I Am Calling Bragging Rights – Personal Post Alert

Y’all know family comes first.  In light of that, I have to post that my daughter Cookie and her partner took Gold with their duo routine  in the Ontario Provincial Rhythmic Gymnastics championships in Toronto On Friday night.  This is their 3rd championship in a row!!

Additionally she eked in to the provincials in 10th place after the first two qualifiers for the individual events.  I told her that all it would take for me to be happy is if she surprised herself with her performance and scores.  Simply surprise yourself.

Well in her ball routine she took the bronze, in her hoop routine she came 7th and in her ribbon she took eighth for a 7th place overall out of ten.  Considering where she qualified, she told me that she surprised herself.

So today I am a happy man.   Way to go Cookie!!

Gleeful Funk

George Clinton - Woodstock 1999

A few months ago my wife says to me “Dude, you should watch Glee.”

I can hear many of you groaning. “But Mulder, it’s on when Primetime Politics is on!”.  Well man cannot live on meat alone.  Sometimes some candy is good.  So I start watching it at week 2 and I am completely and utterly hooked.  Every week is full of music I know, songs and artists I grew up listening to and even some really rare gems that just make me reminisce.  Last night was no exception.

The finale of last night’s show was We Want The Funk, originally performed by George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic.  People might think I am a bit young to remember George but I actually got down and boogied to his music in 1999 at the Woodstock 30th Anniversary concert in Rome, NY.  See photo I took of George on that night 11 years ago.

I know I probably sound like a bunch of people around the water cooler but seriously.  Go back and watch the season via On Demand.  You will likely be pleasantly surprised at the show.  And if you find yourself singing to the music and tapping your feet week after week, you can thank me later.

Happy Victoria Day and Happy 69th Birthday to Bob Dylan

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Victoria Day holiday.  

I also want to let you listen to one of my favourite songs by a man most consider one of the best song writers in history.

He has been covered by countless bands and so many of his songs were more famous when sung by others.  He has been covered in folk by Peter, Paul and Mary singing Blowin’ In The Wind in 1963 to one of metal’s founding fathers Jimi Hendrix performing All Along The Watchtower to more modern metal with Rage Against the Machine covering Maggie’s Farm and in a more mellow stream Norah Jones now covers “I’ll be your baby tonight”.  

Then we have Clapton and GnR each doing there own rendition of Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door and the White Stripes covering “One More Cup of Coffee” on their `1999 self titled album. Don’t even start me on how many Dylan tunes the Grateful Dead cover.

That, my friends, is widespread admiration.

Bob Dylan. Happy Birthday…Tangled Up In Blue

Musical Carts – Not Just A Novel Idea

Charles Adler has one of the most sensible minds in Canada.  He also has one of the most warped ones which is exactly why I enjoy reading/listening to his views.

First a snippet for you.

At some point, The Menzoid must’ve mistakenly wheeled away a cart belonging to another shopper. Although embarrassed by the error, The Menzoid didn’t want to hold up the line by making the cashier undo the charges. Thus, The Menzoid decided to pay for the groceries and take his misbegotten bounty home.

Trust me…it get’s even better. Click Here to read the whole post.

Cookie Takes The Cake (and the icing)

Well after going 3-0 in day one, and 2-1 in day two, my daughter Cookie and the Ottawa Fusion 14U girls team went into the elimination round with some pretty high expectations on Sunday.  The first match had them dumping the Tornadoes in straight sets 25-14 and 25-16.  A good start to the day.

Their second match was against the South County Bandits from Essex and the roll continued with a 25-14 and 25-15 straight set victory.

This set up a repeat showdown against the Leaside Lightning.  The team that had given the Fusion their only loss of the tourney a day earlier.  Leaside is coached by Canadian Olympian and bronze medalist John Child.  Leaside is one tough team.  The Lightning were flawless in a first set trouncing of the Fusion 25-9.  The Fusion were demoralized.  The smiles were gone.  The heads were hanging.  They were in a very dark place.

The second set started out with more of the same and the Leaside Lightning took a commanding 19-7 lead.  When up to serve stepped the youngest Fusion player.  Barely 13 years old and with nerves of steel, Bekah went on an 11 serve streak to bring the game back to 19-18.  Halfway through the streak you could see the spirit returning to the Fusion as if it was being sapped directly from the Lightning.  The teams traded a few points but the comeback was well on it’s way and the second set was taken by the Fusion 25-22 in an amazing show of spirit, resilience and determination.

The trend didn’t change much in the third set as the Fusion were rolling at this point.  When all was said and done, the tiebreaker went to the Fusion 15-6.  In what might be called the comeback of the tournament the Fusion went from being outscored 44-16 to outscoring the Lightning 33-9.  The comeback was complete and the Fusion were off to the Gold Medal match against the number 1 seed in Divison 2, the North Bay Blizzard.

Both games in the final were great displays of skill, power and poise, but in the end Cookie and the Fusion won 25-20 and 25-18 to take the Division 2 Gold Medal!!

While waiting for the medal ceremony, the team was chasing down the Ottawa 14U Fusion boys to see how they had done in their bronze medal match (which they won) and we were asked if we wanted another shot with the PM.  Clearly the girls gleefully accepted.

The award ceremony had all the parents gleaming but there was one more award to be presented.  Each team awards one player with the Award of Excellence which was voted on by the players and coaches.  It goes to the player who best displays a combination of traits including spirit, leadership, poise, skill, perserverence, etc.  I had a tear in my eye when the coach called Cookie up to receive the award.

There wasn’t a prouder father.

The icing on the cake.

Fusion with the PM

Smackdown – Al Gore Gloveslapped By Lord Christopher Monckton

Over six months ago, President Obama banned Lord Christopher Monckton from speaking to congress on the subject of global warming. Al Gore was also slated to speak and would not do so unless Monckton was not going to speak. Is Albert a wittle afwaid??

Now for those that do not know him, Lord Monckton was an advisor to Margaret Thatcher and a VERY well read man on the subject of global warming (or lack thereof).

He has been interviewed by Michael Savage in which a 3 minute interview runs over 30 minutes. (showing how much Savage loved speaking with him)

He sued Al Gore in the U.K. to stop the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” from being shown to school children.

And tonight on Glenn Beck he all got up and clucked like a chicken while he challenged Al Gore to a debate. He spurred Gore by saying that Gore should either stand up and debate Monckton or never ever speak on the subject of global warming again…..EVER. With his credentials and history, Lord Monckton is worthy of speaking to the public and I urge you to view the video below by clicking it once. He is both entertaining and educational. I wish I had more teachers like him.