Out Of The Mouth Of Babes…

Eva LongoriaEva Longoria recently made the following statement:

“Everyone on Wisteria Lane has the money of a Republican, but the sex life of a Democrat.”

However, as many on the right side of the political spectrum know, the Desperate Housewives actress has it all backwards. David Frum’s piece in last Sunday’s edition of the National Post has some great information that should shed some light on the darkness of bank accounts and bedrooms.

Over the past 15 years, it is the Democrats, not the Republicans, who have emerged as the party of upper-income America. In 2000, Al Gore beat George Bush among the 4% of voters who described themselves to exit pollsters as “upper class.” In 2004, John Kerry won nine of the 10 richest zip codes in the United States.

We all know John Kerry, a Democrat, has married only the richest of the rich. So the idea that Republicans are the ones with the money is slowly falling on the wayside.

Addressing the sexual side of things, David Frum continues:

As for sex — well, it turns out that it’s Republican (and especially Republican women) who have it more often and better. The two strongest predictors of Republican affiliation in America are (1) marriage and (2) church attendance. These are also the strongest predictors of female sexual satisfaction. The authoritative 1995 University of Chicago survey Sex in America found that conservative Protestant married women were the group most likely to report that they “nearly always” orgasmed during sex. Married women of all religions were almost twice as likely as unmarried women to describe their sex lives as “extremely satisfying.”

Wow!! I always knew that sex between Republicans had to be better because Republicans tend to care more about OTHERS. It is too often the “Me! Me! Me!” attitude of Democrats that would lead to the wham bam thank you ma’am.

The same caring attitude that leads to the above statistics are about to be released in a book by Professor Arthur C. Brooks of the University of Syracuse called Who Really Cares. Here is another snippet from David Frum’s piece which I highly urge you to go read. You will feel better about being politically to the right.

Consider for example this one fundamental liberal/conservative dividing line, the question “Do you believe the government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality?” In a major 1996 survey, 33% of Americans gave the liberal answer, “yes”; 43% gave the conservative answer, “no.”Those who gave the conservative answer were more likely to give to charity than those who gave the liberal answer. And when they gave, they gave much more: an average of four times as much as liberal givers.

Correct for income, age and other variables, and you find that people who want government to fight inequality are 10 points less likely to give anything at all — and when they did give, they gave US$263 per year less than a right-winger of exactly the same age earning exactly the same money.

So there we have it. Those on the right side of the political spectrum are not the richest, have better sex and are more generous when it comes to charities.

Who would have thunk it?

H/T to my friend Sandie for this one.

One thought on “Out Of The Mouth Of Babes…

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    November 25, 2006 at 4:25 pm

    ok so maybe Eva was wrong about this, but she is still fit so dont have a go anyone…..

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