Obama Advisor and Ex Fed Chairman Paul Volcker Says VAT Not "Toxic"

President Obama advisor and former federal reserve chairman Paul Volcker starts toying with the national VAT tax. This is similar to our 5% GST and similar to the 20% seen in many European countries.

The U.S. should consider using a European-style value added tax to help bring the deficit down, said White House adviser Paul Volcker in response to a question from CBS MoneyWatch.com at a panel discussion in New York City Tuesday night. “We have to think about really revamping the tax system,” said Volcker, who’s best known for successfully beating down inflation while serving as Ronald Reagan’s Federal Reserve chairman. The VAT, a levy on all the goods and services you consume, is not a “toxic idea,” he added.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you about the potential of getting OfficiallyScrewed.

Is This Stone Too Big To Pass?

Could this be true?  Are doctor’s going to revolt now that Obamacare is here?  This sign was discovered on the door of a urology center in Florida.

Sign On FLA Urologist Door

The sign was on the door of Dr. Jack Cassell, M.D. P.A. at the “Urology of Mount Dora”

Now, having suffered the trials and tribulations of trying to find a family doctor here in Ottawa, I have to say I found this both amusing and disturbing at the same time.  I know that my last family doctor actually told me that he had to interview US.  Talk about disturbing.  In a day and age where competition abounds in every industry, the medical industry is exempt.  Doctors with family practices actually get to choose their patients.   The reason we were given was that the doctor wanted to make sure that he had variety in his patients. i.e. not all patients being seniors or babies etc.  I didn’t think about it at the time, but I WAS being discriminated against.

Lucky for me he up and moved to Calgary (from Ottawa) 2 years later leaving us without a family doctor again.

“I’m not turning anybody away — that would be unethical,” Dr. Jack Cassell, 56, a Mount Dora urologist and a registered Republican opposed to the health plan, told the Orlando Sentinel on Thursday. “But if they read the sign and turn the other way, so be it.”

So how is this sign in the USA different from what our last family doctor discriminated?  Is it legal?  Do you think he can lose his license over this?  Is he within his rights?  Is he upholding the Hippocratic oath?  What’s your take?

Is it the doctor or Obamacare that have OfficiallyScrewed some Florida residents out of this doctor’s urological care?


Dr. Cassell appeared on Fox News and told Neil Cavuto that he would not turn away a patient if they walked in and said they voted for Obama. He did say he would hand them a two page pamphlet letting them know how Obamacare is going to affect them. To me it sounded like he had dug into the healthcare bill and noted that many aspects of patient care would change and he would be pointing them out.

Looks Like Someone In White House Is Paying Attention To OfficiallyScrewed

Drill Obama Drill

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s call Wednesday to expand offshore oil and gas drilling — as close as 125 miles off Florida’s coast — angered environmentalists in the state and left some Florida Democrats looking to distance themselves from the plans.

And it was only 4 days ago that I (once again) called for the U.S. President to STOP paying for oil produced without environmental concerns when he can drill locally in North America and use oil produced under far better environmental conditions.

Environazi’s are you paying attention??

Obama's Legacy Might Be A Federal Consumption Tax

And I’m not the only one who thinks so. The ONLY way Obamacare will get paid for is with a federal consumption tax similar to our GST.

That’s where the value-added tax comes in. For the politician, it has the virtue of expediency: People are used to sales taxes, and this one produces a river of revenue. Every 1 percent of VAT would yield up to $1 trillion a decade (depending on what you exclude — if you exempt food, for example, the yield would be more like $900 billion).

It’s the ultimate cash cow. Obama will need it. By introducing universal health care, he has pulled off the largest expansion of the welfare state in four decades. And the most expensive. Which is why all of the European Union has the VAT. Huge VATs. Germany: 19 percent. France and Italy: 20 percent. Most of Scandinavia: 25 percent.

All I can suggest is for the Americans to recall what the GST did to Brian Mulroney (and his tax was balanced with the removal of a 12% Manufacturer’s Tax). If you’re not happy with Obamunism, this tax may be exactly what you need to ensure he doesn’t get a second term in office. I guess every cloud DOES have a silver lining.

Obama Communication Chief Says Mao One Of Her Favourite Philosophers. How Many More Communist Sympathizers Will Obama Put In Key Positions?

White House Communication Chief Anita Dunn quoted from last June.

And the third tip actually comes from two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other, but the two people I turn to most.“.

Aside from the fact that she would put Mao Tse Tung and Mother Teresa in the same sentence, giving credence to a tyrannical dictator is simply wrong for someone who speaks for the President.

First we had Van Jones, the now resigned Green Jobs Czar, a self avowed Communist.

Then we had Mark Lloyd, the FCC Diversity Czar, with his ties to communism.

And now Anita Dunn. The woman who has stated she is treating Fox News as they would treat any other enemy. A woman who who has stated that Mao Tse Tung is one of her favorite political philosophers.

The same Mao Tse Tung who was responsible for over 70 Million peace time deaths in China. The same Mao who treated the lives of Chinese citizens as if they were flecks of dust.

To quote Lady Gaga, “Obama!! Are You Listening!!!”

Because we are.

You say you’ll change the constitution
Well you know
We’d all love to change your head
You tell me it’s the institution
Well you know
You better free your mind instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain’t going to make it with anyone anyhow.

