Lunatic Fringe – The NDP And Their Hatred Of George Bush

After blogging the single motion session of the NDP national convention Saturday morning from my cushy seat in front of CPAC, I started recording until my harddrive was jammed up (and violently ill from) NDP national convention footage. My only regret was not getting a copy of the “First nine times I saw George Bush’s name come up“.

But thanks to the suggestion from my friend Alan, I started putting a collage together. He also suggested the background music which I thought was incredibly fitting. (You can go read the lyrics of the tune here).

If you enjoyed “The NDP Surfin’ on Heroin” and “Hit The Road Jack“, then you should really enjoy this one. I think it is the piece de resistance, or more aptly put, the piece de resistance de guerre. Here is Lunatic Fringe-A tribute to the NDP.

Enjoy, because after this, I need a break and some relaxation…which I will get by bashing a few Liberals around.

p.s. don’t forget to rate it at youtube if you have the time.

If you can’t view the video above, try clicking here.

NDP Support Surfin' On Heroin

I love playing with Windows Movie Maker. Below is a video I made from a clip taken from the CPAC coverage of the NDP policy convention in Quebec City this weekend. Jim Green pointed out that his wife worked for the organization that created the safe injection clinic (in fact she was the president) and his daughter works for them. Talk about a biased opinion of safe injection.

I took the liberty of adding some commentary, some smokin’ music … errr … some shootin’ up music by a Canadian band called the Forgotten Rebels and uploaded to youtube.


If you cannot see it embedded above try clicking here

NDP Convention – Bush Count Hits 9 On CPAC

Last night I watched ten minutes of the NDP convention and heard George Bush’s name once.

This morning Alexa McDoughhead was interviewed and said George Bush’s name four times.

Laurel Gibbons was interviewed shortly later and the other NDP gentleman who was interviewed with her mentioned Bush once and that it was a war for oil. (I do commend Laurel for at least being supportive of the troops as she is married to a military man.)

ADDENDUM: 9:07 am – Paul Dewar just mentioned Iraq twice, Vietnam and Americans in his interview regarding his resolution. No mention of Bush, but he did just say people signed up to the military years before Iraq, implying they had no clue that they would end up in a war (morons) and it also shows that Paul Dewar and the NDP are trying to tie the current Afghani mission to the one in Iraq when Canadians are not even in Iraq.

ADDENDUM: 9:17 am Jack Layton gets the mic first and mentions Bush three times.

ADDENDUM: 9:38 am – After complaining that the vote to extend the mission last session in parliament only had 6 hours of debate, the NDP have a standing vote after 21 minutes to go to a vote on the resolution to remove our forces from Afghanistan immediately. They don’t have the 2/3rds needed to go to vote and debate continues. (Peter Stoffer is a real man and I would like to shake his hand.)

ADDENDUM: 9:46 am – A motion to defer the debate is made and debate on the referral begins.

ADDENDUM: 9:54 am – Vote to refer the motion fails and they move back to the main motion.

ADDENDUM: – 9:58 am – after a full 51 minutes debate, a full 5 hours and 9 minutes LESS than the debate in the house on this issue, the NDP pass a motion to resolve that they remove troops from Afghanistan immediately. (i.e. the NDPussy Motion passes)

NDP Propose To Ignore Maps Via Pullout Of Troops From Afghanistan

…by blaming the Iraq war. Stephen Taylor has busted out the NDP proposals for their national convention and in resolutions 6, page 3, they feel we should leave Afghanistan because the war in Iraq sucks. Ironically, we were in Afghanistan BEFORE the Iraq war.

I really wish someone in the NDP would look at a map of the middle east and figure out that Iraq is not Afghanistan and that there are no Canadian troops in Iraq.

WHEREAS the war on Iraq was based on the threat of weapons of mass destruction, and

WHEREAS there are not and were not any weapons of mass destruction; and

WHEREAS the Canadian mission in Afghanistan helped support the war in Iraq and the bigger picture which includes the control of oil in that region; and

WHEREAS the Canadian military mission in Afghanistan is a mission of military occupation; and

WHEREAS this mission aids the Americans and the transnational oil corporations in their lust for control of oil; and

WHEREAS war resisters in Canada are bravely communicating their difficult conscientious decision to abandon the amoral Iraqi war,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the NDP actively advocates for the immediate end of the Canadian military mission in Afghanistan

You have to love the cute little peaceniks. I bet the person who resolved this wore tye dye at one time and just forgot to take it off. I wore tye dye for a stretch of my life too, but then I grew up.

Let 'em Freeze In Caledonia

So now that the evenings are getting a tad cool, the natives who took over the housing development in Caledonia are looking for donations so they can finish off the homes that were started.

Janie Jameson, spokeswoman for the protesters, says no one wants to see the half-built houses “rot away” when they could be used for shelter during the winter.

She says protesters also need non-perishable food and warm clothing to help them maintain their occupation, which she says will only end when the land is returned to the Six Nations people.

I say let ’em freeze. Janie doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I would be glad to see the half built homes rot away and I am a part owner considering my tax dollars paid for the land and the half built homes. Let ’em build their own longhouses.

Considering a judge has ruled they must leave the land until the dispute is settled, I think that anyone donating to keep them there is aiding and abetting criminal activity and should be charged.

The OPP may be to chickenshit to get the natives off the land, but they certainly wouldn’t be too chickenshit to arrest some left leaning Canadian who would give these criminals comfort.

