksgiving Day. It was still a crime to be a member of a union in Canada although the law of criminal conspiracy in restraint of trade had been repealed by the United Kingdom parliament in 1871.

Toronto was not the only city to witness a labour parade in 1872. On September 3, members of seven unions in Ottawa organized a parade more than a mile long, headed by the Garrison Artillery band and flanked by city fireman carrying torches.

The Ottawa parade wound its way to the home of Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald where the marchers hoisted him into a carriage and drew him to Ottawa City Hall by torchlight. ‘The Old Chieftain’, aware of the discontent of workers with the laws which made unions illegal, in a ringing declaration from the steps of the City Hall, promised the marchers that his party would ‘sweep away all such barbarous laws from the statute books’.

The offending conspiracy laws were repealed by the Canadian government in 1872.

What’s that? A Conservative Prime Minister repealed the laws that outlawed unions?

Can I get a “Hell Yeah!!” from the autoworkers in Oshawa??

Can I get a “Hell Yeah!!” from the CUPE workers in Ottawa??

Can I get a “Hell Yeah!!” from the CUPW workers around the country??

Can I get a “Hell Yeah!!” from the teachers around the country??

Not a chance in hell.

Because the unions of today have gone beyond what they were created for. They are now the impervious shield of the “me generation”. The word grievance has gone from meaning “a wrong considered as grounds for a complaint” to “Back off or my mafia style organization is going to sue you, the company and the parent corporation and put you all out of business even if it costs me my job.”

Unions are not only joined to fellow union members, but they are joined to the hips of every other union’s members as well. This is most easily demonstrated by the inability for union members to cross the picket line of another union.

This post may not change the way unions operate, but perhaps it will give union members a bit more respect for the Conservative Party because, historically, it was the Conservatives who made it all possible. It was the Conservatives who cared about the working conditions. And it was the Conservatives who cared about Canadians of all stripes, and still do.

Guess Who?

Here’s a fun game.

Guess which Liberal leadership candidate that does not want to be called Iggy this is?

Liberal Candidate

I know what you’re thinking…..but the answer is wrong.

If you said Michael Ignatieff then you are WRONG!!


The dude in the top photo isn’t a Liberal leadership candidate at all. It’s the one and only…



Is it me or could Iggy and IggyPop be the same person?

American Kicks Hungarian Bridge Naming Ass … Canada Left In The Dust

A week ago Stephen Colbert asked his viewers to head over to a Hungarian website to name a bridge after him via an online vote that was being held. At the same time, I asked my readers to spread the word and head on over to name it the Canada Bridge.

Well a week sure had some consequences.

Hungary Bridge Vote Count

I must point out that Canada hid (Canada Bridge) has 4 whole votes. I also must point out at least we are ahead of the Gene Simmons hid which has 3 votes. (probably from Paul Stanley, Peter Criss and Ace Frehley … errrr ….. maybe thats Eric Singer and Mark Thayer!!)

Since the Colbert Nation started voting en masse, the website has forced registration and even with that, Colbert is handily ahead.

Ironically, with over 17 Million votes, Colbert has received 7 million votes more than the population of Hungary (as of 2005 Census)

Could The $100 Bills Being Found In Lebanon Be Legitimate?

Michelle Malkin has a few links to some website that are noting the quantity of US $100 bills showing up all over Lebanon. Speculation is that this money is counterfeit.

This also reminds me of Tim, a CIA intelligence officer that was buying up information from Iraqi militants on the locations of various Iraqi leaders during the recent Iraq war. Tim was a fake name used by Bob Woodward in his book on the Iraq war.
Below is a funny excerpt from Bob Woodward’s book Plan of Attack:

So rare, so mind-blowing were Tim’s informants that the CIA gave them the crypt or secret designation DB/ROCKSTARS. (DB was the designator for Iraq.) Tim was now paying the two brothers $1 million a month for ROCKSTAR intelligence. The brothers seemed to spend the money in about six days, so tim would offer several hundred thousand more if they provided really good intelligence.

Swimming in a sea of $100 bills, the ROCKSTARS were buying up weapons on the black market that the PUK was also trying to buy.

