Out Of The Mouth Of Babes…

Eva LongoriaEva Longoria recently made the following statement:

“Everyone on Wisteria Lane has the money of a Republican, but the sex life of a Democrat.”

However, as many on the right side of the political spectrum know, the Desperate Housewives actress has it all backwards. David Frum’s piece in last Sunday’s edition of the National Post has some great information that should shed some light on the darkness of bank accounts and bedrooms.

Over the past 15 years, it is the Democrats, not the Republicans, who have emerged as the party of upper-income America. In 2000, Al Gore beat George Bush among the 4% of voters who described themselves to exit pollsters as “upper class.” In 2004, John Kerry won nine of the 10 richest zip codes in the United States.

We all know John Kerry, a Democrat, has married only the richest of the rich. So the idea that Republicans are the ones with the money is slowly falling on the wayside.

Addressing the sexual side of things, David Frum continues:

As for sex — well, it turns out that it’s Republican (and especially Republican women) who have it more often and better. The two strongest predictors of Republican affiliation in America are (1) marriage and (2) church attendance. These are also the strongest predictors of female sexual satisfaction. The authoritative 1995 University of Chicago survey Sex in America found that conservative Protestant married women were the group most likely to report that they “nearly always” orgasmed during sex. Married women of all religions were almost twice as likely as unmarried women to describe their sex lives as “extremely satisfying.”

Wow!! I always knew that sex between Republicans had to be better because Republicans tend to care more about OTHERS. It is too often the “Me! Me! Me!” attitude of Democrats that would lead to the wham bam thank you ma’am.

The same caring attitude that leads to the above statistics are about to be released in a book by Professor Arthur C. Brooks of the University of Syracuse called Who Really Cares. Here is another snippet from David Frum’s piece which I highly urge you to go read. You will feel better about being politically to the right.

Consider for example this one fundamental liberal/conservative dividing line, the question “Do you believe the government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality?” In a major 1996 survey, 33% of Americans gave the liberal answer, “yes”; 43% gave the conservative answer, “no.”Those who gave the conservative answer were more likely to give to charity than those who gave the liberal answer. And when they gave, they gave much more: an average of four times as much as liberal givers.

Correct for income, age and other variables, and you find that people who want government to fight inequality are 10 points less likely to give anything at all — and when they did give, they gave US$263 per year less than a right-winger of exactly the same age earning exactly the same money.

So there we have it. Those on the right side of the political spectrum are not the richest, have better sex and are more generous when it comes to charities.

Who would have thunk it?

H/T to my friend Sandie for this one.

Dr. Marla Swings And Misses On Stem Cell Research. CTV Strikes Out.

I guess we can now conclude that the CTV is pro-embryonic stem cell research.

Earlier this month, the CTV received Strike One and Strike Two on their understanding of stem cell research. Today, on Canada AM, they received Strike Three.

What bothers me most about this strike is that it was by their heavy hitter, Dr. Marla Shapiro. She visited a stem cell research clinic at the Ottawa Hospital here in my city and in the piece they showed a photo which they described as “EMBRYONIC stem cells that COULD lead to a cure for Parkinson’s” and then they immediately flip to a woman who has had her life dramatically change for the better due to ADULT stem cell therapy.

As this website has pointed out on several occasions, there has not been a single succesful therapy or cure discovered via EMBRYONIC stem cell research. The successes are all attributed to ADULT or UMBILICAL stem cell research which are two types of research I fully support.

Strike Two For CTV On Stem Cell Research Stories

After reading Joel over at Proud To Be Canadian with regards to Kate Wheeler promoting stem cell research healing hearts, I have to also point out that this is strike two against the CTV. They continue to promote ADULT STEM CELL RESEARCH SUCCESS but do not differentiate that ADULT STEM CELLS are what were used and not Embryonic Stem Cells. This lack of perspective means that many who are not scientifically familiar believe that all stem cell research is successful and worth investigating. We know this is not the case but the CTV doesn’t help educate others of this fact.

I must point you to CTV’s Strike One where they did not differentiate between the different types.

I must also point you to my story (or Ann Coulter’s) outlining the successes of ADULT and UMBILICAL Stem Cells and the lack of success using embryonic stem cells.

Spread the gospel please. The world needs to know that there IS a difference between the three types of stem cell research and which are proven successes (ADULT AND UMBILICAL) and which are not (EMBRYONIC). It is obvious that the MSM has ignored the differences and that they are manipulating people’s views by leaving out a description of these differences. Shame on the CTV.

CTV Wrongly Goes Ambiguous In Defence Of A Canuck

This morning on Canada AM, the crew I enjoy watching threw a curve ball out there when discussing the stem cell research position Michael J. Fox holds and the criticism Rush Limbaugh gave Mr. Fox. The conversation appeared to make Rush Limbaugh out to be a monster for criticizing Michael J. Fox’s promotion of candidates who support stem cell research.

I am one who thinks Rush may have crossed a line and I was glad to hear he apologized, but I must point out that CTV made Michael J. Fox sound like a hero without giving the story due diligence.

There are many types of stem cell research, as I have reported in the past. And for Michael J. Fox and the CTV to not differentiate which ones are being discussed is wrong. From Mr. Fox’s perspective, he has a vested interest in any research which may cure his Parkinson’s so he is biased. From the CTV’s perspective, they should report the differences.

These include the fact that Adult stem cell research has cured many things, as has umbilical cord stem cell research, whereas embryonic has not cured anything. The first two are legal in most western nations. It is the embryonic stem cell research that is in question.

I think both Mr. Fox and the CTV need to do a bit more homework.