I think summer camp for these natives may be coming to an end as I predicted.

Environmentalistas Missed Protesting Olympics As Global Warmers

Ok, so maybe the title of the post is a bit misleading. Or is it?

After seeing this child, I had to point out the following.

When you ride a bicycle, you generate heat. Your body warms up as you burn calories. You vent most of it out through your head as every Canadian child is taught as a youngster. (wear your hat and all that).

So why do environmentalistas not complain about the heat being generated by bicycle riders? Or worse. Why are they not protesting outside the Olympic games?? How about at triathlons? Do you know how much the water is warmed with all those swimmers? Do they not know how much that can melt our polar ice caps?? For shame.

Ok, so my tongue is in my cheek. But one day soon, I will get enough energy up to burn on presenting some laws of conservation of energy and laws of thermodynamics.

Having Your Cake And Eating It Too

Ghosts of Mr. Dithers…

When the Lebanese Canadian evacuation wasn’t to the liking of left leaning Canadians, they criticized and said a slowdown was because the Prime Minister’s office was calling every shot.

When rumour got out that MPs were told to run all press releases/statements through the Prime Minister’s Office, the press and leftists fried PM Harper for being too controlling.


When Harper doesn’t show up at the Outgames, instead letting his Montreal based Cabinet Minister have the honours he gets sacked for not taking part.

And once again, after letting his Health Minister, Tony Clement, ably handle the responsibility of attending the International AIDS Conference, the Prime Minister takes a beating from the press and the lefties for not attending.

For all you moonbats, what’s it going to be? Do you want his hands in the cake or do you want him to let his team of chef’s do the baking?

Make up your freaking minds already.

Peace Mother Sheehan's New Neighbours Hate Her

Back on July 29th, I blogged about Cindy Sheehan buying land in Crawford Texas and moving in. Today Steve Janke points out that on her blog Peace Mother Sheehan (PMS) has quite a few comments from local neighbours and there is not a single supportive comment. Every one of them is negative, and one even seemed to imply that she got a bunch of dead fish guts (or something like that) delivered to her new place.

While reading the comments, there was a poem written by a Marine which I have reproduced below. I read it through and it really is quite touching. It really explains why we are taking it to the terrorists overseas.

Monsters and the Weak

The sun beat like a hammer, not a cloud was in the sky.
The mid-day air ran thick with dust, my throat was parched and dry.
With microphone clutched tight in hand and cameraman in tow,
I ducked beneath a fallen roof, surprised to hear “stay low.”

My eyes blinked several times before in shadow I could see,
the figure stretched across the rubble, steps away from me.
He wore a cloak of burlap strips, all shades of grey and brown,
that hung in tatters till he seemed to melt into the ground.

He never turned his head or took his eye from off the scope
but pointed through the broken wall and down the rocky slope.
“About eight hundred yards,” he said, his whispered words concise,
“beneath the baggy jacket he is wearing a device.”

A chill ran up my spine despite the swelter of the heat,
“You think he’s gonna set it off along the crowded street?”
The sniper gave a weary sigh and said “I wouldn’t doubt it,”
“unless there’s something this old gun and I can do about it.”

A thunderclap, a tongue of flame, the still abruptly shattered;
while citizens that walked the street were just as quickly scattered.
Till only one remained, a body crumpled on the ground,
The threat to oh so many ended by a single round.

And yet the sniper had no cheer, no hint of any gloat,
instead he pulled a logbook out and quietly he wrote.
“Hey, I could put you on TV, that shot was quite a story!”
But he surprised me once again — “I got no wish for glory.”

“Are you for real?” I asked in awe, “You don’t want fame or credit?”
He looked at me with saddened eyes and said “you just don’t get it.”
”You see that shot-up length of wall, the one without a door?
Before a mortar hit, it used to be a grocery store.”

“But don’t go thinking that to bomb a store is all that cruel,
the rubble just across the street — it used to be a school.
The little kids played soccer in the field out by the road,”
His head hung low, “They never thought a car would just explode.”

“As bad as all this is though, it could be a whole lot worse,”
He swallowed hard, the words came from his mouth just like a curse.
“Today the fight’s on foreign land, on streets that aren’t my own,
I’m here today ’cause if I fail, the next fight’s back at home.”

“And I won’t let my Safeway burn, my neighbors dead inside,
don’t wanna get a call from school that says my daughter died;
I pray that not a one of them will know the things I see,
nor have the work of terrorists etched in their memory.”

“So you can keep your trophies and your fleeting bit of fame,
I don’t care if I make the news, or if they speak my name.”
He glanced toward the camera and his brow began to knot,
“If you’re looking for a story, why not give this one a shot.”

“Just tell the truth of what you see, without the slant or spin;
that most of us are OK and we’re coming home again.
And why not tell our folks back home about the good we’ve done,
how when they see Americans, the kids come at a run.”

You tell ‘em what it means to folks here just to speak their mind,
without the fear that tyranny is just a step behind;
Describe the desert miles they walk in their first chance to vote,
or ask a soldier if he’s proud, I’m sure you’ll get a quote.”

He turned and slid the rifle in a drag bag thickly padded,
then looked again with eyes of steel as quietly he added;
“And maybe just remind the few, if ill of us they speak,
that we are all that stands between the monsters and the weak.”

Talk about touching.

ADDENDUM:  The term “Peace Mother Sheehan” was pilfered from one of my favourite blogs Peace Moonbeam Chronicles.  BTW, Peace Moonbeam is back!!!