A few months ago my wife says to me “Dude, you should watch Glee.”
I can hear many of you groaning. “But Mulder, it’s on when Primetime Politics is on!”. Well man cannot live on meat alone. Sometimes some candy is good. So I start watching it at week 2 and I am completely and utterly hooked. Every week is full of music I know, songs and artists I grew up listening to and even some really rare gems that just make me reminisce. Last night was no exception.
The finale of last night’s show was We Want The Funk, originally performed by George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic. People might think I am a bit young to remember George but I actually got down and boogied to his music in 1999 at the Woodstock 30th Anniversary concert in Rome, NY. See photo I took of George on that night 11 years ago.
I know I probably sound like a bunch of people around the water cooler but seriously. Go back and watch the season via On Demand. You will likely be pleasantly surprised at the show. And if you find yourself singing to the music and tapping your feet week after week, you can thank me later.