Minister Ambrose Tips Hand On Tory Environmental Policy

For all the hard knocks Environment Minister Rona Ambrose has been taking, she has stood tall defending the “Made In Canada” plan that she and her Ministry have been working on.

The NDP and Liberals have pounded away on the Tory budget claiming it had minimal spending for the environment and that it just shows the weakness in the Tory plan.

But what’s this? A sneak preview? Could the Tories possibly knock Jack back a step?

Tentatively dubbed Green Plan II, it will include a Clean Air Act with long-term targets and new money for national parks, sources said.

It’s being touted as the most wide-ranging program of its kind since former Tory Prime Minister Brian Mulroney announced his $3-billion Green Plan in 1991.

The strategy will include a clean water framework, a clean technology strategy, regulation of toxic chemicals and new measures to clean up contaminated sites, said a source who has been briefed on its contents.

The environmental assessment process is also expected to be revamped.

Lest we forget who the Greenest Prime Minister in History was. If this plan even comes close to the original Green Plan, then I think the current administration will have a home run on it’s hands.

H/T Kerplonka

One thought on “Minister Ambrose Tips Hand On Tory Environmental Policy

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 20, 2006 at 11:49 pm

    I think Rona Ambrose is such a strong person — I figured she’d eventually silence her critics.
    She’s not the sort to go into things half-measure. This is good news.

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