UN Resolutions At The Heart Of The Crisis 1559 And 485. What The Hell Are They?

Nothing like a few rockets and missiles to make an average Joe go digging for facts. Wikipedia is a great source. The two UN resolutions I hear quoted most throughout this conflict are 1559 and 485.


United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559 was a resolution adopted by the United Nations Security Council on September 2, 2004. It called upon Syria to end its military presence in Lebanon by withdrawing its forces and to cease intervening in internal Lebanese politics. The resolution also called on all Lebanese militias (including Hezbollah) to disband.


Israel is ALSO in violation of UN Resolutions regarding the Farms of Shebaa. (I heard this one on CFRA yesterday from a caller)


Israel’s view is that the area is not covered by United Nations UN Security Council Resolution 425 that governs its withdrawal from southern Lebanon. That resolution asks for Israel to withdraw from Lebanon according to the line its forces were positioned at before the May 14, 1978 invasion.

The United Nations and most of the world community, including Israel, agree that Shebaa Farms is part of Syria.

The United Nations looked at more than ninety different maps of the region. Only one of them—which was deemed a forgery—showed the Sheba’a Farms as Lebanese.

With the UN determining the Farms of Shebaa are part of Syria, and Syria making no effort to change maps or draw the line in the sand regarding where the border between them and Lebanon is, the Israelis were found to have adhered to Resolution 485 by the UN.