I Could Have Been His First Blogger

Tossing and turning in the warm Ottawa night and something hit me in my half awake-half asleep stupor.

With regards to the battle between the Prime Minister and the Parliamentary Press Gallery, if they had opened up the list to non PPG people like … ohhhhh … shall we say … ME the MSM could have been drooling over bloggers, much as they were during the election campaign when bloggers such as MK Braaten, Stephen Taylor, Craig Smith and Steve Janke who were busting open stories such as the Income Trust scandal and the exorbitant expenditures for relocation that included hotel bills in Cancun and Hawaii.

But I can just see it now. Had Mr. Harper given an interview to a lowly blogger like me, the MSM would have ripped him a new one with headlines like “Harper gives Officially Screwed Interview” or they could have posted a photo of me next to the PM with a subtitle like “Officially Screwed By P.M.”

Needless to say, Stephen Harper DID give Officially Screwed a brief 90 second interview when I met him at the Senators-Capitals Hockey game on March 2nd. He was both cordial and friendly and showed actual interest in my blog.

But that night I had the luck of being seated a mere 35 or 40 feet from the PM and he took the opportunity for a photo op a scant 10 seats over from where I was sitting. As much as I loved the ease and friendliness he gave when I approached him to say hi and congratulate him on the recent win, I now shudder to think how close someone with bad intentions could have come to him.

In light of the recent news of the intent of one of the Toronto 17 to behead him, I hope our PM takes a far more secure approach to his public appearances. The country needs him to lead for several more years in order to straighten out the mess Dat Der Guy From Shawinigan put us in.

Long live the PM and the BPG (Blogger Press Gallery).

Now back to bed for me.

Ottawa Bloggers – And Then There Were Four

In an effort to keep things honest on the Ottawa Valley Blogroll, I have gone through the sites that were on the list and, with a heavy heart, removed those who have not chosen reciprocate by adding the roll to their sites.

Harsh? No. Just tough love. I still have many of those removed on my personal reading list. But in fairness to those who have put the link up, I have gone ahead and done the dirty deed.

If anyone out there in the Ottawa Valley wishes to be included (or readded), simply follow the link below for details on how to do so. I check my email regularly so it shouldn’t take more than 24 hours before you are added.

Instructions for joining Ottawa Valley Bloggers

MK Braaten (and North American Patriot) Is Are Packing It Up…

… and bloggers like me are pretty bummed out over it.

MK Braaten had a special gift for putting a good financial spin on subjects. His work in clarifying the Income Trust scandal for Canadians was just great. His answers to “tax”ing questions was much appreciated and I urge Blogging Tories all over to drop by his site and send thanks (or beg him to blog on)

Thanks Matt. You will be missed by many of us who enjoyed dropping by to read your words.

Best of luck to you.

ADDENDUM:  North American Patriot is also packing it up.  This is truly a sad day.  Two of the bloggers I enjoy(ed) reading most have called it quits.  I want to point out WonderWoman (North American Patriot) was one of the most outspoken, strong voiced, (not to mention hot) blogging tories out there.  I had the pleasure of being part of a small crew with her that boycotted Tim Hortons for over 30 days until they agreed to open a Tim Horton’s at the Kandahar airport for our boys in Afghanistan.

She will also truly be missed by many bloggers on the right side of both center and issues.

Keep fighting the Legion of Doom in your own way WW.  Best of luck to you too.

Diversity Thy Name Is Tory

I just surfed over to the Phantom Observer’s site to get the URL for one of the bloggers that showed up at our Ottawa Blogfest from the other night.

I glanced at the photo and was reading the Phantom’s post when something struck me. It may not be the most politically correct thing to note, but still, it is reality and I thought I would mention it here.

Six of us bloggers showed up. All were Conservatives. And to throw something in the face of anyone who thinks Tories are nothing but rednecks, I noted the following.

Two of us were visible minorities. One was a student. One has French background. One is Greek in ethnicity and one lives in Ontario but has roots in Quebec.

How diverse can you get? I’m incredibly pleased to know that there is such diversity among conservative minded people in this country.

Ottawa Valley Blogroll

After the last meeting of the Ottawa Valley Bloggers, the hype is starting up for the next one (about a month out from now). In light of this, and the difficulty I had trying to find Ottawa Valley Bloggers, I have started an Ottawa Valley Blogroll. It is currently sitting on the right hand column of this page.

Ottawa Bloggers United

Well, I just got back from a nice 3+ hours hanging out with a few of the local blogging personalities and I learned the following

1) The Phantom Observer really wears a fedora like in the web image atop his site.
2) There were six of us (which to be honest) was more than I was expecting, but less than I had hoped for. Next time around we’ll try to make it more.
3) I am a major neophyte when it comes to both politics and blogging.