Swingers Can Swing, And Eastern Ontario Bar Says Smokers Can Smoke

This is going to be a fun one to watch legally. After the Supreme Court of Moonbattery okayed sex in “swingers clubs” because they were private, a bar in eastern Ontario is looking to cause similar waves by opening a “smokers club” to get around the laws in Ontario.

As 20 people smoked cigarettes and cigars while being served drinks by contract workers, club spokesman Mike Kennedy said he will continue operating until he’s “taken out in handcuffs.”

The club, Doolittles, has already been charged for violating the Smoke-Free Ontario Act. Kennedy said the club is private because only paying members are allowed inside.

He said the Supreme Court of Canada recently upheld the rights of private swinger’s clubs in Quebec to allow sexual activity on the premises and questioned why smokers shouldn’t have the same freedom.

I think we all know the downside to smoking and second hand smoke, but I think this one will be especially interesting as the Supreme Court has ruled on a similarly run facility in favour of the facility.

I’ll keep an eye on the case and let you all know how it goes.

Safe Injection But No Safe Inhalation

I just read a post and a dozen or so comments at Jesse Gritter’s blog regarding safe injection clinics. And although I usually share many views Jesse has, I have to say that in this case I have to disagree.

Something is definately wrong in this country when we ostracize smokers, boot them out of every government building, out of every restaurant and push the smokers off hospital property to have a smoke but we provide a nice cushy private room with a sink and free needles for heroin addicts to shoot up.

Think about that. We are punishing those who put taxes into the government coffers by using a legal substance and we give law breaking heroin addicts a nice cushy place to shoot an illegal substance into their veins.

And now the Harper government is giving the clinics enough money to stay open for at least another year.

Why Stephen…..why????

Caledonia Natives Hurt In Fire, Medicine Man Invisible As They Get Taken To Tax Payers Hospital

There was a fire in one of the partially built homes on the disputed land in Caledonia. You can read about this in the Hamilton Spectator

In an effort to further piss off those supporting this land claim I would like to ask “Where is the medicine man?”

Six Nations Fire Chief Michael Seth said the blaze in the unfinished home had been extinguished by the time his firefighters arrived at the Argyle Street South property. He said the injured were people on the site, “that were fighting the fire prior to our arrival.”

They suffered smoke inhalation and were taken to hospital.

In my opinion, our health care system is a co-op. We all pay taxes into it, and we all get a certain amount of free healthcare. Yet natives are tax exempt.

I am expecting some major backlash in my comments on this one but I really couldn’t care less. I think we are all here in Canada as equals, only some are treated more equal than others. My goal is to expose the inequalities and this is a big one.

Stephen Lewis – Fired By The UN

I thought I would point out that last night the CBC says that Lewis will be leaving his post with the United Nations at the end of this year.But in an interview I saw with him, he openly admitted that he would love to stay on but the choice was not his, but it was the U.N.’s.

i.e. He got his ass fired.

What does a Dipper have to do to get fired by the most useless left leaning political entity in the world? I mean you can sit around collect a paycheck, keep your mouth shut and be happy for decades working for the UN, yet he got fired.

Ottawa – We'll Crack (Pipe) You Up

Back in 2005, Ottawa City Council introduced free “crack pipe kits” to be distributed to crack smokers in an effort to reduce the spread of Hep C.

At that time, many people such as myself and Police Chief Vince Bevan said that it was a bad idea. I had numerous email conversations with my councillor Peggy Feltmate and the Associate Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Dave A. Salisbury. The emails were flying furiously and in EVERY email I asked Councillor Feltmate and the other city councillors to show me the study that says this crack pipe kit would benefit society.

Not once did I get an email pointing me to any facts. I did get email after email with lines like “it is our feeling that” and “it would be obvious to most that” and “we think that this is” but never once did someone say “Here is the study Steve.” or “Here is the link to the study Steve.”

I surfed for about 2 hours a day three weekends in a row looking globally for information to make me feel better about these crack pipe kits and there was nothing.

And now we have the first study out.

The University of Ottawa study, funded by federal, provincial and city governments, says the crack-user program is radically reducing the sharing of drug paraphernalia, which is the main cause of disease, but is also increasing the amount of crack smoking.

“We definitely saw an increase in crack smoking,” said University of Ottawa epidemiologist Lynne Leonard, “and it looked like a negative outcome of the program.

After all was said and done the program’s negative was more crack smoking. So now the percentage with Hep C and HIV will go down but the absolute number of drug abusers will go up.

I don’t know about you, but to me this is a pretty shitty trade off.


Have you ever gotten those emails with the annual Darwin Award winners? You know the ones that pick winners for the stupidest ways people die? The motto of the winners is “I don’t think, therefore I am not.” They are a classic example of thinning the herd.

I would like to know why they haven’t added “sharing drug needles” or “having unprotected sex” to these lists of insanely stupid ways to die? Instead they teach us to not have a strength contest by hanging on a freeway overpass railing. Or they teach us not to get off a bus moving 60 MPH for a cigarette.

At the International HIV/AIDS conference going on in Toronto Bill Gates gave the cure out, but very few people heard him.

You see, Uganda has dramatically reduced HIV in their nation by implementing something called ABC.

A – Abstinence
B – Be Faithful
C – Condomize

Yet the crowd in Toronto was so upset at the mention of “abstinence” that they booed so loud the B and C parts were drowned out. Every person at the conference who booed and dies of AIDS should be a Darwin Award winner.

Are the attendees at this conference so hard up (pardon the pun) to shove their unprotected peckers between a couple of hairy buns that they would risk their lives for it? I would classify this as Darwin Award winning behaviour, wouldn’t you?

This disease can be licked in a single lifetime. Our lifetime. All that we need to do is follow the ABC method and stop sharing drug needles. We don’t need billions on research for a cure. We already have it.

It’s easy as ABC folks.