Tory Campaign Manager Thanks Blogging Tories

I just got an email I think every Blogging Tory may want to read. It describes a huge pat on the back from Conservative Campaign Manager Doug Finley.

At last nights reception, after Harper’s speech Doug Finley got up and thanked hordes of workers who gave their time and effort to the just cause. Right near the end he also thanked thanked the blogging tories and got a great applause. Guess some of us made a difference in our own way.

I’d like to think we had a part to play in the outcome too.

Addendum – January 27th – 09:08pm EDT

A bit more from a follow up email.

The band was playing until Harper came in and gave his speech thanking all the people who made the election victory possible ….After he left Finley(who by the way is married to Finley the M.P.) went up on stage and in his scottish accent he said we must also thank the B.T.’s This was near the end of Finley’s speech up on stage after he thanked many people on staff., the reception was rsvp at the Congress centre, live band, cash bar, canapes and finger foods, lots of big names and M.P.s. from what I observed, lots of YOUNG talent in that room no way we can lose with this team.