~John Lennon

Free Speech In America A Target For Another Obama Czar With Marxist Ties

I demand that you read my blog exactly as much as you read National Newswatch, Stephen Taylor, Small Dead Animals, Blue Like You and Chuckercanuck.

Ok, maybe that’s asking a bit much and you probably want to know what I’m smoking to make such a demand. But it’s the equivalent of what Barack Obama’s FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd wants in places like talk radio, television and yes, even the internet via taxation and subsidies.  Can you imagine the outcry if a blogger like me got a subsidy to sit at home and dole out trash while good ole Chucker had to pay a tax for every blog post he put up?

You see, in the USA there was something called the Fairness Doctrine. It gave lefties the right to have as much airtime as conservative broadcasters. And in a wise move, Ronald Reagan got rid of it and the Supreme Court of America agreed with him because the diversity and choice exists in enough abundance that government mandated equality is no longer needed.

Well the aforementioned Mark Lloyd appears to have ties to an outfit called FreePress.net.  But FreePress.net does not believe in Free Press. It’s founder, Robert McChesney was the co-editor of “Monthly Review” for a time. Monthly review is as socialist as you can get. By it’s own admission it fights against an Imperialistic America. Mark Lloyd is friends with good ole Bob McChesney.

Now would you be surprised to find out that Bob McChesney has called the Monthly Review “one of the most important Marxist publications in the world, let alone the United States.”?  That should tell you something about him.

And would you be surprised to find out that Mark Lloyd also knows avowed Marxist Van Jones? Do you remember Van Jones? The Marxist Obama made the Green Jobs Czar. You know him. He’s the one who resigned a few weeks ago.

It doesn’t stop there.  The rat’s nest of marxists infiltrating the Obama Administration grows.  The FCC chairman Julius Genachowski named as his press secretary the former FreePress.net spokesperson Jen Howard.  Co-een-kee-dink?  I think not.  FreePress.net is working hard to take control of the FCC so they can start to enforce equal time on the airwaves and the internet.

i.e. they are doing exactly what I mockingly tried to do in the first paragraph of this blogpost.

So let’s see put a few pieces together here.  Barack Obama states that we should judge him by who he surrounds himself with.  He chose avowed Marxist Van Jones as his Green Jobs Czar.  Then he chose Mark Lloyd to be his FCC diversity Czar and Lloyd turns out to be a tied to the hip of Marxists/Socialists.  So what are we to think? I’ll tell you what I think.

America?  Be afraid…be very afraid.

Obama's Communist Advisor Resigns (As He Should)

Van Jones has resigned.  He was exposed a) as a self described communist as recently as 4 years ago, and b) he signed his name to a petition that wanted an investigation into the possible government involvement in the 9/11 attacks.

That 2004 petition had asked for congressional hearings and other investigations into whether high-level government officials had allowed the attacks to occur.

This is a battle won by Glenn Beck who has really started to get under the skin of the Obama administration by investigating the Czars appointed by the White House in key positions.  The Czars are advisors that allow the President to bypass the checks and balances of Senate approval which the Cabinet needs to go through.

You can watch the video which we posted a few days ago by clicking here.


HealthScamWOWLast night I fell asleep in front of the TV. The infomercials were flying and at about 4am I woke up in a cold sweat after a nightmare. I dreamed that instead of putting ads on Craigslist to pay people $10 to $15 an hour to promote Obamacare, that the Obama Administration hired Vince, the ShamWOW guy to sell it for them. It went something like this.

Hi I’m Vince for Obama care. You’ll be saying wow everytime you need medical care. It’s like Dr. Kevorkian, Nurse Ratchett and President Obama all rolled into one. You’re gonna be smiling all day because change you believe in is going to take all your pains away.

You ever cut yourself?? No problem for Obamacare. You just take a Shamwow, cut to the appropriate size, apply direct pressure to the cut and make your way to the hospital emergency room. Once there just take a seat and wait 12 to 18 hours for them to call your name. At that point slowly peel back the Shamwow and voila, your cut is almost healed. Who needs to actually see a doctor?

Are you over 50 and looking for a hip or knee replacement? Obamacare’s got you covered. Instead of going through a risky surgery and a long painful recovery, just rely on Obamacare’s three step plan. Step one, take a really strong painkiller.  Step two, take a couple of tablespoons of Arsenic. Step three, take a nose dive into a shallow grave. Stop having boring surgery and stop having a boring life when you can anesthetize, euthanize then fertilize.  Easy as 1, 2, 3. No other healthcare plan is going to do that.

Are you a man with a testicular problem? Obamacare is gonna love your nuts because it has what I affectionately call the Slapchop solution. First we’ll remove your pants, then we’ll grab your nads, dip them in alcohol and then amputate them. Are you following me camera guy? Thats rip, grip, dip and snip.

Are you suffering from that annoying condition known as pregnancy?  No problem. Obamacare will spare no expense and get you the best doctors that middle class American tax dollars can buy.

How painless will Obamacare be? This is the best part. You won’t need to read countless insurance plans to decide what’s best for you.  It’s the same process our congressman and senators took to pass Obamacare.

See what I’m telling ya? You’ll be saying wow everytime you need healthcare.

Disclaimor:  Side effects of Obamacare include more national debt, excessive diagnostic wait times, rationing of services, higher taxes, stronger healthcare unions, higher mortality rates.”