Minister Ambrose Tips Hand On Tory Environmental Policy

For all the hard knocks Environment Minister Rona Ambrose has been taking, she has stood tall defending the “Made In Canada” plan that she and her Ministry have been working on.

The NDP and Liberals have pounded away on the Tory budget claiming it had minimal spending for the environment and that it just shows the weakness in the Tory plan.

But what’s this? A sneak preview? Could the Tories possibly knock Jack back a step?

Tentatively dubbed Green Plan II, it will include a Clean Air Act with long-term targets and new money for national parks, sources said.

It’s being touted as the most wide-ranging program of its kind since former Tory Prime Minister Brian Mulroney announced his $3-billion Green Plan in 1991.

The strategy will include a clean water framework, a clean technology strategy, regulation of toxic chemicals and new measures to clean up contaminated sites, said a source who has been briefed on its contents.

The environmental assessment process is also expected to be revamped.

Lest we forget who the Greenest Prime Minister in History was. If this plan even comes close to the original Green Plan, then I think the current administration will have a home run on it’s hands.

H/T Kerplonka

UN Resolutions At The Heart Of The Crisis 1559 And 485. What The Hell Are They?

Nothing like a few rockets and missiles to make an average Joe go digging for facts. Wikipedia is a great source. The two UN resolutions I hear quoted most throughout this conflict are 1559 and 485.


United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559 was a resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council on September 2, 2004. It called upon Syria to end its military presence in Lebanon by withdrawing its forces and to cease intervening in internal Lebanese politics. The resolution also called on all Lebanese militias (including Hezbollah) to disband.


Israel is ALSO in violation of UN Resolutions regarding the Farms of Shebaa. (I heard this one on CFRA yesterday from a caller)


Israel’s view is that the area is not covered by United Nations UN Security Council Resolution 425 that governs its withdrawal from southern Lebanon. That resolution asks for Israel to withdraw from Lebanon according to the line its forces were positioned at before the May 14, 1978 invasion.

The United Nations and most of the world community, including Israel, agree that Shebaa Farms is part of Syria.

The United Nations looked at more than ninety different maps of the region. Only one of them—which was deemed a forgery—showed the Sheba’a Farms as Lebanese.

With the UN determining the Farms of Shebaa are part of Syria, and Syria making no effort to change maps or draw the line in the sand regarding where the border between them and Lebanon is, the Israelis were found to have adhered to Resolution 485 by the UN.

Stephen Harper Thanked By Six Lebanese Organizations

This has to spread and the blogosphere needs to do the grunt work so please help out.

We, the undersigned, representatives of the six Canadian Lebanese organizations that are listed below, extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Canadian government, represented by Prime Minister Mr. Stephen Harper and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Peter MacKay, for the correct, just and prompt positions they have taken with regard to Lebanon and the unfortunate military confrontations that are occurring on its soil as a result of the reckless hostile actions of the Hezbollah group that violate the will of the Lebanese people and the decisions and authority of the legitimate government of Lebanon. The actions and conduct of Hezbollah are extremely harmful to the interests of Lebanon and the Lebanese people, and obstruct progress of the peace process in Lebanon specifically, and in the Middle East in general.

We also thank the government for its wise and effective efforts with respect to its handling of all measures for the evacuation of Canadian citizens from Lebanon, the safeguard of their security, and their safe return to Canada.

We call on the Canadian government to continue its interventions through the United Nations and the Security Council to secure an immediate truce in Lebanon based on UN Resolution 1559, which explicitly calls for the disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias, the deployment of the Lebanese army along the border with Israel, and the extension of the authority of the Lebanese government over all Lebanese territory.

Signatories of the statement

Elias Bejjani/Lebanese Canadian Coordinating Council (LCCC)
Toni Mouanis/Canadian Lebanese Human Rights Federation (CLHRF)
Noel Haddad/Phoenician Club of Mississauga (PCOM)
Khalil Kaekati/Canadian Phoenician Community Services Club (CPCSC)
Charbel Constantine/Canadian Lebanese Christian Heritage Club (CLCHC)
Colonel Charbel Barakat/World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU)-Canadian Chapter

Unless I am mistaken, Toni Mouanis and his family were recently interviewed on CTV after getting out of Lebanon via Syria. Toni’s story of fighting through red tape, bribes, etc to get home was an extraordinary affair. To have someone who did not even take advantage of the Canadian evac plan make a statement like this says a lot about the man and the validity of this letter.

I bolded a key part of the letter that everyone should pay attention to.

H/T DustMyBroom

Also posted at, Rootleweb, Judeoscope, ConservativeLife , Political Staples but you won’t find it at CTV, or CBC, or Canwest, or GlobeandMail, or Toronto Star, or Ottawa Citizen, or any other MSM that I know of. I will update this post as I spot more of this article. It just goes to show you that until the MSM gets off their moonbat asses, the blogosphere will continue to help make the news equal.

One Canadian Gets Press, One Blogger Bites Back Fiercely

This is simply beautiful. I urge everyone to read the statements of these two men. One is a Canadian business man from Halifax, and Lebanese consul, who has the luxury of getting quoted by the MSM and the other is a Canadian man who has only his key board and a bit of server memory in the blogosphere.

I think the MSM is paying attention to the wrong Canadians right now because Mark’s “rant” is not really a rant but a well crafted, logical, emotionally unemotional response.

CTV Bias Ties Harper To Bush But Leaves Some Knots Missing

The CTV, in what amounts to severely biased reporting, is continuing to tie Stephen Harper to George Bush. ConservativeLife has pointed out the following headline.

