Ottawa City Councillor Gets A Nice Plug At Taxpayer's Expense

As of last week, the Runge newspaper called the Kanata Courier stopped printing its’ usual article by our Kanata Councillor Peggy Feltmate. Some feel it is the newspaper’s way of appearing non partisan. But others wonder if it isn’t a way for them to get some cash from potential candidates instead of providing space for free.

What’s the big deal you might ask?

Well this may seem like a small item in a small newspaper in a small part of Ottawa, but in last weeks Courier, it appears that the incumbent councillor has used city funds to pay for a quarter page ad which highlights her name, her position and her photo in the top half of the advertisement. Although I don’t think any law was broken, this is just an awful tactic that I (and many others) do not like because it is my tax dollars that paid for promotion of her name and photo in the lead up to the municipal elections. (click image to enlarge)

Councillor Feltmate may say that the Expo is what was being promoted, but you can look at the advertisement and judge for yourself.

I must point out that the contact info is Feltmate’s city email address so one can only assume it was tax dollars buying the space. Why should Feltmate use her own campaign funds when our tax dollars are far more effective until the election?

I did notice the councillor has her usual weekly column in the EMC, another local Kanata newspaper. The new edition of the Courier should be on my doorstep tomorrow. If there is another “special event” which the Councillor takes advantage of, I will be sure to add another post tomorrow evening.

Once again, the taxpayers get OfficiallyScrewed.