How Do You Say Kyoto Protocol In Martian?

Marvin the MartianHave the environmentalistas told Marvin the Martian to stop flying his gas guzzling spacecraft yet? Because the past 3 Mars years the polar caps on Mars have been shrinking!!!

Considering there is no life on mars to help warm the planet, this evidence points directly to something on a larger scale warming planets in our solar system. Scientists, for years, have speculated that solar flares affect the temperatures of the planets and this type of evidence provides a pretty good indication that they are right.

The image below is an animation of two images exactly 3 Martian years apart and was taken by the Malin Space Science System satellite currently in orbit around the red planet.

Mars South Polar Cap

Note to those inspecting the dates in the two photos. The typical Mars Year is about 669 days so when you take three Mars years it throws the Earth date out by about 6 months (or about 180 days).

The south polar residual cap of Mars is composed of layered, frozen carbon dioxide. In 1999, the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) showed that the carbon dioxide layers have been eroded to form a variety of circular pits, arcuate scarps, troughs, buttes, and mesas. In 2001, MOC images designed to provide repeated views of the areas imaged in 1999–with the hope of creating stereo (3-D) images, so that the height of scarps and depth of pits could be measured–showed that the scarps had retreated, pits enlarged, and buttes and mesas shrank. Only carbon dioxide is volatile enough in the martian environment to have caused such dramatic changes–the scarps were seen to retreat at an average rate of 3 meters (about 3 yards) per Mars year. Most of the scarp retreat occurs during the southern summer season; in some areas the scarps move as much as 8 meters, in others, only 1 meter per Mars year.

Three Mars years have now elapsed since MOC first surveyed the south polar cap in 1999. Over the past several months, MGS MOC has been re-imaging areas that were seen in 1999, 2001, and 2003, to develop a detailed look at how the landscape has been changing. This animated GIF provides an example of the dramatic changes that have occurred during the past three martian years. The first image, a sub-frame of M09-05244, was acquired on 21 November 1999. The second image, a sub-frame of S06-00973, was obtained on 11 May 2005. The animation shows the changes that have occurred between 1999 and 2005. Each summer, the cap has lost more carbon dioxide. This may mean that the carbon dioxide content of the martian atmosphere has been increasing, bit by very tiny little bit, each of the years that MGS has been orbiting the red planet. These observations also imply that there was once a time, in the not-too-distant past (because there are no impact craters on the polar cap), when the atmosphere was somewhat thinner and colder, to permit the layers of carbon dioxide to form in the first place. Just as Earth’s environment is very different today than it was just 11,000 or so years ago, the martian environment has also been changing on a similar time scale.

I bet they find a way to blame Rona Ambrose for this.

Project Polygamy – Phase Two Complete

Phase One was getting same sex marriage allowed.

They said it would never come to pass, but Phase Two is here and a child is now allowed to have “two mothers and a father” as indicated in articles at both the CTV and the Globe and Mail.

An Ontario boy can legally have two mothers and a father, the province’s highest court ruled Tuesday.

The same-sex partner of the child’s biological mother went to court seeking to also be declared a mother of the boy.

The first stage took on the definition of parents. This second phase leverages a same sex marriage into changing the NUMBER of parents a child can have.

I can guarantee you Phase Three will have a same sex couple living with the father listed as a common law couple of co-habitating for over a year.

Canada is on the verge of becoming a nation that allows polygamy. Below is a map indicating (in green) which nations allow polygamy. Click the image to view a larger version.

H/T to 905Tory and HallsOfMacadamia

Rogers Separates Church and Cable

This morning, at 11:21am I received an email from Rogers Cable telling me about all the great programs on their Rogers On Demand offering. It pointed me to Holiday Fun on channel 100. Yet all 38 movies displayed are Christmas oriented. Why would they not call the category Christmas Fun?

The main page had four subcategories:

Rogers 1

I then drilled down in the Holiday Classics section:

Rogers 2 Rogers 4
(click to view larger image)

Each of them Christmas oriented.