Harper, Bush blame Hezbollah for current crisisYou might think this is accurate but the title omits three key facts:

1) (as pointed out by ConservativeLife) Liberal leader Bill Graham agrees with Bush and Harper.

But more importantly,

2) The G8 was unanimimous in their statement on the situation putting the blame squarely on Hezbollah, this they fully agree as well.

and (to tie in the bias)

3) Two key executives at CTV’s parent company ran the Ontario campaign for the Liberal Party of Canada in the election last January.


I smell fish and it isn’t even Friday.

Irwin Cotler Already On The Record Regarding Israel And Her Fight For Survival

I am really curious what Irwin Cotler thinks about the current state of affairs in the Middle East and what he thinks of Stephen Harper’s statements. Oh wait, he already wrote something about this back in 2004 for the Jerusalem Post.

Israel and the Jewish people have been singled out for differential and discriminatory treatment in the international arena — and worst of all — singled out for destruction. The time has come to sound the alarm — not only for Israel and the Jewish people whose safety and security is under existential threat and attack — but for the world community and the human condition as a whole. For as history has taught us only too well, while the persecution and discrimination may begin with Jews, it doesn’t end with Jews.

I urge all Liberals to read the whole article.

Want Another Bong Hit Nancy?

I often hear stories of people who don’t remember what happened the night before, or when they were in college, or when they were on that day-glo covered busride across the US with Ken Kesey and Neal Cassady in the 1960’s but to hear about someone railing for the opposite of something they voted for is not familiar to me…until today.

Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is calling on the president to immediately declare that the U.S. will start bearing the costs of evacuating its citizens from Lebanon, instead of charging them, saying, “A nation that can provide more than $300 billion for a war in Iraq can provide the money to get its people out of Lebanon.”

But the president isn’t authorized to reverse the policy — which requires citizens to pay commercial fare plus a dollar for government evacuation — since it’s encoded in the 2003 Foreign Relations Authorization Act. That law was approved by the House and the Democratic controlled Senate in 2002. Pelosi herself voted for the measure.

I think Nancy Pelosi should contact Kevin Trudeau and take his Mega Memory course.

H/T to ShamTheToryMan

Definitions Of "Measured" and "Captured"

Since Stephen Harper is being criticized for his use of the word “measured” with respect to the Israeli response to “kidnapped” soldiers I thought looking at the situation from a different perspective is in order.

From Dictionary.comv. meas·ured, meas·ur·ing, meas·ures
v. tr.

  1. To ascertain the dimensions, quantity, or capacity of: measured the height of the ceiling.
  2. To mark, lay out, or establish dimensions for by measuring: measure off an area.
  3. To estimate by evaluation or comparison: “I gave them an account… of the situation as far as I could measure it” (Winston S. Churchill).
  4. To bring into comparison: She measured her power with that of a dangerous adversary.
    1. To mark off or apportion, usually with reference to a given unit of measurement: measure out a pint of milk.
    2. To allot or distribute as if by measuring; mete: The revolutionary tribunal measured out harsh justice.
  5. To serve as a measure of: The inch measures length.
  6. To consider or choose with care; weigh: He measures his words with caution.
  7. Archaic. To travel over: “We must measure twenty miles today” (Shakespeare).

I would tend to think that number 7 is the usage Harper was getting at but they all really mean the same thing. Something that is compared, taken into account, evaluated etc.

So here we go. Since January (yes I said January) there have been 1000 or so shells fired into Israel from southern Lebanon. Did the Israeli’s respond? No. They showed incredible restraint by not reacting to these acts of violence.

Last year Lebanon held its’ first elections since 1976 and Hezbollah runs on a platform promise of wiping Israel off the map and wins 35 of 128 seats in the new parliament and Israel sits back with patience and restraint.

Hezbollah, an elected entity in the NATION of Lebanon crosses an INTERNATIONAL border and kills 8 Israeli SOLDIERS and CAPTURES 2 Israeli SOLDIERS and Israel finally reacts.

You really need to stop and think about this. The captilized words are the keys here.

Lebanon is, indeed, a nation. Israel is a different nation. Soldiers from one nation crossed the border and attacked soldiers of the other. This was not just a kidnapping. This was an act of war by any nations standards. In acts of war, soldiers are not kidnapped, they are captured so when you hear the MSM say “kidnapped Israeli soldiers” you can rewrite that as “captured Israeli soldiers”.

For Israel to arrive at the response they have is not unrealistic, nor unexpected. It is how almost any nation would have reacted to an attack on its’ soldiers. They closed down bridges into and out of the country, they bombed the airports and they cut off access via the sea. Was this to prevent innocent people from leaving? No. This was to cut off supply lines just as any good military movement is trained to do. This was to close off the escape route of the un-uniformed Hezbollah fighters who seem to melt into the crowds when push comes to shove.

This was the first step in a “measured” response to what has to happen for Israel to get her soldiers back. It was a “measured” response to wake up Lebanese voters to boot Hezbollah from Parliament. It was a “measured” response to neutralize an enemy who has sworn to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

Do I feel for the Lebanese who are not part of the Hezbollah arm of parliament or the Shite laden southern part of the nation? Yes.

Do I feel that Israel may be doing Lebanon a favour in the long run by doing the dirty work that the pearl of the Middle East has not been able to do for itself? Yes.

Do I feel that for Canadians to choose such a hostile country to vacation in was a poor choice? You bet.

Do I feel for the families of the Canadians (including the one Israeli soldier who spent his summers in Montreal) who have died in this battle? With every bit of my heart.

But the better good is being served by this battle and in the long run, the Middle East will be better off for having this terrorist organization out of Lebanon, out of the Lebanese parliament and out of ammunition.