Dogged By Press?? It's Just A Day In The Life of Sir McCartney

After four years of marriage, vegetarianism and bashing the heads of seal hunters, Heather Mills and Sir Paul McCartney are separating.

“Our parting is amicable and both of us still care about each other very much but have found it increasingly difficult to maintain a normal relationship with constant intrusion into our private lives, and we have actively tried to protect the privacy of our child.

“Separation for any couple is difficult enough, but to have to go through this so publicly, especially with a small daughter, is immensely stressful.

“We hope, for the sake of our baby daughter, that we will be given some space and time to get through this difficult period.”

Are they serious? When I heard this news on the radio this morning while driving to work, I actually laughed!! The absurdity of it all. I mean how much public scrutiny is too much for an ex-Beatle? The man has been swarmed, chased, had panties thrown his way, and had groupies track his every move. He has been met at airports by not only thousands of fans but by dignitaries, politicians and heads of state. The man was in, arguably, the most famous band in history. Yet the scrutiny is too much for him now?

I think there is something else going on here that we aren’t hearing about. Let me tell you why I think this.

  1. Stars these days seem to be using marriage, separation and divorce announcements to gain headlines.
  2. I had no clue the two had a daughter, yet they mention it three times in the short clip above.
  3. No pre-nup signed and he is 25 years her senior with a net worth in excess of a Billion dollars.

Something just smells fishy here. I think Paul just got officially screwed out of half of his fortune.