Smackdown – Karzai Not Meeting Layton?

Walking out the front door I just heard that Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai has accepted invitations to meet with PM Stephen Harper and leader of the opposition Liberals Bill Graham, but that Jack Layton’s request to meet with Karzai has not received a response.

It may yet come, but if it doesn’t it serves Jack right.  You reap what you sow Jack, and you planted a big bunch of shitseeds in Afghanistan.  Now you can eat the shitburgers that your planting has sown,

ASIDE: today you should stop by here between noon and 1pm to see how big the gathering is that is taking place on Parliament Hill.

Red Friday On Parliament Hill

I told you it was spreading. This was in my inbox from the Conservative Party of Canada. I’ll be there with a red and white umbrella (in case the rain forecasted shows up) and my camcorder.

The wives of two men serving in the Canadian Forces have started a grassroots effort to send a message to our soldiers.

The concept of wearing something red – whether a red shirt, jacket, cap, bandana or whatever – every Friday is meant to let the soldiers and their spouses and children know they are not alone.

We appreciate the sacrifices they are making on our behalf. We thank them for their service to our country and their fight for peace and justice wherever in the world they are sent.

With that in mind, a massive public rally is being planned for “Red Friday”. This is a non-partisan, non-political rally in support of Canadian troops and their families:

* Friday Sept 22, 2006
* Parliament Hill, Ottawa
* 12:00 Noon – 1:00 PM

Police officers, firefighters, city staff, politicians of all stripes, OC Transpo staff, paramedics, United Way workers, private businesspeople and the general public will join a colourful parade of veterans as they show respect and thanks in a very public way.


For more information on supporting our troops, visit

CBC=Chopping Block Central (and I'm all smiles)

The following exchange took place in Question Period yesterday and all I can say is good riddance. Now I do have to ask the question. In light of his “resignation”, is Fournier going to pull a Dingwall and get a giant kiss off package? He is the one who made ridiculous remarks last weekend and he is the one who resigned. I certainly hope he just skulks away into the shadows to never return again.

Mr. Luc Harvey (Louis-Hébert, CPC):

Mr. Speaker, can the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women tell us whether Guy Fournier, the chairman of the board of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, still has the confidence of the government, given the statements he has recently made in the media?

Hon. Bev Oda (Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women, CPC):

Mr. Speaker, Mr. Fournier was appointed as chair of CBC Radio-Canada by the previous Liberal government. He has increasingly lost the confidence of Canada’s new government.

I would inform the House that I have received the voluntary resignation of Mr. Fournier effective today. This will enable this new government to make an appointment that reflects the importance that we put on the role of the chair of CBC Radio-Canada.

Is Afghanistan Winnable? Damn Straight It Is!!

It may take several years and an hard border between Pakistan erected, but it is possible.

I hear so many people say that the Russians couldn’t do it with over 100,000 troops. Well the Russians had to face an American backed force when they came to Afghanistan. The battle took place at the height of the cold war and may in fact been a big part of how the Americans sucked the resources out of the Soviet Union, which helped them win the cold war.

This time, the strong American economy, the strong Canadian economy and the strong British economy are behind the stabilization. The Russians may or may not be involved on the other side of the fence, but I really don’t think it matters. The need to treat Afghanistan like a meat grinder is starting to show. If the west puts in small amounts of troops, they will just be ground to bits slowly but surely by the populous militants flowing back and forth across the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. But if you stuff the meat grinder with so much meat that it can’t turn, the grinder comes to a halt.

The Canadians are on the brink of shaming the French and Germans into sending more troops to help in the south. The Americans are calling for more troops. Even Bill and Hillary Clinton support this idea. Poland just announced another 1000 troops. The Canadians are mobilizing the Van Doos early. Tanks will be rolling in to choke the meatgrinder. This is what Afghanistan needs.

It’s the right move to free the Afghan people from the tyranny of living under the Taliban.

Why We Need To Teach Geography Better Than We Do

Today I had the opportunity to work for three or so hours at a booth for the riding association that promotes our Minister of Defence at a local fair. We had our literature and maple leaf pins and little Canada flags out which are a hit with the kids, but we also had a few big art books out for people to write a message to the troops which our Minister of Defence would take with him the next time he gets to Afghanistan.

I was doing my part in asking anyone who came over if they wanted to write a note to the troops and what amazed me was that I had so many parents turn to their kids and say “Do you want to right a note to the army in Iraq?”

Each and every time I made it very clear to the children (and parents) that we have no troops in Iraq but that our troops were in Afghanistan in support of a UN sanctioned mission with troops from dozens of other nations and that we were helping them stay safe so little girls and boys could go to school and learn to read and write. I tried to do this as cordially as I could so as not to offend the parents but to help them subtly understand the difference.
I was just amazed at how the moonbat brainwash machine has done it’s job in seeding the concept that Iraq and Afghanistan are one in the same.