We, basically, just sat around and gabbed about various issues that have come up recently, but also about the election in general. What I really enjoyed about this was the receptiveness to discuss politics. The old adage “Never discuss religion and politics” seemed to fit when it came to talking to my friends and family. Politics always ended up creating awkward moments with them. But to be able to give my poor wife a break from my daily rantings was something I think she enjoyed. I think I’d love to do these get togethers regularly if only for her sanity’s sake!!

So who showed?

Click the image to enlarge. From left to right we have ShamTheToryMan a die hard Canadiens fan. I forgot to express my apologies about Jose “putting the Pro in Propecia and Professional” Theodore. Then we have the fedora-wearing Phantom Observer, Victor. To his left we have J.P of Hawkwatch2. J.P. is the only one of the bunch I had met before tonight. Next is me, Steve. (Lord I look awful…the flash reflection in my glasses makes me look like a zombie!!). To my left is Andrew, a very politically astute U of O student. And last but not least, Brent Colbert. A person many of you know is right, I know I do.

I’d like to thank them all for coming out for a decent night of gabbing with like minded folks. If anyone thinks this kind of gathering would be a good thing to have on a regular basis, please feel free to comment.

Ottawa Bloggers Unite!! – Marshy's Bar and Grill – Friday February 10th

Well I spoke to the manager of Marshy’s Bar and Grill and they should have no problem accommodating us. (NOT the one at the Palladium/CorelCentre/SomeBankName where the Sens play)

Location details are as follows.
Marshy’s Bar-B-Que & Grill
Date: Friday February 10th, 2006
Time: 7:30 pm until you want to leave
117 Centrepointe Drive,
Nepean, ON K2G 5X3

Many may remember this place as the old Don Cherry’s Grapevine.

Click Here for a pop up map to the location.

There are two sides, a restaurant side, and what they call a “college side”. We will be meeting in the college side. I would like to give them an idea of how many will be showing up, so if you are a for sure, please comment or Email Me.

Any word of mouth advertising would be appreciated by other Ottawa Valley Bloggers.

Addendum – Friday February 3rd, 2006 – 02:40pm EDT

I will be the one wearing something that says Officially Screwed.com on it. (hat, sweatshirt, etc). I am thinking I may be the one with a beer too.

For those interested, Here is a link to the OC Transpo bus route. The 178 right under the word BASELINE is where it is located. Anyone who plans on having a few pints might want to cab it, get a ride or take the OC Transpo (or any combination)

Bloc-Harper Add On – Hat Tip And More Info

When I had written about the Bloc-Harper advertisement on google adsense, and warned pro Tories out there to make sure they were on the blocked list, I had forgotten where I had read about the Bloc-Harper site so the details were shady.

From my comments:

Comments: Bloc-Harper was started by Sinclair Stevens last spring. I posted on this here

Click Here (URL removed due to size)

Stevens also registered the domain name for the website through a registered charity, the Royal Commonwealth Society of Toronto which was not a very good idea on his part, because the RCS has the Governor-General as it’s patron. See here

Click Here (URL removed due to size)

The domain has since been re-registered.

Thanks Bill. It was, in fact, your page which I had read all the juicy details above about Sinclair Stevens and the Rt. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson. Great posts.

Any Ottawa Valley Bloggers Want To Hook Up For A Meet And Greet?

Well, I noticed pictures up at N.A. Patriot’s site for a blogger gathering at the Fiddler’s Green in Toronto.

If anyone in the Ottawa area is up for a big blogger gathering in our neck of the woods, please post here in the comments.

I live out in (rural *snicker*) Kanata so am partial to having it out here, but I am open to suggestions.

I would think somewhere close to a bus route, cab access, hotel rooms for out of towners and plenty of parking would be a good idea.

Come on OttawaCore, Raging Ranter, Brent Colbert, ShamtheToryMan, Hawkwatch2, and anyone else in (or outside) the Ottawa Valley.

You up for it?

Tory Campaign Manager Thanks Blogging Tories

I just got an email I think every Blogging Tory may want to read. It describes a huge pat on the back from Conservative Campaign Manager Doug Finley.

At last nights reception, after Harper’s speech Doug Finley got up and thanked hordes of workers who gave their time and effort to the just cause. Right near the end he also thanked thanked the blogging tories and got a great applause. Guess some of us made a difference in our own way.

I’d like to think we had a part to play in the outcome too.

Addendum – January 27th – 09:08pm EDT

A bit more from a follow up email.

The band was playing until Harper came in and gave his speech thanking all the people who made the election victory possible ….After he left Finley(who by the way is married to Finley the M.P.) went up on stage and in his scottish accent he said we must also thank the B.T.’s This was near the end of Finley’s speech up on stage after he thanked many people on staff., the reception was rsvp at the Congress centre, live band, cash bar, canapes and finger foods, lots of big names and M.P.s. from what I observed, lots of YOUNG talent in that room no way we can lose with this team.