Bye Bye Liberal Gravy Train … errrr … Gun Registry

Today, the Auditor General’s 2006 report came down hard on the management of costs of our gun registry. You can soften it with professional accounting terms, but the bottom line is that the gun registry is toast. They blew their budgets but not only that, they lied to parliament about the 2003-2004 fiscal year expenses.

The overrun of about $20 Million needed to be disclosed to parliament and was not. The Liberals will try to downplay it saying they consulted with legal and financial experts, but the bottom line is they still did not disclose it and pushed the expense out to the next fiscal year.

For those that are not familiar with this form of accounting, it is the same type of accounting that got Enron into trouble and is sending people to jail. It’s a shame Canadians are more easy-going than our American neighbours because if this had happened in the USA, there would be several people wearing black and white stripes and eating bread and water right now.

I highly urge you all to give it a gander. Once again, our Auditor General has probably saved Canadians not only millions, but probably billions. I just want to take this space to thank Sheila Fraser and her team.

A job well done.