OS Bookshelf – Predator by Patricia Cornwell

For those who have enjoyed the trials and tribulations of M.E. Kay Scarpetta and her friends, this book will be a nice treat. This one is actually not the latest considering a new one was just released (but my book reading list has been long).

Predator takes you back and forth from the warm citrus growing Florida (where Lucy has set upCornwell-Predator shop with her special tactical investigation organization) to the North East where Benton Wesley is working on a program to analyze hardened killers brain patterns in an intricate mesh of relationships.

Who is playing who? You just have to read the book to figure out where all the bad guys are coming from.

This was an easy read for me as I was pretty much engrossed in it from about the third chapter on and I recommend it to anyone who has been reading the Scarpetta series. For those jumping in brand new, it may be a bit confusing picking up who is who, but the storyline does fit in the one book so knowing the history of the characters is not really necessary.

I give it 7 screws out of 10.

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