Stephen Harper Thanked By Six Lebanese Organizations

This has to spread and the blogosphere needs to do the grunt work so please help out.

We, the undersigned, representatives of the six Canadian Lebanese organizations that are listed below, extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Canadian government, represented by Prime Minister Mr. Stephen Harper and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Peter MacKay, for the correct, just and prompt positions they have taken with regard to Lebanon and the unfortunate military confrontations that are occurring on its soil as a result of the reckless hostile actions of the Hezbollah group that violate the will of the Lebanese people and the decisions and authority of the legitimate government of Lebanon. The actions and conduct of Hezbollah are extremely harmful to the interests of Lebanon and the Lebanese people, and obstruct progress of the peace process in Lebanon specifically, and in the Middle East in general.

We also thank the government for its wise and effective efforts with respect to its handling of all measures for the evacuation of Canadian citizens from Lebanon, the safeguard of their security, and their safe return to Canada.

We call on the Canadian government to continue its interventions through the United Nations and the Security Council to secure an immediate truce in Lebanon based on UN Resolution 1559, which explicitly calls for the disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias, the deployment of the Lebanese army along the border with Israel, and the extension of the authority of the Lebanese government over all Lebanese territory.

Signatories of the statement

Elias Bejjani/Lebanese Canadian Coordinating Council (LCCC)
Toni Mouanis/Canadian Lebanese Human Rights Federation (CLHRF)
Noel Haddad/Phoenician Club of Mississauga (PCOM)
Khalil Kaekati/Canadian Phoenician Community Services Club (CPCSC)
Charbel Constantine/Canadian Lebanese Christian Heritage Club (CLCHC)
Colonel Charbel Barakat/World Lebanese Cultural Union (WLCU)-Canadian Chapter

Unless I am mistaken, Toni Mouanis and his family were recently interviewed on CTV after getting out of Lebanon via Syria. Toni’s story of fighting through red tape, bribes, etc to get home was an extraordinary affair. To have someone who did not even take advantage of the Canadian evac plan make a statement like this says a lot about the man and the validity of this letter.

I bolded a key part of the letter that everyone should pay attention to.

H/T DustMyBroom

Also posted at, Rootleweb, Judeoscope, ConservativeLife , Political Staples but you won’t find it at CTV, or CBC, or Canwest, or GlobeandMail, or Toronto Star, or Ottawa Citizen, or any other MSM that I know of. I will update this post as I spot more of this article. It just goes to show you that until the MSM gets off their moonbat asses, the blogosphere will continue to help make the news equal.

One thought on “Stephen Harper Thanked By Six Lebanese Organizations

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    July 22, 2006 at 2:12 pm

    Why is it that we Canadians have to pay for these people who do not pay Canadian taxes and are citizens of convenience?? This is absolutely minority appeasement..

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