I then popped open the Animated Favourites section to see what was available:

Rogers 6 Rogers 6 Rogers 7
(click to view larger image)

Each and every animated one a Christmas movie.

I then scanned the Santa Specials knowing what Holiday these would celebrate:

Rogers 8
(click to view larger image)

And finally the last section, Holiday Hits:

Rogers 9 Rogers 10

(Click to view larger image)

So there you have it. Thirty Eight Movies. Thirty Eight Christmas oriented movies and Rogers has the politically correct gaul to avoid calling these categories Christmas names.

This is exactly the kind of bullchips that drive me insane. I would be perfectly happy to have overlooked this whole thing if there was a single movie based on any holiday other than Christmas. In fact, for the sake of equality it would have been nice to see others there. But when each movie is Christmas oriented, have enough respect for Christians to call it a Christmas movie section.

Al Gore Takes Movie Money And Hides

A friend of mine was telling me how global warming could be proven and that a big part of it was due to the cutting down of the rainforest. The current of water coming up along the east coast of South America was being dramatically affected, and warmed, which created an imbalance in water temperatures, thus creating more Atlantic Storms.

Bullchips is all I have to say.

If that was the case, this year should have been as active, or more active, in terms of Atlantic Storms. But here are the hard facts from the past 8 years. Notice that this year there is a significant drop in the number of tropical storms.

2006 Name Storms

But you can also look at the inconsistency in the East Pacific storms in the same time period.

2006 East Pacifici Name Storms

Let me put this in graphical terms, I put the following chart together indicating each sections name storms and outlining the total.

2006 Chart

The average number of storms in the two regions is 29.25/year over the past 8 years. In the same 8 year period, 4 years have been above that watermark and 4 years have been below that watermark, including 2006. (technically the year is not over, but there would need to be 4 new name storms in a week and a half start up to change this statistic so it is safe to make this claim.)

Considering there was some pretty significant fearmongering by Al Gore, his environmentalista followers and his propaganda movie last year, I think he owes society an apology for not waiting a few years to see if the trend was accurate.

So now I want to know why more Liberals are not on the CLEAN air bandwagon which Conservatives like Rona Ambrose and Stephen Harper have adopted, and why they continue to harp on the HOT air bandwagon Al Gore erroneously created.

Liberal Bloggers Don't Even Understand Kyoto…

Liberals Can't CountBut they will keep plugging it.

I have seen this “counter” (displayed at right) on a few Liberal websites and need to make a clarification so that Conservatives who read my site can help educate others.

The counter has presented quite an erroneous view of both the Conservative Clean Air act and the Kyoto Protocol in a fashion I usually only credit the MSM with.

It states that there are 6000 and some odd number of days until the Conservatives set air quality targets. This implies the recent mercury ban does nothing to improve air quality. It also implies the restriction of the 200 or so hazardous substances does not improve air quality. This shows us how little Liberals know about what clean air actually is. Either that or they simply can’t count.

The number of days is a reference to the Tory green house gas targets which go out to 2050. What really makes the Liberals look stupid for posting this is that the Kyoto protocol aims to reduce green house gases and has nothing to do with air “quality”. The whole Kyoto concept is to reduce green house gases in an effort to prevent global warming.

Since warm air and cold air are both equally desireable depending on where you are and what season it is, and since neither is of “poor quality”, the statement just goes to show us that Liberals who believe Kyoto and green house gas reduction is about CLEAN air simply do not understand what Kyoto is about.

900,000 Torontonians Used Food Banks Last Year? Are You Serious?

I support food drives and food banks. I always have and always will. But tonight I heard something that really scared me.

While watching TV, I saw a commercial for the Toronto food drive on Global TV and Leslie Roberts appeared in a community appeal announcement and he said that over 900,000 people used foodbanks in the GTA last year.

Nine Hundred Thousand people. That’s a 9 with five zero’s.

