Past Speaker Pelosi Takes Cake…Then Claims She Baked It And Gave To American People

I tweeted this but this story just HAS to get out there. It’s simply preposterous what past Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has claimed.

At her final press conference as House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said, “Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.”

The numbers tell a different story.

When the Pelosi Democrats took control of Congress on January 4, 2007, the national debt stood at $8,670,596,242,973.04. The last day of the 111th Congress and Pelosi’s Speakership on December 22, 2010 the national debt was $13,858,529,371,601.09 – a roughly $5.2 trillion increase in just four years. Furthermore, the year over year federal deficit has roughly quadrupled during Pelosi’s four years as speaker, from $342 billion in fiscal year 2007 to an estimated $1.6 trillion at the end of fiscal year 2010.

Ya gotta love her moxie though. She claims their priority is deficit reduction yet the deficit under her watch goes up $5.2Trillion.

NOTE: for those following my twitter I tweeted Billion and deleted to retweet Trillion. Oops!!)

The Revenge of E-Health – Californians May Suffer The Consequences

All I can say to my friends in California is a quote from the movie “The Fly” starring Jeff Goldblum.

“Be afraid…be very afraid.”

From The Toronto Star

Kramer, who came under fire at eHealth for runaway spending by consultants and her $317,000 severance package, is executive director of a team bringing electronic health records to the UCLA Health System’s patients in four hospitals and clinics with 2,000 doctors. She is working as a consultant, and is not on staff.

Kramer is part of what the University of California at Los Angeles billed as “an exceptional team of experts” in an online publication Monday.

When Kramer left eHealth as chief executive in the spring of 2008, her golden parachute fuelled outrage from opposition parties and the public.

It was later revealed Kramer gave a speech that cost $25,000 to write and that eHealth gave out $16 million in contracts without competitive bidding in efforts to get electronic health records in place as quickly as possible.

Californian Tax Payers might just be … OfficiallyScrewed.

h/t to Shirley for this one.

I Call Bulls#!/ on Carol Bowshier of the Ohio Civil Service Employee Association

This morning on Fox’s America’s Newsroom in an interview conducted by Bill Hemmer, Carol Bowshier, the chief of staff for the Ohio Civil Service Employees Association says:

Well the fact is, we could lay off every state worker in Ohio. Every police officer, every firefighter, every corrections officer and we would only close 1/4 of the $8Billion gap.

I call Bulls#!/ on Ms. Bowshier, because her assumption means the average salary of each public service employee is under $13,000 a year which we all know is simply not the case.

As Bill stated at the beginning of the interview, this would affect all 330,000 state employees.

So do the math. If the WHOLE $8Billion was being laid on the union workers (which it is not) then all we have to do is take the $8 Billion divided by 330,000 and we get a measly $24242 per employee (over 2 years meaning the actual per employee cost to eliminate the $8Billion is only $12,121 per year).

And add in the fact that the $8Billion is NOT being solely burdened by the public union workers, these austerity moves by Ohio will likely be able to put the state into a surplus situation.

Code Pink Rally Attendees Pushing For Violence

Watch this video. No this is not a bunch of “tea baggers” (i.e. Tea Party members). This is a rally held by left wing group Code Pink whose slogan is “women for peace”. They don’t sound so peaceful.

But for some reason the perception is that it is the right of the political spectrum calling for violence.

WARNING: This is truly offensive video.

I just have to say that if this group ever gets traction, we are all OfficiallyScrewed.

How To Fight Unemployment – Reagan v. Obama

Stuart Varney used this graphic today. (I cellphone snapped a photo of the screen to produce the image below). It compares two presidents, Reagan and Obama, both of whom inherited recessions and high unemployment. The blue line indicates unemployment rates under Reagan’s presidency and the red line under Obama’s.

Varney was clear that the difference between the two is that Reagan focussed on private sector revitalization and Obama has been focussed on public sector stimulus.

Very interesting.  (click image to view larger version)

America Stimulus A Booming Success – 55 New Jobs in Los Angeles And It Only Cost Americans $111 Million


In an unprecedented successful stimulus story, the glorious city of angels has created or retained a whopping 55 jobs!

“I’m disappointed that we’ve only created or retained 55 jobs after receiving $111 million,” said Wendy Greuel, the city’s controller.

For you math buffs out there, that’s just a little over $2,000,000 per job created.

So why do I feel that this is a success and not a complete and utter failure?

Because L.A. is full of movie stars and musicians. Even Forbes states that from 2008 to 2009 the top 15 celebrities earned a combined and astronomical $1.6 BILLION, thus averaging almost $107 Million per person. So $2 Million per job  seems like a bargain doesn’t it?  Well doesn’t it??

Now the next time you see a famous star slamming the politics of the right and promoting the politics of the left, pay attention. They make a sick amount of dough compared to you and they know better than you.

<facetiousness off>

Could they not have just paid each of these 55 bozos $100,000 each and saved $105.5 Million?

American Tax Payers … OfficiallyScrewed … again.

Missouri Representing

Missouri held a referendum on Proposition C, which challenges the federal law making it illegal to not have health insurance and to penalize people who do not. The referendum wasn’t even close. 71.1% of people voted for Prop C which sets up a legal challenge from Missouri to Obamacare.

This must be pretty alarming for the Obama Administration as we head into the last 90 days before the fall midterms.

Virginia Representing Twice Over

Virginia’s fight against health care reform to go to court.

They also seem to be supporting Arizona’s stance on enforcing immigration laws.

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is having quite a day. As Todd Gaziano explains, a federal district court denied the U.S. Justice Department’s request that the court dismiss the lawsuit Cuccinelli filed on behalf of the citizens of Virginia against the unconstitutional mandates in Obamacare.

News also broke today that Cuccinelli issued an official advisory opinion on July 30 that was another shot across the bow of the Obama Administration in the ongoing fight over enforcement of federal immigration laws.

In response to an inquiry from a state representative, Cuccinelli advised all Virginia law enforcement officers that, just like Arizona police officers, they can “inquire into the immigration status of persons stopped or arrested.” Moreover, local officers can arrest any individual who has “violated a criminal law of the United States, including a criminal violation of the immigration laws.”

Bravo Ken Cuccinelli!!