Glenn Beck Urges Americans To Do Their OWN Homework – Reasonable Questions For Unreasonable Times – Day 1

All this week, Glenn Beck has had a special series on entitled “Reasonable Questions in Unreasonable Times”. He is asking Americans to stand up and do their own research. Do not blindly follow him or Bill O’Reilly or Rush Limbaugh. But instead, follow your own gut. Here are some of the questions from Day 1 (Day 2 to 5 will follow). Simply READING some of these questions should wake people up to what is going on in their own country. I know I will never be able to answer all these questions, especially since I am a Canadian, but I will do my best to help point people in the right direction.

Day 1
– Our unfunded liability for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid is close to $100 trillion. Is there any way to pay for these programs without bankrupting America?

– We are in so much debt, why spend more borrowed money on cap-and-trade and healthcare programs before we stop the flow of red-ink?

– The stimulus package funneled billions of dollars to ACORN. How does giving billions of dollars to ACORN stimulate the economy?

– If it was so important for congress to pass the stimulus bill before they even had time to read it why has only a fraction of the stimulus money been spent 6 months later?

– Bush said he had to abandon free market principles in order to save them, how exactly does that work?

– Why won’t members of Congress read the bills before they vote on them?

– Why are citizens mocked and laughed at when they ask their congressman to read the bills before they vote on them?

– Was the cash-for-clunkers program meant to save the earth or the economy? Did it accomplish either?

– How did Van Jones, a self-proclaimed communist become a special advisor to the president?

– Did President Obama know of Van Jones’ radical political beliefs when he named him special advisor?

– The Apollo Alliance claimed credit for writing the stimulus bill—why was this group allowed to write any portion of this bill?

– If politicians aren’t writing the bills and aren’t reading the bills, do they have any idea what these 1000 page plus bills actually impose on the American people?

– If the ‘public option’ health care plan is so good why won’t politicians agree to have that as their plan?

– If town hall meetings are intended for the politicians to learn what’s on our mind—why do they spend so much time talking instead of listening?

– Politicians are refusing to attend town hall meetings complaining, without evidence, that they are scripted. Does that mean we shouldn’t come out and vote for you since every campaign stop, baby kiss and speech you give is scripted?

– Why would you want to overwhelm the system?

– Is using the economic crises to rush legislation through congress what Rahm Emanuel meant when he talked about “not letting a crises go to waste”?

– What are the czars paid? What is the budget for their staffs/offices?

Rather Producer Mapes Knew Dubya Volunteered For Duty In Vietnam

It may be a dated issue, but new information has been retrieved by Bernard Goldberg that puts further in disrepute the story by then CBS Reporter Dan Rather and producer Mary Mapes that indicated George W. Bush dodged the Vietnam draft by finagling his way into the Texas Air National Guard. Well the truth is now coming out that not only did Bush NOT dodge the draft, but instead that he actually volunteered to go to Vietnam!!!

After all the attacks Dubya took, I just felt it was important for people to know the truth and maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t as bad as the media made him out to be. See clip from Bernard Goldberg’s site below.

Until now, the controversy over the Rather/Mapes story has centered almost entirely on one issue: the legitimacy of the documents – a very important issue, indeed. But it turns out that there was another very important issue, one that goes to the very heart of what the story was about – and one that has gone virtually unnoticed. This is it: Mary Mapes knew before she put the story on the air that George W. Bush, the alleged slacker, had in fact volunteered to go to Vietnam.

Who says? The outside panel CBS brought into to get to the bottom of the so-called “Rathergate” mess says. I recently re-examined the panel’s report after a source, Deep Throat style, told me to “Go to page 130.” When I did, here’s the startling piece of information I found:

Mapes had information prior to the airing of the September 8 [2004] Segment that President Bush, while in the TexANG [Texas Air National Guard] did volunteer for service in Vietnam but was turned down in favor of more experienced pilots. For example, a flight instructor who served in the TexANG with Lieutenant Bush advised Mapes in 1999 that Lieutenant Bush “did want to go to Vietnam but others went first.” Similarly, several others advised Mapes in 1999, and again in 2004 before September 8, that Lieutenant Bush had volunteered to go to Vietnam but did not have enough flight hours to qualify.

ADDENDUM: I felt I have to add that not only does this story raise my opinion of George Bush, but it just makes me look at the MSM, Dan Rather and Mary Mapes with even more skepticism. Lying and hiding to get yourself ahead and dragging others backwards is lower than a snake’s belly IMHO. The days of reading a newspaper and trusting the words implicitly are long behind us.


HealthScamWOWLast night I fell asleep in front of the TV. The infomercials were flying and at about 4am I woke up in a cold sweat after a nightmare. I dreamed that instead of putting ads on Craigslist to pay people $10 to $15 an hour to promote Obamacare, that the Obama Administration hired Vince, the ShamWOW guy to sell it for them. It went something like this.

Hi I’m Vince for Obama care. You’ll be saying wow everytime you need medical care. It’s like Dr. Kevorkian, Nurse Ratchett and President Obama all rolled into one. You’re gonna be smiling all day because change you believe in is going to take all your pains away.