The total population of the GTA is approximately 5.7 Million people. If we reduce this number by the number of people that are given three squares a day such as hospital patients, group and retirement home patients and prisoners, we can probably knock this number down to 5.4 Million or so.

So out of these 5.4 million, 900,000 or about 16.6% of Torontonians had refrigerators and cupboards so bare that that they needed to go get a food donation to stay alive. Thats 1 in 6 people. Thats 1 in 6 families.

Is it me or is this a sign that something is wrong with Toronto. Is the city that broke(n)?

I am finding it hard to believe this number is accurate.


Wait Times Indirectly Longer Due To Provincial Government Waste

Let’s put two and two together.

The Auditor General for Ontario just released a scathing report which goes so far as to say they have no idea what the level of waste is when they have millions in expenses without receipts and millions more listed as miscellaneous expenses. This outrageous spending was nickelling and diming Ontario Taxpayers to the poorhouse by buying things like 40 leather jackets for one provincial power entity and one teacher who sent flowers to her own wedding.

We should already all be aware of the overspending by MHA’s from Newfoundland which has been turned over to the Department of Justice. Some of the money, apparently, went towards gold rings that many people claim they never got. I am sorry but even if they did get the gold rings, why the heck are taxpayers paying for jewellery?

Another report in the news indicates that for the tenth year in a row the money spent on health care in Canada went up but that we STILL only spend half the money per capita that the United States spends

Let’s do the math. The Americans are taxed at a lower tax rate than Canadians. The Americans have the money to spend on an awesome military. The Americans spend twice what we do per capita on healthcare yet we are supposed to have one of the best healthcare systems in the world. I emphasize the word supposed.

Considering my mom was in intensive care for five days last week after a triple bypass, I can assure you, our healthcare system needs help.

I am grateful and thankful for the high quality education and skills our doctors and nurses are equipped with, but when an intensive care unit (ICU) has a broken ice chip machine for five days something is wrong with the system.

When a patient is left in an expensive (one to one nurse to patient ratio) ICU for two days longer than needed because there are no beds or rooms available in the cardiac care ward then something is wrong with the system. The nurses themselves told us that there were at least 5 people and as many as 7 who were ready to go to regular care but there weren’t any open beds.

Wait times can easily be cut shorter by putting more beds into the picture because the bottom line is this. If the ICU is packed with people waiting for beds, then the surgeries are not happening because there is no ICU space to put post-op patients. Hence, wait times are directly affected.

For those who care, mom is doing great and recovering nicely.

Hey Stephane, Don't Forget To Check Your Baggage Tags

I posted Saturday about how the Liberal leadership convention did not bring about the renewal they needed as a party. I thought I would add a bit more to my argument by pointing out some information about a couple of key Dion supporters.

Dion had Don Boudria as his co-campaign chair. And many of you may remember that Boudria held a few key positions.

1) He was the Leader of the Government in the House of Commons for Chretien’s government from 1997 to 2002.

2) He was also the Minister of Public Works right after Alfonso Gagliano. How close to Chretien would Boudria have to be to get appointed to a position which may have been instrumental in the Sponsorship scandal right after the main bag man got canned? I would almost liken it to calling in the trustworthy cleanup crew.

To add a bit more fuel to the fire, another senior member of the Dion crew was Herb Metcalfe. Herb is one of the co-founders of Capital Hill Corp, a very well known lobbying firm. His wife, Isabel, ran for the Liberals against our current Minister of Defence Gordon O’ Connor and as I have mentioned before, Capital Hill Corp’s number 3 man behind David Angus and Herb Metcalfe is Chris Collenette.

Does the name Collenette sound familiar to you? It should.

Chris is the son of very well known Liberal David Collenette who was Chretien’s Minister of Defence and Minister of Veterans Affairs from 1993 to 1996, and then the Minister of Transport from 1997 to 2003. Two very key positions in the Chretien government. Add in the fact that he is also the son of Penny Collenette, one has to wonder what kind of debt Stephane Dion will have to repay Capital Hill Corp should he ever become the Prime Minister.

