Canada Day In Kanata Blows Away City Of Ottawa Celebration Plans

Every year since I have moved to Kanata (except one) there has been a huge celebration of our nation’s birthday at Walter Baker park in Kanata. This year, the City of Ottawa fired a shot across the bow of this celebration in Kanata by posting signs on every light standard in the Kanata promoting their own event at a different park in Nepean.

I contacted my local city coun. Peggy Feltmate who assured me that we would be having a celebration in Kanata. But this year the celebration will be anything but usual. The planners for the Kanata celebration have managed to get famous rockers 54-40 to play at the venue. They have a better Pizza sponsor. They have a better hillside for viewing both the band and the fireworks. And this year in addition to the usual blow up rides their will be a midway in the parking lot of the KRC and the Sens Roadshow will also be present making it far better than any other Canada Day celebration I have been to here in our small corner of the city.

I urge anyone who is in the west end of Ottawa or the outlying areas south or west of the city to drop by and make sure this celebration is a huge success … again.

Both festivals run three days with Kanata running Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday and the Ottawa festival running Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

What has me sold on Kanata this year is the prime band on Canada Day. Kanata will have Canadian rock legends 54-40 whom I have been a huge fan of since high school (I think that dates me). As some of you may know 54-40 is the band that wrote and originally performed the song I Go Blind which Hootie and the Blowfish have covered. They have also had numerous hits which many will know. Baby Ran, One Gun and Ocean Pearl to name a few.

The Kanata celebration pizza sponsor is also a local chain called Gabriel’s and Ottawa has the cookie cutter Toronto chain Pizza Pizza. In my opinion, no self respecting Ottawa resident orders from Pizza Pizza. The chain’s only reason for success is the large contingency of Toronto residents who have moved to the nation’s capital and haven’t discovered the cheese being used by Ottawa pizzarias which seems to be the key to a great pizza. One day. But not this Canada Day!!

I was proud to contact the organizers of the Kanata celebration today to offer my help in promoting the event and to offer my help on Canada Day itself. I look forward to seeing many of you who feel Parliament Hill gets too busy in Kanata this year. It will definately be a blast!!

One thought on “Canada Day In Kanata Blows Away City Of Ottawa Celebration Plans

  • Notice: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 590
    June 21, 2006 at 3:55 am

    the “other” canada celebrations is the third year angelo filoso (publisher of il postino) is attempting to make a name for himself outside the italian community. steer clear.

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