Ottawa Bloggers United

Well, I just got back from a nice 3+ hours hanging out with a few of the local blogging personalities and I learned the following

1) The Phantom Observer really wears a fedora like in the web image atop his site.
2) There were six of us (which to be honest) was more than I was expecting, but less than I had hoped for. Next time around we’ll try to make it more.
3) I am a major neophyte when it comes to both politics and blogging.

We, basically, just sat around and gabbed about various issues that have come up recently, but also about the election in general. What I really enjoyed about this was the receptiveness to discuss politics. The old adage “Never discuss religion and politics” seemed to fit when it came to talking to my friends and family. Politics always ended up creating awkward moments with them. But to be able to give my poor wife a break from my daily rantings was something I think she enjoyed. I think I’d love to do these get togethers regularly if only for her sanity’s sake!!

So who showed?

Click the image to enlarge. From left to right we have ShamTheToryMan a die hard Canadiens fan. I forgot to express my apologies about Jose “putting the Pro in Propecia and Professional” Theodore. Then we have the fedora-wearing Phantom Observer, Victor. To his left we have J.P of Hawkwatch2. J.P. is the only one of the bunch I had met before tonight. Next is me, Steve. (Lord I look awful…the flash reflection in my glasses makes me look like a zombie!!). To my left is Andrew, a very politically astute U of O student. And last but not least, Brent Colbert. A person many of you know is right, I know I do.

I’d like to thank them all for coming out for a decent night of gabbing with like minded folks. If anyone thinks this kind of gathering would be a good thing to have on a regular basis, please feel free to comment.

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