Tim was also doling out millions to the PUK to keep them happy and for the intelligence and security they provided. One day the PUK leader, Jalal Talabani, came to see him.

“Tim, I will need if you can bring me ones and fives and tens because now everything in Sulaymaniyah costs $100.” The $100 bills had caused extreme inflation. It seemed even a cup of coffee was going for $100 because no one could make small change.

At those prices, forget Kandahar, I say we open up a Tim Horton’s in Sulaymaniyah!!

Stephen Lewis – Fired By The UN

I thought I would point out that last night the CBC says that Lewis will be leaving his post with the United Nations at the end of this year.But in an interview I saw with him, he openly admitted that he would love to stay on but the choice was not his, but it was the U.N.’s.

i.e. He got his ass fired.

What does a Dipper have to do to get fired by the most useless left leaning political entity in the world? I mean you can sit around collect a paycheck, keep your mouth shut and be happy for decades working for the UN, yet he got fired.

Ceasefire In Middle East Blamed For Disney Store Plummeting Sales

Reuters photographer Sharif Karim’s checklist before heading off to take a few snaps in Beirut.
Camera – Check
Film – Check
Food and Water – Check
Extra Flash Batteries – Check
Bag full of stuffed toys to stage photos – Check

It’s a few days old, but for posterity I thought I would post these lovely heartwrenching images all taken by the same photographer, Sharif Karim, all with pristine and clean children’s toys. I have included a link and the original text that came with the image.


A toy lies among the wreckage of a demolished building in the Hizbollah stronghold that was targeted by Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut July 26, 2006. REUTERS/Sharif Karim(LEBANON)


A toy is seen in Beirut suburbs, after it was targeted by Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut July 21, 2006. REUTERS/Sharif Karim (LEBANON)


A building is destroyed in a Hizbollah stronghold targeted by Israeli air strikes in southern Beirut July 28, 2006. REUTERS/Sharif Karim (LEBANON)

How many toys does Sharif Karim have in his bag of tricks??

H/T Slublog (via my friend Alan)

Ottawa – We'll Crack (Pipe) You Up

Back in 2005, Ottawa City Council introduced free “crack pipe kits” to be distributed to crack smokers in an effort to reduce the spread of Hep C.

At that time, many people such as myself and Police Chief Vince Bevan said that it was a bad idea. I had numerous email conversations with my councillor Peggy Feltmate and the Associate Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Dave A. Salisbury. The emails were flying furiously and in EVERY email I asked Councillor Feltmate and the other city councillors to show me the study that says this crack pipe kit would benefit society.

Not once did I get an email pointing me to any facts. I did get email after email with lines like “it is our feeling that” and “it would be obvious to most that” and “we think that this is” but never once did someone say “Here is the study Steve.” or “Here is the link to the study Steve.”

I surfed for about 2 hours a day three weekends in a row looking globally for information to make me feel better about these crack pipe kits and there was nothing.

And now we have the first study out.

The University of Ottawa study, funded by federal, provincial and city governments, says the crack-user program is radically reducing the sharing of drug paraphernalia, which is the main cause of disease, but is also increasing the amount of crack smoking.

“We definitely saw an increase in crack smoking,” said University of Ottawa epidemiologist Lynne Leonard, “and it looked like a negative outcome of the program.

After all was said and done the program’s negative was more crack smoking. So now the percentage with Hep C and HIV will go down but the absolute number of drug abusers will go up.

I don’t know about you, but to me this is a pretty shitty trade off.

Unions Still Don't Get It

What kind of strangle hold do union bosses have on their members?

Gerry Nicholls has a nice piece at the Brookstreet Blog on how the unions spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on NDP candidates last election without a peep coming from the employees on their opinions of which party should get the union financial support.

Well this is now changing and that money will, inevitably, be pumped into the Liberal party.

Hargrove told the convention in Vancouver that as long as he has member support, the CAW would not be part of a body that doesn’t respect one of the largest unions in Canada.

The outspoken labour leader says this doesn’t mean the CAW won’t support some New Democrat candidates, but overall the NDP will not get financing from the union.

Getting back to the stranglehold, I must point out that the only candidate other than Buzz Hargrove on the ballot has withdrawn his nomination and is now supporting three faced Buzz.