A friend of mine pointed out that older people call the # sign “pound” and not “hashtag”. Kind of changes the meaning a bit.

You either pay attention or pay through the nose. I would rather pay attention.
There is not much I need to say about this. You need only watch the first two or three minutes of this (or have seen the original video which was 4 minutes of extremely graphic video) to get the impression.
Now below is the original video in it’s entirety. I urge anyone with a weak stomach or with children nearby to not watch this. It is VERY graphic.
All I can say is that this group 10:10 and the people involved in making or airing this video are officially screwed in the head. To imply that children or people who are not interested in believing that we need to change our lifestyles to fight global warming should be blown up is simply wrong. There are no two ways about it.
Below is a clip from Greg Gutfeld’s show last night. As the builders of the Ground Zero Mosque say it would be a great symbol of tolerance, Gutfeld suggests New York put a gay bar that caters to Muslims right next door to the Mosque.
Today, Gutfeld made an appearance on Glenn Beck and suggested some names for the gay bar. These included “Jihot”, “Jihunk”, “Turban Cowboy”, “Infidelicious”, “You Mecca Me Hot”, and Glenn Beck’s favourite name suggestion is “Suspicious Packages”.
Knowing Gutfeld, I would assume this is a joke, but in reality you can’t really say his logic is dramatically flawed. His intent is clear. The other side’s is at minimum insensitive, no matter how legal. But will it work to either push the limits of tolerance among all of us, or back off to the understanding of how hypocritical it may be to argue that the bar should not be allowed.
We’ll have to keep an eye on Gutfeld’s progress on this. One might also be curious as to whether or not he actually contacted a neighbouring owners for quotes.
Reminiscent of the days we played tag and foot hockey behind the school, Stephane Dion has crossed the line back to childhood antics.
The Liberal leader joked that the exercise room at Stornaway — the official residence of the leader of the Opposition — had been refurbished.
And he said the new workout room would benefit his successor.
“Maybe Mr. Harper will have the opportunity to lose his (extra) weight now because we have this exercise room,” Dion said.
From a family member or close friend this would not be taken as an offensive remark, but from the head of an opposing party?
Say you’re sorry Stephane.
H/T to DBT