Prediction: Israel Kills Several UN Soldiers While Targetting Syrian Weapons Shipments Into Lebanon

Shortly after Israel announces that it will break the ceasefire to destroy weapons shipments coming into Lebanon from Syria, the UN acts quickly to put itself between Israeli weapons and Syrian weapons (but does nothing to stop the imports themselves)

Annan said that the UN force would be able to deploy along the Lebanese-Syrian border to help prevent weapons shipments to Hezbollah, but only if the Lebanese government asked for such help.

Lebanon, to date, has neither asked for this nor ruled it out – but Syrian President Bashar Assad has strongly objected.

Why in the heck is the UN force being deployed along the Lebanese-Syrian border? Are they not supposed to be deployed between the Lebanese-Israeli border?

Oh wait a minute. If the UN is between Syria and Lebanon, then the terrorists will have plenty of blue UN vehicles to use to cruise the terrorists and their weapons around and now the headline makes sense.

H/T ProudToBeCanadian

One thought on “Prediction: Israel Kills Several UN Soldiers While Targetting Syrian Weapons Shipments Into Lebanon

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 591
    August 26, 2006 at 2:21 pm

    The last two sentences of the Yahoo article say a great deal, don’t they? I hope Canada stays well out of this mission. I hope I’m wrong but I can only see this getting worse.


    Annan said that the UN force would be able to deploy along the Lebanese-Syrian border to help prevent weapons shipments to Hezbollah, but only if the Lebanese government asked for such help.

    Lebanon, to date, has neither asked for this nor ruled it out – but Syrian President Bashar Assad has strongly objected.

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