In the last leadership race, Chris was a strong supporter of the anti-Martin movement. Macleans had a clip regarding the “dust up” over the election of the Ontario Young Liberals executive.

The future of an anyone-but-Martin movement in the unofficial Liberal leadership sweepstakes is looking doubtful after an early setback. At the Oct. 20 general meeting of the Ontario Young Liberals in London, combined forces backing Health Minister Allan Rock, Industry Minister Brian Tobin and Heritage Minister Sheila Copps failed to elect a slate of their supporters to the new OYL executive. Paul Martin’s team grabbed 13 of 16 positions. But this defeat might have gone unnoticed had it not been that the Rock-Tobin-Copps crew was talking up the meeting in advance. It was the first time they had closed ranks to try to prove that Martin is not a shoo-in to replace Jean Chretien, whenever the Prime Minister decides to step down.

In fact, the buzz generated by the three allies had spooked some Martin backers to the point where they were nervously downplaying the meeting’s importance. Obviously the Martinites needn’t have worried. Among those nursing wounds after the dustup is Rock staffer Chris Collenette, a key organizer of the failed anti-Martin bid — and son of Transport Minister David Collenette and Penny Collenette, the former patronage czarina for Chretien

Bolded emphasis mine.

To elabourate on the term “patronage czarina” that Maclean’s used, I will quote from Penny’s online resumé.

Penny was Director of Volunteers for Jean Chretien’s leadership race in 1984 and Campaign Director in the successful 1990 bid. She worked as National Director and Director of Legal Services for the Liberal Party of Canada for the 1993 election. She was subsequently named Director of Appointments in the Prime Minister’s office, a position she held for over 4 years.

With friends like these, I must ask again…Do the Liberals really think that making Dion their leader counts as a renewal? I think the Dion baggage can easily be confused with that of Jean Chretien on the carousel of Canadian politics.

Ralph Goodale Is A Bald Faced Liar

Yeah I said it. And I said it OUTSIDE the House of Commons.

Following is a video which shows you what I mean. Below the video is supporting documentation links. Click the video ONCE to view.

If the video does not play you can see it by clicking here.

The 2005 Fiscal Update can be seen by clicking here. See page 67.

The 2005 Budget can be seen by clicking here. See pages 33 and 289.

The 2004 Budget can be seen by clicking here. See page 52.

So there you have it. Ralph Goodale DID in fact use the terms “net debt” in the 2004 budget, the 2005 budget and the 2005 fiscal update.

Care to explain Ralph? How about an apology to the current Minister for calling him a liar?

What bothers me most about this was just the other day I was saying that Ralph Goodale was one of the Liberal MPs I respected the most because of his character. Today, I lost alot of that respect.

Accountability Act Delays Cost Taxpayers $5.5 Million (and counting)

I just saw a counter that says it has been 158 days that the unelected Liberal slanted Senate has held up the Accountability Act.

158 freaking days!! Thats over 5 months over a single piece of legislation.

Let me do some math for you. 105 Senators paid $122,700/year, pro-rated at 158 days/365 days means we have already paid these guys $5,576,967 (and 12 cents) to get this piece of legislation through and they’re still arguing about it.

This is why our country is so broke taxes are so high my friends. The Liberals seem to think paying people to peruse the paperwork, ponder the paperwork, pander over the paperwork, pretend they are working on the paperwork, pushaw over the paperwork and then plunder the coffers by paying themselves and lawyers for half a year before they give it the A-OK is the way our nation should work.

What ever happened to “put your nose to the grindstone?” or “plant your feet in the same spot until you get the job done?” Why doesn’t the Senate show a little more “Put your money where your mouth is” and a lot less “Put OUR money where they need some trees cut at their cottage?” and get this piece of legislation through?

Talk about the public getting OfficiallyScrewed.