You ever cut yourself?? No problem for Obamacare. You just take a Shamwow, cut to the appropriate size, apply direct pressure to the cut and make your way to the hospital emergency room. Once there just take a seat and wait 12 to 18 hours for them to call your name. At that point slowly peel back the Shamwow and voila, your cut is almost healed. Who needs to actually see a doctor?

Are you over 50 and looking for a hip or knee replacement? Obamacare’s got you covered. Instead of going through a risky surgery and a long painful recovery, just rely on Obamacare’s three step plan. Step one, take a really strong painkiller.  Step two, take a couple of tablespoons of Arsenic. Step three, take a nose dive into a shallow grave. Stop having boring surgery and stop having a boring life when you can anesthetize, euthanize then fertilize.  Easy as 1, 2, 3. No other healthcare plan is going to do that.

Are you a man with a testicular problem? Obamacare is gonna love your nuts because it has what I affectionately call the Slapchop solution. First we’ll remove your pants, then we’ll grab your nads, dip them in alcohol and then amputate them. Are you following me camera guy? Thats rip, grip, dip and snip.

Are you suffering from that annoying condition known as pregnancy?  No problem. Obamacare will spare no expense and get you the best doctors that middle class American tax dollars can buy.

How painless will Obamacare be? This is the best part. You won’t need to read countless insurance plans to decide what’s best for you.  It’s the same process our congressman and senators took to pass Obamacare.

See what I’m telling ya? You’ll be saying wow everytime you need healthcare.

Disclaimor:  Side effects of Obamacare include more national debt, excessive diagnostic wait times, rationing of services, higher taxes, stronger healthcare unions, higher mortality rates.”


Across the nation our local TV networks have been waging a war against the cable carriers, and Rogers in particular. The battle has basically been over Rogers taking the free air signals of local TV stations and broadcasting them over cable without compensating the local stations.

Well it looks like Rogers is going to up their rates by 1.5% in an effort to compensate for additional costs of carrying these free stations and people are EM AY DEE … MAD!

I blogged about our lack of priorities a few weeks ago but the bottom line is that EVERYONE should be raising their dander up and demanding A La Carte station ordering. i.e. There should be a base cost (say $10 or $15 a month) for delivery of service and then we should be able to order whatever channels we want. Why should an anglophone Canadian pay for 3 or 4 French stations to be piped directly into his home? Why should a good God fearing Christian need to pay for stations that promote Muslim or Jewish religious beliefs? Why should a piano lesson taking uber geek be forced to pay for not one, not two, but three sports stations that he/she will never watch? It simply does not make sense.

The only thing that DOES make sense is A La Carte station ordering. If I had to pay $2 or so per station, I would likely have a $40 to $50 a month cable bill.

Demand A La Carte!

ACORN Tentacles Growing In Canada

Tuesday night on local Ottawa CTV news there was a piece about a small group of citizens living in sub standard housing.  In the middle of the clip I hear the war cry of ACORN… “What do we want…Justice….When do we want it….Now.”  And my heart sank because I knew immediately that the tentacles of the Rathke brothers and Saul Alinsky have reached into our fair nation.  Up until tonight I had not heard a peep out of them.  But now that has all changed.

After decades of sucking the life (not to mention billions of dollars) out of the USA, ACORN has set it’s sites on global targets and Canada is a target.

From the website of ACORN Canada.

Don’t miss a thing; enter your email address to stay up to date with ACORN Canada’s work organizing Canada’s low income communities for social justice!

The redistribution of wealth is their ultimate goal.   With lines like “organizing low income communities for social justice” it won’t be long until the voter fraud starts. In the USA the name ACORN has been getting such a bad reputation that they are changing their name to avoid the negative connotations associated with being (pardon the pun) a little nuts.

ACORN now has offices in Toronto (HQ), Ottawa, Surrey/Vancouver and Hamilton.

To quote from The Fly, “Be afraid.  Be very afraid.”

OS Calendar Of Events

In an effort to help provide timely information on upcoming conservative oriented events, we have added an event calendar to the site.  Our “Get Your Butt Here” section is to the right of this post and includes the event, link to the event site, date, time and countdown to the event.

We encourage anyone out there with information about upcoming events to share the information with us and we will do what we can to make sure we get it up in a timely fashion.

Simply email me at mulder[at]officiallyscrewed[dot]com.

Ottawa Blogger Gathering – "Like Conclave … But With Beer"

Mark your calendars.  After such a long stretch between Ottawa Blogger gatherings, we have tentatively set the next gathering and the details are below.

Date: Saturday August 22nd
Time: 1pm start (end time is up to you)
Location: Mexicali Rosa’s at Dow’s Lake Pavillion – 1001 Queen Elizabeth Drive. Ottawa, Ontario.
Parking: Pay Lot available across the street

All bloggers and friends of bloggers welcome. We encourage everyone to help promote the event on their blog. There is also a facebook group which you can RSVP with. The address for this group is accessible by Clicking Here.

Map To Location:

Ottawa Blogger Gathering Location
Click To Enlarge