Red Friday #2 – The Wave Seems To Be Growing

Yesterday I wore red again. I also noticed that instead of 1 in perhaps 100 wearing red, I saw perhaps 1 in 20 wearing red. I had to make a beeline down to the Richmond Fair yesterday to drop off some things for our EDA booth and noticed the gatekeepers wearing red and asked them if it was Richmond Fair attire or for Red Fridays and both gatekeepers responded it was for Red Fridays.

My wife and I both were wearing red when we went out for our usual Friday night dinner (which happened to double as T-Bone’s birthday dinner – He turned 14 yesterday) and I noticed that on average there was one person in each family wearing red. My wife says that people just wear red, but I couldn’t help noticing it was usually an elderly person or the male in the family wearing red. It may have been a coincidence, but I would rather guess that people are catching on to this idea here in Ottawa.

Next Friday at Noon is the big gettogether on Parliament Hill from noon until 1pm. I wish the kids were out of school so I could bring them down with me, but instead I will try to hook up with a couple of other bloggers for the gathering and a late lunch.

On that note, if anyone in the Ottawa area is going to be down at the Richmond Fair, stop by the Conservative Party booth. I will be there from 9am until 1230pm today. (don’t forget to bring me a double double!!)

Swingers Can Swing, And Eastern Ontario Bar Says Smokers Can Smoke

This is going to be a fun one to watch legally. After the Supreme Court of Moonbattery okayed sex in “swingers clubs” because they were private, a bar in eastern Ontario is looking to cause similar waves by opening a “smokers club” to get around the laws in Ontario.

As 20 people smoked cigarettes and cigars while being served drinks by contract workers, club spokesman Mike Kennedy said he will continue operating until he’s “taken out in handcuffs.”

The club, Doolittles, has already been charged for violating the Smoke-Free Ontario Act. Kennedy said the club is private because only paying members are allowed inside.

He said the Supreme Court of Canada recently upheld the rights of private swinger’s clubs in Quebec to allow sexual activity on the premises and questioned why smokers shouldn’t have the same freedom.

I think we all know the downside to smoking and second hand smoke, but I think this one will be especially interesting as the Supreme Court has ruled on a similarly run facility in favour of the facility.

I’ll keep an eye on the case and let you all know how it goes.

OSTV Is On The Air

OK so I stole the catch phrase from SCTV.SCTV

After the Granola Policy Conference last weekend, I had created three new videos bringing my total at youtube to five. With the new session of parliament coming up, I think the footage will be fast and furious so I have a feeling this online TV network will be growing nicely.

In fact, it already has. Lunatic Fringe has been viewed over 250 times to date, Hit The Road Jack Layton almost 150 times, NDP Surfin’ On Heroin over 150 times.

But thanks to Blogging Tory TV, Dan The Man Matheson has been viewed almost 600 times. But far and away the most viewed has been the video on Why the WTC Towers Fell. This video has been viewed over 1100 times.

I can’t wait to get my WinTV programmed for QP on CPAC starting Monday. I think it’s going to be a great fall session.

Ottawa City Councillor Gets A Nice Plug At Taxpayer's Expense

As of last week, the Runge newspaper called the Kanata Courier stopped printing its’ usual article by our Kanata Councillor Peggy Feltmate. Some feel it is the newspaper’s way of appearing non partisan. But others wonder if it isn’t a way for them to get some cash from potential candidates instead of providing space for free.

What’s the big deal you might ask?

Well this may seem like a small item in a small newspaper in a small part of Ottawa, but in last weeks Courier, it appears that the incumbent councillor has used city funds to pay for a quarter page ad which highlights her name, her position and her photo in the top half of the advertisement. Although I don’t think any law was broken, this is just an awful tactic that I (and many others) do not like because it is my tax dollars that paid for promotion of her name and photo in the lead up to the municipal elections. (click image to enlarge)

Councillor Feltmate may say that the Expo is what was being promoted, but you can look at the advertisement and judge for yourself.

I must point out that the contact info is Feltmate’s city email address so one can only assume it was tax dollars buying the space. Why should Feltmate use her own campaign funds when our tax dollars are far more effective until the election?

I did notice the councillor has her usual weekly column in the EMC, another local Kanata newspaper. The new edition of the Courier should be on my doorstep tomorrow. If there is another “special event” which the Councillor takes advantage of, I will be sure to add another post tomorrow evening.

Once again, the taxpayers get OfficiallyScrewed.